Darker Night is in trouble

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. DeadliestMoon

    Well seeing as how they are changing all of infantry's camo coverage to somewhat not give people an advantage when using them (because that would be pay to win), I'm indifferent about having darker nights.
  2. BRG7780

    Bad idea. Doesn't add anything tangible to the gameplay experience besides making it impossible to see anything except tracers.

    If we had NVGs we could equip (plasma weaponry and other sci-fi gadgets, but the art of man-portable Night Vision technology was lost to the sands of time in the PS2 universe, apparently)? Absolutely, make nights pitch-black. If the flashlights were worth a damn and illuminated objects further away than 10m? Absolutely, make nights pitch-black. If the VS color scheme wasn't essentially black? Absolutely, make nights pitch-black. If the thermal sights on infantry weapons still worked they way they did in beta? Absolutely, make nights pitch-black.

    As none of these options will be implemented or modified, adding dark nights will simply be a detriment to the quality of gameplay to appease mindless gamers who like pretty lights. This is a quality-of-enjoyment issue, and darker nights simply won't add anything to the game other than rage ("HOW THE *BLEEP* HOW I SUPPOSED TO SHOOT SOMETHING I CAN'T SEE?!" etc).

    I already dread nights in-game thanks to ninja-VS. I'd rather not spend nights in-game shooting at red doritos.
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  3. Phyr

    How do you know nothing would get changed to accommodate darker nights?
    Know how you shoot at night? NV, or get closer and bath them in the glory of your overpriced flashlight. If you can't see them they probably can't see you either.
  4. VSDerp

    dark nights=more challenging fun hectic gameplay=pure fun
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  5. L1ttlebear

    This...The more variance to the game the better. I remember Beta nights...they were so much fun!
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  6. shackers

    Adding darker nights and more weather effects would increase the overall quality of the game aswell as adding tactical and strategic depth allowing for different approaches to night time fighting
    sound will also become much more important which with further deepen close quarter combat

    I have yet to see a good reason (negative gameplay effects) as to why we shouldnt have darker nights

    The most common counter argument is about people not wanting to even make the effort to see in the dark using one of the many NV options (IRV guns scopes [on all guns], torches [on all guns] ,vehicle NV [on all guns] ,vehicle thermal [on all guns] ,headlights [on all land vehicles] base lighting [in every base], natural lighting [ rising/setting sun,moon shine, silhouettes on hill lines]


  7. BRG7780

    Hehe... so essentially, *bleep* snipers, right? You want to snipe at night? Too bad, brosef! :D

    P.S. I do not snipe, but I do take into consideration other players' enjoyment when making suggestions. Unlike most of the playerbase, apparently.
  8. Phyr

    They'll have to shoot people standing under a base light, or standing in the window/door, or give that whole "infiltrating" thing a shot.
  9. BRG7780

    That's right, shoot them under the non-existent base lights, or fire blindly at windows in the hopes someone is standing there. Failing that, buy a SMG and infiltrate!

    F- any other style of gameplay for that particular class, right? They'll just have to suck it up.

    You people are f-ing selfish.
  10. Phyr

    When did they remove indoor lighting? I was on 20 minutes ago and the ceiling still had lights.

    Damn SOE, you patch quick.
  11. Pirate Cat

    Darker nights? Yes plaese!!

    Oh and I couldnt care less if I ended up at a disadvantage against people running lower graphics settings. I want my immersion dammit!
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  12. Nocturnal7x

    Darker nights are bad.

    Darker nights are only good if vanu get a lot more teal on everything.
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  13. Phyr

    Yes. And lumifiber body suits for everyone.
  14. Nocturnal7x

    I like that voice towards the end, so much better than what we have now imo. "A shield control generator is back online". Game looks better there too. Everything is getting worse lol.
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  15. Nocturnal7x

    TR have giant red splotches, NC have giant yellow splotches. VS should have giant teal splotches. VS are black ffs.
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  16. Phyr

    ZOE glow in the dark, so there's that. I wasn't being sarcastic, btw.
  17. ZephyrBurst

    [sarcasm]Think of how Vanu players feel during the day when NC are so hard to see and we stick out because of our dark colors.[/sarcasm]
    I'm pretty sure other things would be tweaked a bit so people with darker camos don't have a crazy huge advantage. Oh noes PS2 is so p2w!!!! D:

    I'm all for dark nights though, and really like the idea of cycling the current night and the beta nights based on moon cycles. Could even go as far as being able to tell based on what moon is around during the day.
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  18. Lividicus!

    What a JOKE!!!

    So, the Devs can't take 5 minutes out of their day to post something like this on the FORUMS, where, you know, the players go... Instead, lets tell the whole world on TWITTER because the devs are just plain too lazy to post on the forums... Pathetic...

    With that said.....

    I GUARANTEE that they're just going to look over the TWITTER responses to see if it's a positive thing from the "community"... It's so aggravating that EVERY DAY the only way to talk to or hear from the devs is by going on TWITTER and hunting down the smucks!

  19. Azerin

    If they change a few other things to complement and flesh out night combat, I'd absolutely love it. As things stand, there's really nothing special about the nights, which is dull and uninteresting from a gameplay and tactical perspective.
  20. Ultramarine

    :D I like these ideas! Base lighting, maybe spotlights, varying nighttime darkness (that's actually dark) and moons would be awesome. And it's not far off from what they already have form what I can tell. The moon would just be creating another instance of whatever class the sun is and making it output a dimmer cooler light as a source. Spotlights would be like putting some vehicle's headlights on a post somewhere. Realistic ideas!