My Fellow Mattherson TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CptFirelord, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. EliteEskimo

    Losing BCP was one of the best things to ever happen to Mattherson. He made the server so dam toxic towards TR, and due to his trash talk he did a massive amount of damage to the overall way people communicated. He was a big part of what caused Civil wars with other outfits within the TR, and he mentally scarred Mattherson Vanu to the extent many of them still trash talk like BCP was still here and they still bring up his name from time to time. Luckily the TR and NC on Mattherson are back to normal. We definitely could use more numbers since we currently win alerts even with the least population at times. However other than NUC are there any other outfits you would considered skilled that Mattherson TR would gain from the merge?
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  2. avulsion

    I hope you're not referring to this NS7, who sabotaged tonight's global Amp Station alert by ordering his outfit to repeatedly TK members of FRZA in the spawn room at Freyr while it was under attack by the VS and NC. He even went so far as to ask who was in charge of FRZA beforehand, and our platoon leader spoke up, assuming naturally that he wanted to discuss strategy and coordinate a defense. Instead, he opted to kill I don't think this guy has the TR's best interests in mind:


    Teamkilling seems to be a serious problem for Mattherson TR, take this fine fellow for example:

    He starts off by tank mining several TR vehicles, then moves on to shotgunning a number of FRZA members. When CahalTR tries to put a stop to his rampage, Yousch proceeds to call him out on proximity chat, accusing CahalTR of being a teamkiller. Two members of 903 and one member of AOD jump at the oppourtunity to repeatedly kill CahalTR without bothering to examine any evidence (like for example, Cahal's killboard:!/5428069961291612337/killboard )


    The lack of professionalism displayed by some members of the Terran Republic on Mattherson is alarming. The infighting and general willingness to shoot allies at the drop of hat likely contributes to poor performance during alerts.
  3. Leal

    Clearly the plan of gokus is to simply exist on their TR alts, which will cause the other TR to constantly teamkill them and get weapons locked, making them unable to fire at the enemy or even use their repair guns or mediguns. Or jump in vehicles and hang near other TR vehicles, when the TR tks their vehicles the debris will fly off and destroy the other TR vehicles

    I'm onto your game gokus, you can't trick me.
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  4. Spacedad

    I'm relatively new to planetside 2, and have been playing off and on with [goku] since thanksgiving. Tonight was a load of fun playing with TR, but I guess some people saw us and took what we were doing (playing the game normally) the wrong way, overreacting. Oh well! I liked fighting alongside the TR - 99.99% of you guys are great team players, and other than the weird command chat drama, the bizarre tking by an itty bitty minority of TR was just a minor speedbump in an otherwise great experience. :)
  5. CptFirelord

    FRZA is as welcome on the TR as a thorn is in your foot.

    You're hated. Get used to it. Don't let your ego get overinflated either by that statement. You aren't hated because you're good, you're hated because you're annoying as hell.

    Yousch teamkills, that's his thing. We've all learned to accept it. Same with Captain Ameda.

    NS7 did a great thing. You aren't wanted on the TR, go back to playing with your overpowered pewpew guns.

    I will thank you though for at least attempting to fight against severe Vanu overpop, and apologize for my rude comments and behavior towards you last night in command chat.
  6. munglay

    If you think VS guns are overpowered, you've never played VS. I would LOVE for for a decent AR selection, and for all my guns to have an extra 10 rounds of ammo with supremely manageable recoil, but that's a discussion for another thread. Holding some dumb internet grudge because we like to spam chat is not justification for mass teamkilling, it's sad and speaks volumes about your faction. Ever stop to think that maybe that kind of logic and immaturity is part of TR's overall problem? I suggest growing up, yes, the guys who spam GINYU FORCE RULES is telling you to grow up, that happened. You guys couldn't stand BCP, so why tolerate known teamkillers who are just as lousy? Help get rid of them. When TE dissolved TR's performance on Mattherson skyrocketed, purge your population of a few more obsessive weirdos and you're golden.
  7. Dramaticus

    You're just gonna have to accept that we are occasionally going to drag your group of idiots and milspergs children to victory whether you like it or not
  8. dngray

    I have been the the VS on Matherson from the beginning and it always bothers me that we get way less credit than we diverse. Yes we have the highest pop but we are also a finely tunes killing machine. I very much miss playing against the buzz and the enclave. They brought a whole new meaning to organized warfare. I also enjoy fighting the TR the most on Matherson. Cheers
  9. munglay

    As an addendum, there are other VS outfits that dislike us, but even they have the basic human decency to put that dislike aside during a crisis and you know, not teamkill us over some insignificant slight. Therefore, you have no excuse. I haven't lost complete faith in TR, the few of them that have a sense of humor are a blast to play with. I'll be adding EliteEskimo to my buddy list, for certain.

    You're kidding right? No sane person could unironically enjoy TE's presence. Their "organized warfare" involved throwing 4 platoons into a single base while they lose all the territory around them. Mattherson had cancer and its name was BuzzCutPsycho. Their zerg rushing and unapologetic racism won't be missed. When they quit, TR finally started getting sh*t done.
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  10. hollow tip

    we'll let me do a run down for all the TR i know ON the Matterson server.

    ns-7 a wannabe Buzz cut psycho. In command chat he orders all solo Tr players to play with an out fit and have happy magic fun time.

    BWC they are hit and miss they do well some times and then get crushed other times. But they do pull their weight.

