I tried the NC for the first time today, 4 hours later and my verdict.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gundem, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Goretzu

    Yeah most likely (especially moving), but still he's talking about grips (saying the NC6 has less recoil than the Carv or Orion - which is nonsense, both are much easier to keep on target, especially with HVA on the NC6) and saying advance grips are always better than grips, which was true, but since the grip nerf it's not as it differs from weapon to weapon now (and we don't have those values).
  2. Tekuila

    Sorry, I quoted you just to add to your post I wasn't disagreeing with you at all. You were spot on.
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  3. Sobdude

    Another bull **** thread. NC weapons are the weakest for now.
  4. Goretzu

    Yeah, I entirely agree that CoF is likely the bigger issue (and the least justifiable one as well), just that grips aren't what they were (both the NC6 and EM6 are now much hard to control with their grips since change). :)
  5. Tekuila

    They really need to a serious reduction in the CoF/bloom on the NC6 having to stand still to fire it is a death sentence.
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  6. Irathi

    You never replied to me in the other thread btw, https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/why-tr-gear-is-op.153201/page-15#post-2182250

    I was really curious to what your repsonse would be. How you assess the difference in playstyle would affect your K/D. Here is a shorter version of what I wrote:

    So looking at your stats I agree, NC looks underpowered. I wonder about a couple of things though;

    1. How different you play the three factions in terms of roles and how much that affects your K/D. On your NC it looks like you primarily play Engi/medic (21/23%) and then about even between Max(17%), HVY(16%) and sniper (16%). While on your VS character you pretty much used a MAX half the time (41%) and almost no engi at all (7%). As TR you have the highest K/D and use the MAX(27%) and sniper(21%) the most - but very little heavy assault (14%).

    In other words as TR you are actually using the "OP" class Heavy Assault with the high RPM weapons the least and the sniper which is considered UP compared to the NC sniper rifles much more?

    So even though you have almost a 4 x higher K/D as TR than as NC, the weapons that are considered OP you don't even use! I can't see the Fracture on your list and you don't have more than 106 kills with the T9 Carv which are both the most standard argument used to display the OP*ness of TR.

    2. Was the NC character your first one and how low was your K/D the first lets say 50 levels? - because it takes a long time to improve a K/D when you've got a lot of deaths to start with.

    So I'm going to give you a thumbs up, but I am still not convince that it is the fracture or the t9 carv that makes TR dominate."

    On opic I want to say @ OP; you've lost all cerdibility and I suspect you already made a new forum account since you haven't replied to this thread for several pages.

    There is one thing people who flamed him about his K/D forgot about though. His K/D on his VS and NC character is actually almost exactly the same. His BR 48 VS character only got a 0,62 K/D, and his BR 8 NC has a 0,66 K/D.

    So think about it in another way;

    He is a terrible VS player and he changed to the underpowered NC faction and STILL managed to maintain his K/D at the same level. Shouldn't his K/D have gone down by a lot if the NC is so UP considering he is a terrible player to begin with?

    Doesn't the NC claim that it is NC < VS < TR ? While his K/D is actually NC=VS.

    (the main argument against this is ofc that he only played 4 hrs and it's hard to get worse than a 0.66 K/D :p )

    VS - https://players.planetside2.com/#!/5428021759078817809/stats
    NC - https://players.planetside2.com/#!/5428037660469397985/stats

    Also while we are at it, I loved the Gauss, but like the OP I only played less than 3 hours so far and I got some flame because I had killed the same guys a couple of times (hence accused of farming). However please take this guys word for it:

    Shinkey - https://players.planetside2.com/#!/5428056629555599617/weapons

    1,25 kills pr min, 27% accuracy, 1292 kills in total, 17% headshots

    Please NC stop saying the Gauss is BAD, it is AWESOMESAUCEDELUXE.

    I can however agree that it takes a bit more time to learn to use compared to the T9 Carv and perhaps the NC should have a different starter weapon which was more newbie- friendly and that the Gauss should be something you could unlock.
  7. Crackulous

    I read the phrase "4 hours" and chuckled to myself.
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  8. HerpTheDerp

    Okay let me explain this to you very simply.

    1. Gauss SAW is 89% less accurate when fired on the move than a typical LMG(say, EM6, or the CARV).
    2. In an FPS, if you don't move, you lose most of your engagements by making yourself an easy target.
    3. Therefore with the SAW you either stand still and die because you're an easy target, or you move and die because you can't hit anything past 5m.

    None of the above are affected by weapon attachments, skill, or your personal stats.
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  9. Irathi

    Please explain that to Shinkeys, he must've missed that when he played his NC character.
    Aparently Shinkeys should've sucked and his K/D should be in the gutter since he uses the Gauss. Shame on you Shinkeys, stop being awesome!
  10. Purg

    Well, geez. Lets balance weapons in the game around the stats of a single player!
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  11. Santondouah

    I'm a BR 72 NC on Ceres.

    IMO you're so true (except for the L2P part) !

    NC do not need any buff except for the MAX AI weapons that really lack versatility (Ravens for instance, these are just unusable on the BF) and maybe the enforcer should get back to OHK on infantery but that's another topic.

