General complaint about favouring VS by Developers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zANGRONz, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Goretzu

    Well they couldn't really take the Arena out once it was in, even if they really wished too do so.
  2. Hatesphere

    the last few weeks the pop on waterson has started to stabilize, sometimes even the NC have the lead, its almost refreshing.
  3. Liquidrider

    I love how players are bashing this guy for speaking his mind, and this wasn't a typical rant he had proof to back it up.

    The player bashing that comes with these threads are bad as we don't have enough to contend with, considering how non-existent the development has been in this game
  4. Nogrim313

    Favouritism? really? remember when the magrider was the best tank, yeah absolutely reeks of favouritism?
  5. Flapatax

    Yes, he has very definitive proof that he doesn't know when something is broken. Also he complained about their main community relations person trying to get people to play because she was supposed to only root for TR or something?

  6. Lamat

    I know, right?!

    TR has the most players so they should rightly win WDS. TR should always win on Waterson too instead of just most of the time. You used to be able to completely supress all enemy air with the Striker, now you have to deal with sythes and even bloody reavers now using other weapons, WTF.
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  7. Pegasus00

    So basically you just said VS won because they deserved it and then admitted they only won because SOE changed the rules for WDS. The rules were extremely imbalanced to make the TR loose, I get giving more points for less pop but they made it so you get more points from loosing and holding a small amount of territories than holding the vast majority of territories with large pop. To counter TR's pop they gave the VS a HUGE advantage and the NC a slight advantage.

    The rules went from whoever wins wins to whoever looses wins. The VS won because they lost, period. SOE knew that if the TR won the VS and NC would riot. The rules were forced to make the TR loose it's simple, we held the vast majority of territory across the servers, and you can complain about the TR pop advantage all day but that problem needs to be addressed not just fighting fire with fire. The more SOE focuses on fixing the symptoms not the issues the more imbalanced the game gets, and honestly it pisses me off. The TR won every week before the rules changed, and it wasn't a slight win it was a domination, and yes it was 100% because of the pop but that doesn't change the facts.

    Also when nearly every alert the VS and NC are attacking the TR together because of their mutual hate (not saying it's a problem just a fact) for them the pop means jack squat. If they have a 10% pop advantage but they are fighting 90% of two factions they are outnumbered nine times out of ten.

    EDIT: To address the popularity issue, no I don't think the SOE team favors one faction because they like them, they just see the TR crushing other factions because of their pop and give a quality bonus to counter their quantity. That shouldn't be how it works, if the TR have a quantity problem fix the quantity problem. If you give the other factions a quality (in this case more points for less work) it causes extreme instability. It's like wiping your *** with a band-aid and putting it on a cut thinking it will help you.
  8. teks

    This is all in your head. you are paranoid, and acting selfish.
    This is a beta system we are playtesting, and they openly said it would be subject to change. We, the VS won because we had the best warpgate position at the right time most likely. The thing is. Its not even a big deal.

    You need to calm down and gather yourself and realize noone really cares about who won a playtest, and be happy that you were awarded a 50% XP boost every week for 5 straight weeks.
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  9. Kunavi

    I don't even play on that Server, but I "Liked" the OP because where I do play, the VS definitely aren't worthy of all the credit they get. They are just so many that at any point they can Dominate any Alert. I'm sure these VS contributed way too much to their Faction's scores. As for favouritism? After about 700Hrs and [My Stats] on TR plus experimenting with both an NC and a VS soldier, I firmly stand by what I had initially observed during my first 12-16 Ranks. VS = OP. That's favouritism or at least how I define it. So... Yeah. I "Liked" what the OP said, if nothing else, I can relate.
  10. IamDH

    I disagree strongly.

    How can you judge their bias by referring to the WDS. There was a clear population disadvantage on most servers so something was done to bring that down

    The only real topic you brought up was the striker, which deserved a nerf
  11. Prudentia

    where is that picture of the dev team with factions when you need it
    13% Vanu 30% NC 25% TR and some fourth faction or so.
    and: we have the Art and Community Guys
    NC have level design, Lead game Design and what not...
    a few months ago everyone was making jokes about the Dev team:
    "TR will get a full auto pistol"
    "and NC will get a shotgun pistol"
    "anyone have an idea for Vanu"
    "no, never play them, don't know about them"
    "me too"

    yeah, WTOTM
  12. James King

    I support everything youve said. I thought it was all crap that the vs had the upperhand. Then I created a character on it and realized it was like going back to cod4 mw. Every shot felt like it was just shy of a instant kill. Needless to say when I am getting my butt beat I just switch over and feel much better that it doesnt matter if I miss the first 5 shots as long as I get a couple in I can just run around with an ammo pack and be in god mode. Plus the flying is tooo much fun with vs, I dont even need to try and avoid the other air becase I can just sit there and point.
  13. Czuuk

    How about the "fun" competition at SOE Live? It was host on Connery. Yay for 6 grand to the VS poster squad.
  14. DevDevBooday

    Apart from ZOE Vanu is pretty balanced I reckon and as TR we have no real right to complain. I wish our hard work for the first 4 weeks was rewarded, but Vanu did do ALOT of work so they deserved the final win. NC might have won if they spent more time in game than on Forumside whinging about how they cant snipe with their scatmaxes.
  15. ValorousBob

    All ESFs can "fly backwards" aka the reverse manuever. In fact, ESFs are very similar and very balanced with each one having a small amount of faction specific traits. Mossy is the fastest, Reaver does the most damage, Scythe is the most accurate.
  16. VanuAreWeak&Inferior

    I have a feeling that a lot of this discontent directed towards VS is due to TR players losing the unimportant WDS.
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  17. longmachao

    "not a typical rant and proof to back it up" ? Seriously? Did you even read the same thread as I did? Most of what he wrote was just conjecture and paranoia with no definite proof whatsoever. So yea, I don't blame people for getting on his case because of his little rant. Just the idea that developers of a game will do anything to risk their job for a trivial reason like favrotisim is beyond stupid. We are talking about fictional people, ideology and places here...
  18. HellionX

    When I fist started this game a long time ago......

    NC omg so OP all the best gear. Higby plays NC the devs LOVE them NERF!!!!


    WoW look at the VS sooo bad *** ZOE wth help Devs love these guys wtf NERF

    Followed by

    Can you believe how OP the TR striker soooo crazy omg help vulcan melted all my teeth out and made me breast feed some old man NERF

    Very little has changed recently except the TR pop went down, and really only on conery. Probably because of WDS but conery TR are mad about it so

    Even though the zoe has been nerfed 2 times and no one has talked about it for months I'm going to start screaming again!!!

    omg VS too powerful they have guns that do damage .... ect

    So here is all I have to say.

    Boring! Go have a breakdown at your boss, kids or partner. If you're this emotional about a great fun game that is remarkably balanced overall. Perhaps its not the game.
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  19. Goden

    The Grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome is a pretty common ailment on this forum.

    Especially when you consider that the difference between the factions (esp. the TR and VS) is almost nill because the community couldn't handle the differences so they've mostly been homogenized.
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  20. Cab00se187

    This one I have to quote. I'm going to use the NHL as example. So by the way things worked out, it'd be like the NHL all of a sudden changing the ruling system to say it doesn't matter if you one 4 games to 3 but your opposing team scored more goals overall so they win. Yes I understand this is "pre"season but you do not change the scoring system because of balance issues. You change the balance instead ffs