[NC] ∞ Recursion ∞

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Exploding Fist, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Sayl914

    Thank you for your application to Recursion, your application is not "rotting" the last modification to your application thread was Sunday, December 8th 2:32 PST. Please be patient as a recent acquisition of players has slowed down our application process as we adjust to our new needs.
  2. FouckingBamn

    Gah, my bad. I kept thinking that I applied earlier for some reason. Sorry for being impatient.
  3. Badname1652

    Bump for the best aim/tactics of all NC on Connery. I believe my top killer is sicsempertrex and his noob tube :p also, how can I contact Lythca?
  4. Coltorl

    Message xLythca he should be playing a lot during this Double EXP weekend.
  5. RobotNinja

    Have you tried Banana Phone?

    • Up x 1
  6. Badname1652

    No I do not believe I have...
  7. Coltorl

    I love you silencer
  8. Patroclusx

    Hello wanted to give a shout out from TR (cik). I lead the drop squads for The recon team within (cik) and I love the fights we have with yall. Always a challenge and never the same old tactics. I recommend this outfit to any nc player who wants to play on a higer level. Keep up the great work guys. Look forward to fighting you on the battle field.
  9. ViXeN

    Recursion is by far the best outfit I have played against on Connery so far. They are right up there with NuC. :eek:
  10. Lythca Frost

    Thanks for the kind comments!

    For others to note: We are still doing rather selective recruitment. If you are looking for an outfit that does both tight single squad play and platoon sized tactical operations, hit us up at recursion.tk.
  11. Lewk

    Joined recently, great bunch. High end players without the egos/drama. If you are a good player and want a mature (most of the time lol) group, app and come run with us!
  12. VaIhall

    You guys are alright even though when you drop on me I feel like I want to hack your computers and destroy them with a magical virus but thats just momentary anger.
  13. Sayl914

    Thank you for your interest in Recursion if you are interested in filing a complaint in hopes that Recursion will cease "dropping" on you please visit our website at recursion.recursion.tk and the officers will take appropriate action.
  14. eufie

    Silly Lythca... Getting the site wrong. ]:
  15. Kukuguy

    Somehow we have more BR100s than BR90s
  16. Lythca Frost

    We DO have a lot of BR100s! Too bad BR means very little in this game past the first 40 :p
  17. StRicKeN

    Hey Lythca, i'm still interested in playing some PS2 with you guys to see if this is the right outfit for me. My HD died so I've been offline a little while but I just got a new SSD and I'm downloading everything right now so I should be back on PS2 within the next couple of days. I'll need your Mumble info again if you're still looking for players.
  18. Lewk

    Wait, Lythca, two br100s on the same server o_O? was this pre-merge?
  19. Renuse

    Good fights with these guys, if your looking for a high quality NC outfit hit these guys up. GLHF from SOLx!
  20. Akeita

    Wish they ignore age factor or reduce it to 16 or so tho :(