    Yes NC weapons are amazing and yes Vanguard has a real superiority in 1vs1 MBT situations and more generally on the battflefield when carefully crewed. Yes as long as a NC Max gets in the <10m range it turns into a killing machine.

    And finally YES NC are seriously lacking teamplay and organization (at least on Ceres). Simple example : there are so few medics/engineers and the few that can be found on the battlefield seem to play this class only to use the autoheal/specific weapons... No one revives, no one repairs. Are they at least aware that they can do such things ?
  12. Crackulous

    I agree the the SAW is potent in the hands of a experienced player. Nonetheless, linking his stats hardly serves as support for your argument, seeing as NC's arsenal of LMGs is severely limited. The runner up in that player's list of weapons when it comes to highest number of kills is the EM6, the mimicry of the TR and VS standard LMGs. It's as close as NC can get with their choices.
  13. Irathi

    No, the single player shows how good the weapon can be. So stop making excuses that the weapon is bad, it is not bad, it is in fact quite awesome.

    Now you have to balance the skill required to reach that potential.

    "geez" read the last sentence I wrote.

    "I can however agree that it takes a bit more time to learn to use compared to the T9 Carv and perhaps the NC should have a different starter weapon which was more newbie- friendly and that the Gauss should be something you could unlock."
  14. Pie Chasm

    NC was my first faction. I know their weapons as well as I do TRs.

    When it comes to the most complained about weapons, past the legitimately bad post-nerf air shotguns and MAX AI, there is only inexperience involved.

    The NC6 is the best long-range LMG in the game (by virtue of damage and CoF) and one of the best mid-range LMGs. The EM6 IS the most versatile LMG in the game as it is immensely more effective than the long-range variants for either faction and still dominates mid-range with a x2 scope (it has a higher DPS than the SVA-88 and CARV-S, which are the only TR/VS weapons comparable).

    In most situations, the EM6 borders on being overpowered compared to the other factions' LMGs, since it covers so many ranges so well without compromising DPS (it's second tier DPS for all LMGs). Where are the EM6 nerf threads (no, I don't think it is overpowered)? An analogous claim can be made about the other factions' 750 RPM LMGs vs. the CQC specific NC LMGS (that incidentally suck). It's a fundamental property of "asymmetric" balance: some factions have distinct advantages over others.

    A competent magrider is the most frightening thing in the world, yet people would rather complain about the prowler, because they lack the sense to try and evade/ADAD.

    I've played this game long enough to see the ebb and flow of favorites. NC isn't the vogue right now, partially due to the legitimate nerfs, partially due to burnout as it was the favored faction before the nerfs hit.

    Population imbalances are the most relevant statistic in this game right now; when all populations are balanced out on a continent at a given time, I never see a discrepancy that is in the realm of statistical significance. The sad truth is that cooperation and coordination are the most relevant aspects of this game and some people just want to make excuses about it.

    The TR made no excuses on my server when they lost to the VS, or even the NC, because they only had their own incompetence to blame.
  15. Goretzu

    There are things wrong though, the WDS score shows that pretty clearly, the NC doesn't come dead last every week for no reason (and the reason isn't that the NC just attract rubbish players either).
  16. HadesR

    Maybe because we have guns that are good at medium - long range ....


    People always tell us when the Max is mentioned that 90% of combat takes place in ranges below medium ..

    So guess we could argue that our LMG's are gimped where the majority of combat takes place.
  17. Goretzu

    There's no context with that, for all anyone knows those kills could have been from sat behind spawn shields (where the NC6 is excellent).

    Although I doubt they were.

    I'm more impressed that he managed to get 29% accuracy with the GD-7F though to be honest, but that suggests he was a very good shot or never fired till he was very sure of hitting.
  18. Goretzu

    I think it's a combination thing, things Striker being a very good force multiplier and great at AV and AA area denial in one package, having no answer to either close-medium range+ AI MAXs or indeed the AI potential of the other factions AV MAXs (the Fracture especially). Then close up a general lack of movement accuracy and controllability (damage on target) along with a minor DPS penalty on many weapons.

    I don't think many issues are huge, but I think the lot of little issues are adding up.
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  19. Pie Chasm

    WDS doesn't mean much in a 3v3 FFA.

    It's hard to prove that a factional balance was the reason for losing, or simply the other two factions colluding, not to mention locations, etc.

    On my server when there are equal populations on a given continent, the differences are not significant.

    Until you can replicate a "fair" scenario with equal numbers, it's almost pointless to debate. When they introduce the new map we will be able to... if and when rather.
    That's not true. In CQC scenarios, you use shotguns/SMGs that really put the LMGs to shame.

    So with an optimal setup you'll be switching out anyway and it's almost moot to discuss when mentioning LMGs that are already nearly medium-long range specific options by default,unless you're a new player...

    Now that there exists a 250 cert shotgun though, you can't complain.
  20. Irathi

    But can we agree that the NC6 is a good gun if used correctly?

    Because I honestly doubt that Shinkeys 1200 kills where all from spawns.

    Il gladly admit/agree that the NC6 requires more of you to get a decent score with than a T9Carv. It doens't mean that the weaponry isn't balanced. It just means that the NC6 prbably shouldn't be the starter weapon for the NC HVY since it requires a bit too much of you.