    AOD a mega group that runs over most of their own players. only good when they out number the enemey.

    903 don't know who they are at all can't say much about them.

    VG good group of players some times they win some times they lose it al depends on proverbs ability to take command.

    then of course my outfit as well.
  11. Spacedad

    Goons since planetside 1 have always gone out of their way to try to push the buttons of enemy factions by doing goofy things.

    It speaks to how effectively you've let your buttons be pushed by smacktalk and chatspam that you even felt compelled to make a remark about play skill level. It also makes me want to play the game even more, because HOT DAMN do I ever want to ruin the day of someone who puts more stock in their own perceived skill than a humble little low-cert newbie like me. You need to get a thicker skin.

    Planetside 2 is a game - and games involve sportsmanship, and like it or not, when someone is playing with your faction, unless they're going out of their way to sabotage, they're effectively your teammates. And a good sportsman treats their teammates with respect. Thankfully most TR players are good sportsmen.

    That said, I find it troubling that your grudge against my outfit is so petty that you prefer the company of TKers who sabotage your alerts over an outfit from another faction who is trying to act as good-faith teammates doing an alt-ops night. Fortunately you do not represent the TR on this server at all, in my opinion, because the overwhelming majority of TR players I met were great team players and great sports who I look forward to playing alongside again on future alt-ops nights.
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  12. CptFirelord

    My grudge isn't against your outfit, it's against your whole faction.
    I don't condone teamkilling, anyone who knows me can tell you that. I don't make a note to surround myself with people who would love doing this either. NS7s little charade of killing your outfit repeatedly was a great laugh. VS in distress is something I enjoy most thoroughly. However, I shouldn't have let your true colors get in the way of what you were trying to do. I didn't fire on a single FRZA member last night, and I certainly didn't have any thoughts to. Would I prefer the company of someone I've played with, gotten to known, and respected as opposed to easymode Vanu scum? Yes.

    I do apologize for my actions last night, and my lack of respect for your outfit. I don't know you anyway besides as "Enemy". I was acting quite immaturely last night, and this morning in my post and for that I apologize.

    I was certainly being uncharacteristically harsh, blunt, and jaded last night towards your outfit. You were just having fun on alt night like the rest of us. Ask around, people who have fought with me or talked with me know my deep hatred for all things Spandex, and know that I was certainly acting.. not like myself last night.

    I... look forward.. to your next alt night. Perhaps we'll meet on more pleasant terms.
  13. CptFirelord

    We don't tolerate these teamkillers. EXOC is still here, and they make a note to teamkill anyone who so much as looks at them in the wrong way repeatedly until either the player swaps continents, or logs out. Yousch is the same, and Captain Ameda. The truth of the matter is we can't do anything about it besides teamkill them back, or reporting them. And we all know how terrible SOE is with responding to tickets / player reports.
  14. Giggily

    I've never heard of NS7 before his thread or even realized that his outfit existed. They really need to show people's full outfit names when you kill them instead of just when they kill you because this is my first time learning about the apparently infamous NSX Nanite Systems Mercenary Corps.
  15. Spacedad

    So you don't condone teamkilling except when you condone teamkilling. And you don't have a grudge against our outfit except when you hold a grudge against our outfit for coming over to your faction.

    I'm not really sure what to believe from any of what you said. But if you just want to play the game, whatever.
  16. Spacedad

    On TR, our members were all encouraged by outfit leadership last night on mic chat to report the tkers to SOE. In most online games, reports against an individual player that are filed by a large number of people tend to get moved up the queue ladder for customer support quicker. We'll be happy to diligently report the tkers in your faction whenever we see them behaving badly until SOE sees fit to deal with the problem you have in those particular malicious players in a more permanent manner.
  17. BaronVonVirtu

    I wouldn't call it quite as distress, more as amused amazement that a chunk of TR command basically came to an incredible grinding halt and threw the alert to Vanu to TK a bunch of alt characters playing a TR night because we're spying on you guys or something.

    After pondering why TR world population would ocasionally drop to 22-26% on Mattherson ever given how fun their guns are to use, it appears that the faction sets their own home on fire if they start losing an alert.

    Well, thanks, though I wouldn't exactly want to have irrational hatred of a faction's players in a video game considering how easy it is to have multiple characters.

    We'll likely be back in 2 weeks. ;)
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  18. Spacedad

    There were jokes about us playing TR for the next month because of the drama that rose up around us in coms chat last night though.

    I say 'jokes' but more like 'possibility.' ;)
  19. CptFirelord

    I laughed last night when I heard you were getting teamkilled, yes. Do I think it was proper for you to be getting that sort of treatment? No.

    I held a grudge against your outfit last night for reasons I don't even understand. I don't like you, that's no secret. But I shouldn't have let those faction barriers get in the way when you were playing TR.
    It's good to know someone else actually reports players.
    NS7 I doubt will get banned, but Yousch will certainly. I'll wager that 50% of his kills are friendly fire.
  20. CptFirelord

    And that's why these guns fail us time and time again giving the VS a victory almost every single alert since the introduction of ZOE (clarifying, ZOE is no longer a problem).


    I've found that guns feel easymode when you swap from one faction to the next. Presumably that's why many feel VS guns are easymode, NC guns are easymode, or TR guns are easymode.

    Stats-wise most of the guns are fairly well balanced.
    I'm sure you all noticed quite quickly the ridiculous horizontal recoil of the TR LMGs.