Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Beastman

    Throw a grenade at someones face and yeah it'll hurt but not as much as when it explodes....

    Maybe that is their thinking behind the weapon mechanic? haha.

    In all seriousness though, generally a lot of good changes. Some of them have me scratching my head.
    Striker maths means that you need at least 4 rockets to hit to make it worthwhile which at the mo doesn't really happen anyway. So no point in using now over an annihilator. The reload time is even slower than it. Kind of feel cheated of the money I spent on the striker as its now not even situational, its just useless.

    Prowler as rannik has said, (though there wasn't much need for all the bickering), either make the prowler a stand off sniper tank or make it a skirmisher, don't try to make it both, as it stands its a bit of a confused vehicle and your plans for radar slots make skirmishing an even less viable tactic going forward.

    Harasser didn't need such a mega nerf, I still don't get why you don't do things gradually rather than massive changes.

    The basilisk buff is counter intuitive. Faster rof yay. Less damage and range... damage type = > vs esf but range reduction means less chance of actually hitting said ESF's... wasn't really needed.

    The halberd stuff is just, wtf.

    But yeah, not as bad as your other patches I guess. Definitely an improvement over what we are normally submitted to. ;)
  2. Prodigal

    Epic post, if I could I'd thumb you up again.
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  3. Prodigal

    Thank you for being honest, much appreciated.
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  4. Phazaar

    So after the Creative Director came out and said he thought Lock-ons were a negative influence, what we've done is buffed them in 95% of situations, and more importantly, gone back to a system where every HA can just contentedly run about with an Annihilator and be at a tiny disadvantage, compared to the massive disadvantage they'd be at if equipped with the wrong dedicated lock-on?


    And 1 second lock on times? In a game where the warning can not come up for 2 whole seconds? And still without having fixed Stealth? What're you playing at?
  5. LordMondando

    Shall we wait and see how the range changes pan out?

    Lock on's being mostly useful at range of course.
  6. liamsmithuk

    So, who's going to put their refunded certs back into nanoweave? I am just going to sit on them, I changed from nanoweave to grenade bandoleer on heavy/medic some time ago, light assault I use advanced shield capacitor now, engineer I use flac already so I don't take much splash damage from rockets aimed at the max's that I'm repairing, infiltrator I use nanoweave but there's probably a more suited option for infil.
  7. tijolo

    This patch is pretty frustrating... please at least give us a cert reset...
  8. don

    what about revivegrens? forgotten to balance or disabled for maxes?
  9. DatatheGenius

    Lock-ons should just be removed, so some noob can't sit in a spawn room and spam them for half an hour.

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  10. LordMondando

  11. Kronic

    Jesus Christ my Jaguar. Those horizontal recoil and moving CoF nerfs are gonna hurt. I hope it doesn't become too bouncy like the Lynx.
  12. Phazaar

    Aside from having the most OP turret in the world, offering higher DPS, more margin for error, and several times the infantry killing capacity? And the best secondaries going? And the fastest? And the best ability in game even if it didn't even change projectile velocity?!

    AND the change is only halving the INCREASE to projectile velocity, amounting to a 19% drop in the effectiveness of only ONE aspect of the deployed Prowler?

    Harshsauce :/
  13. Huishe

    Soe, what are you doing? Revert it all until it's not too late.
  14. aceoyame

    Hey SOE, Thanks for basically making my MAX class ability useless. Also, you really should refund certs when making changes like this. If you will refund AA points in EQ2 for minor things then certs shouldn't be a big deal.

    Everyone else- What looks to be the best armor type to take now that nanoweave looks like it's going to suck.
  15. mukanya

    Zealot Max was the weakest Max on PS2. A fly would land on a Zoe Max & the max it will die.
    Clearly the dev team who thought of nerfing a Zoe MAx have never played with a Zoe Max in a REAL battle(not on test servers)
    We @ Vanu we only use Zaelot OVERDRIVE for fast transportation from point A to point B. It would make sense if the Zaelot OVERDRIVER was a single shot kill but no, it takes 3 to 5 canon shots to kill (moving target).
    Can SOE give the VS Max a new ability because no matter how fast you increase the Zaelot overdrive speed, its not faster than a bullet.
  16. Bindlestiff

    So, what is it to be then - changed for tank version or not? This is very ambiguous.
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  17. aceoyame

    You've got that right. I cannot say just how many times I died fighting other MAX's while using ZOE. ZOE was only good for trying to take out vehicles. Against infantry it sucked *** since they would just pull out their shotguns or C4 or even a decimator and pretty much insta-gib it. I could only take on infantry with it off.
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  18. Gustavo M

    So basically.
    • Kobalt is the new meta
    • Snipers will be annoying as ever
    • Players can now resist a direct shot from tanks w/ flak 4/5
    • Everyone will switch to flak armor
    • Possible nerf to flak armor next patch because it will become popular
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  19. Spude

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  20. Nerkun

    OK. I have one question. How come ZOE MAX ability gets certs refunded (which it should), but the Harasser composite armor doesn't? I don't mind the change, but for such a huge nerf, I was expecting to get my composite armor certs back. 20% to 8% is no small change. Maxed composite costs around 2000 certs, that's a lot, for 8%.
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