Lower TTK

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xDeGuerrex, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. repairtool6

    Yeah, lower ttk please. Please. It simply needs to happen imo.

    Start conservative with ONE LESS stk at all ranges on all conventional guns (ar/carbines/lmgs) and then rework the balance on the 'special' ones from there(shotguns, snipers etc..)

    One less shot to kill. Please please.
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  2. SharpeShooter

    a medics AOE is indeed cheap but 75 infantry resources is not cheap!

    I like the TTk at the mo keep it the same! very few people want it raised.
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  3. Hicksimus

    Anybody who doesn't realize why TTK is viewed as an issue in this game has no idea what's happening behind the scenes and if they do then they fail to comprehend it.

    A person is crouching behind cover watching a door IRL and another person is about to run through it......who has the upper hand? The person hiding 90% of their body mass who already has their weapon aimed is going to shred the person playing Rambo.

    But in Planetside 2 the person playing Rambo scores a headshot maybe two before he even exists on the other person's screen. The other person will be lucky to make a mouse or keyboard input before they die.....if they choose to fight they are completely outmatched and if they choose to run they have no HP left.

    The issue with PS2's time to kill is that no matter how good your connection is you are seeing quite far in the past especially when the server is a madhouse. That means that a person who isn't on your screen can start and end a fight with you before you react.....even if they are right in front of you.

    It leads me to constantly playing Rambo to exploit the game's weakness.....I want to play a game where my reaction time and hand-eye coordination are more important than simply rushing around every corner in hopes that I get around the next corner before my enemy does.
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  4. SharpeShooter

    Reason the op post please! He wants to increase TTK not lower it!
  5. LibertyRevolution

    I made a character on briggs last night, even though i'm on us east coast.
    I had a 320ms ping, I FELT LIKE A GOD.
    I could run though groups of enemies, then gun them in the back and they don't even know I'm there until its to late.
    I now understand how these people make these awesome youtube, high ping and keep moving = GOD MODE.
  6. Doomzzg

  7. Sledgecrushr

    Im happy with the ttk as it is. I would even go so far as to say that this is a more realistic model than other shooter games out there.

    Body armor, most games apparently have you play in your pajamas. Why else would you be getting kills with just 4 bullets.

    Listen, this isnt afghanistan. The foe on auraxis are all wearing pretty decent high end body armor and personal bullet deflecting shields.
    Even todays modern us military the infantry can withstand many hits from high powered assault rifles. I think the ttk is spot on
  8. Metallic123

    Shh, I like this idea. Our 10 extra bullets will have value.
  9. Epic High Five

    Then grab a low zoom no sway bolt action. If you're good enough, one shot one kill and you're invisible 95% of the time. Or a rocket launcher. Or a Dalton. Or a pump action. or or or

    The options are there. Avail yourself of them.
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  10. DevDevBooday

    It would be completely offset. Higher TTK would just push players from spray and pray weaponry, to more precision guns eg, Corvus, SABRE and Reaper DMR. The reason being that like with the Halo franchise, Higher TTK makes it a game about who gets the most headshots. People will go with accurate weaponry that gets headshots easily and so out performs any other weapon.

    It will just descend into a shotty snipers game type.

    HAs will just run around with rocket launchers exclusively.

    Higher time to kill will turn the game completely on its head. All mechanics that have been constantly refined over the past year will be thrown out the window.
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  11. KnightCole

    Im not the OP, but id change the Headshot mechanics

    Headshot damage is only a 25% boost to your damage

    Headshots are again protected by NWA and Shields against all Small Arms Projectiles, exluding Sniper Rifles(EM4, M77, 99SV, Gauss SPR) the like.

    That way Headshots are not like Iwin buttons, but instead little boosts that will increase your chances of winning a 1v1.

    Not to mention, make those that hack less able to just insta win...
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  12. Elrohur

    The problem also comes from the base design, not only TTK. Standing still in this game usually means death.
    A very low TTK is nice for game such as Counter Strike and somehow RTCW:Enemy Territory because then you effectively position yourself to cover the few predefined path leading to the objectives and you have a consequent timer before respawning.
    There can be so many people in a PS2 fight and so many way to flank / back you while standing on a defensive position that you sometimes cannot react to the threat even if you're on position to cover and shoot.

    This game should either have a very low TTK but with infantry base fight build around it (less paths / way to flank enemy positions) or have a higher TTK and leave you the opportunity to fire back when caught off guard (by an LA or Infi for example).
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  13. Clay

    Please do NOT lower TTK. The rather high TTK is needed in a game of this scale because otherwise high skilled players would only farm the infantry like no tomorrow without players on the lower skill end could even react. That way even unskilled people can at least damage enemies to help winning the fight. It also encourages tactical play more because you can not kill a larger group of enemies very fast without support from other players (as infantry). I think the TTK is already very low on some weapons (gimme a cycler TRV and 2 guys in front of me.. dakkadakkadakka
  14. Unclematos7

    It only went down for those who wore nanoweave on all classes 24/7.
  15. Akeita

    Finally I found someone who love SAW and ignore EM6...
  16. Ash87

    Half say the TTK is painfully long, half say it's way too short.

    I don't see a problem, so I'm going to go with: Lets not change anything. Plus Paperlamp's points were better than the people arguing for higher TTK. Positioning should be rewarded.

    The only thing that I see as a long term problem with the low TTK, is that it kind of backs the devs into a corner on weapon design. You can't really make guns -that- much more powerful, because at that point we start playing whack-a-mole every time we pull the trigger. But, that isn't ruinous so, lets just keep going as we have been going.
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  17. DrPapaPenguin

    I suggest playing drunk, and TTK will rocket through the roof. Well, yours at least.
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  18. Epic High Five

    High five yo

    The EM6 isn't a BAD gun, and is quite deadly, but I feel like it doesn't do anything better than the SAW but definitely does to many things much worse.
  19. LucasPiazon

    ps1 ttk. make it happen SOE.
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  20. WorldOfForms

    I'm curious, for those who think the TTK in this game is painfully long, how old are you? I don't mean your maturity has anything to do with it. What I mean is, were you around to play older FPS games, like from the 90s and early 00s?

    PlanetSide 1 had a noticeably longer TTK than PS2. In fact, it had probably the longest TTK of any FPS game I've ever played. It was also the most fun FPS game I've ever played. I'm not saying it was the most fun due to TTK, but rather that the TTK didn't hurt the game's enjoyment for me.

    I'm also not saying all games should have a long TTK, but I wish there was more variety. Modern shooters have gotten progressively shorter TTKs to where there seems to be no going back. People are used to it now, and the see something like this game's TTK (which feels fast to me) as "painfully long."
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