I tried the NC for the first time today, 4 hours later and my verdict.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gundem, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. MykeMichail

    When I get on my TR and VS alts I feel the same way about their weapons, especially VS weapons.
  2. IamDH

    OP's credibility is now below 0
  3. Goretzu

    Yup, although sometimes that just makes it skid around like a Flash and then you regain control, which is bizarre to be honest. :D
  4. Xae

    Add about 5 people to your ignore list and about 90% of NC balance complaining will instantly vanish.

    There is just a few very vocal people who will not stop posting threads about how NC is underpowered or hijacking every thread into talking about NC being underpowered.
  5. DashRendar

    -Makes new character
    -Plays 4 hours
    -Achieves KD of .6
    -1 kill Vanguard
    -1 kill MAX
    -0 kills Reaver
    -0 kills Phoenix
    -Tells NC how to use their things

    Please go.
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  6. axiom537


    I just had one of my posts in this TROLL Thread, removed for TROLLING, when all I did was point out with quotes all the glaring Lies and Exaggerations made by the OP.

    MOD-20 if you found my one post a TROLL post, for quoting the OP in all of his Lies, why don't you just shut this entire worthless thread down.

    Seriously in the very first line of this thread the OP says "We got ourselves a serious case of L2P, boys!" The OP set the tone...
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  7. Van Dax

    well its the same dps as the sva-88, so its lower than the orion but its not like its bad. Of course it is achieved with a slower rof which has its advantages and disadvantages which ultimately just make it a preference thing.
  8. Xae

    Welcome to Forumside: Reportside Meta.

    Someone make a post you don't agree with? Just report them. Mods don't think and just remove all reported posts.
  9. ViXeN

    They are contradictory because first you say that my little experiment doesn't count because I already had experience with the game. Then you tell me I would have to play my NC character for countless hours before it could be taken seriously but how would that matter if your first rule still applies? I still have experience with the game so I don't see how it would matter if I played the NC character 10 hours or 1000 hours. Your arguments make no sense.

    As for the phoenix, people's comments about it on here just tell me what I already knew... People complain about their weapons because they don't know how to use them the right way. Let me explain something to you guys, as someone who fights against both the striker and the phoenix on a daily freaking basis. The Striker is one of the best vehicle/aircraft deterrents in the game, especially when used in groups. The Phoenix is one of the best infantry/vehicle deterrents in the game, especially when used in groups. Do you have any idea how many times I have seen squads of infantry get pinned down by multiple phoenix users? Or had my magrider wiped out in seconds by a few phoenix people hiding behind a hill?

    While the Phoenix does less damage than the striker it can be used against anything (infantry/vehicle/aircraft) and with better accuracy. The Striker does more damage and is more effective against vehicles but it is useless against infantry and its pretty easy for aircraft to avoid. Even tanks can avoid it (like any other lock-on) if the driver knows what he is doing. The Phoenix is controlled by the player so a good Phoenix user can often hit you no matter what you do to try to avoid it. Neither the Phoenix or Striker is better than the other one overall, they are just DIFFERENT, which is how its supposed to be.

    But the problem is people always think like this...

  10. Divinorium

    PPL probably already have said it, but i will say just in case, no i didn't read 9 pages that were made in 2 days.

    Problem with NC is: Our kit is situational and don't give a tangible edge when in the situation over the more versatiles VS/TR kit.

    Example? NC Max.

    WAS good at point blank and completely worthless at range.

    The others factions cried. the "devs" went ahead and nerfed it.

    Now we have a average weapon at point blank and worthless at range.

    The other 3 factions come and say "dude NOW your weapon is balanced at CqC". But they forget that now is average at CqC and a piece of crap outside of it.

    This happen with everything NC has. Phoenix was "good" at a limited range and useless past 300 meters, now is a piece of crap in both.

    And examples like these are what the problem with our "situational" weapons.

    Our weapons are WAY harder to make in good use. As strange it seen. not because it always took more skill of the user in the sense of "better aim, control of recoil, etc" But because it had a limited opportunity of use.

    Our Maxes carry 2 shotguns that are completely useless at range, Our opportunity to use it is in the CqC, and only there . Why someone would take it over the more versatile VS/TR Max? Well because NC only have it, but you get the point.

    NC is the "harder to use and 0 reward" faction. Why i need to learn how to aim a weapon to do the SAME or less damage of the others' factions weapon when the user can just spray and pray there?
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  11. Ralathar44

    The problem is that these issues collectively destroy the ability of NC to compete properly. Lets say for instance that we are 10%-15% less capable of destroying vehicles overall. The result of that will be a statistically significant amount of vehicles not getting killed that compared to the other sides. These vehicles are now vehicles that NC still has to deal with and are still getting kills on us.

    This results in overall more NC deaths and lower stats for all weapons due to them dying more often to vehicles which other factions would have already killed. If this was the only imbalance it would likely be fairly minor, however there are also other imbalances like not being competitive with our Max's due to the lack of a long range option.

    A perfect example of the Max disadvantage is yesterday on the Waterson Biolab alert. TR vs NC both with severely heavy amounts of maxes. NC max does really well AT POINT BLANK, but loses past 5m. To assault the points we needed to capture however we needed to cross large open rooms, long corridors/stairs, and open ground between buildings.

    However the minor NC advantage didn't matter. TR just set up at the ends of these long stretches and murdered us as we tried to close in. There was nothing our Maxes could do, they are not competitive at longer ranges in the slightest and by the time we covered the distance to get into range we would be dead. There were absolutely no options to avoid fighting in such situations as every point required a ranged approach.

    Shields were deployed, rezs happened often, engineers were repairing, everyone was doing their job. But the fact of the matter is even with a 60/40 pop advantage the TR mercilessly abused their range advantage and there was nothing the NC maxes could do about it. There was no area of fighting within their extremely narrow < 5m specialty. Heavy cyclers and fractures tore our maxes apart in every case before they could get in competitive range even with superior numbers.

    I knew there was a Max faction imbalance, but this bio lab assault is the clearest depiction of it I have seen.
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  12. Major_Catastrophe

    Stop blaming the weapons. Start blaming the Noob NC tactics. When I play NC the "tactic" seems to be "roll up Sunderer. Park it 500m out so everyone has to walk to target. Get Farmed by turrets \ Infiltrators. Fail. Complain."

    When any serious TR outfit takes a base the whole platoon ( not just anyone who wants to in a single squad ) reports to warp gate and loads into Gals. Any stragglers are kicked making way for people who can follow orders. Attack commences with a high probability of success.

    NC main tactic is to hide behind a rock until something takes your head off.

    No weapon buff\nerf will compensate for superior dumbness.
  13. StalkerGER

    ESF, harrasser with a pheonix ar u in VR or did u shot 20 rockets ? because harrasser is faster then the P rocket they have just to tip A or D to make a 180 turn to avoid 1 rocket and then the harrasser is lost just a stupid lie
    ESF ? if they are hovering above ur head yes but then u dont needed a pheonix ESF are 100X faster then this crap slow rocket MBT and sundys NP but esf and harraser 50/1 and i got many kills with it trust me many but maybe 1 esf and 2 harraser ind 1 week
  14. ViXeN

    Everything in the game is situational, even my Orion. Try using an Orion in a long range stalemate and you'll see what I mean. Its mainly a CQC weapon. All weapons have situations that they perform well in and others where they are almost useless. Its NOT just NC.
  15. NC_agent00kevin

    1 Million Billion likes for this.
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  16. NC_agent00kevin

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  17. Goretzu

    Yeah, but it performs similarly (and is meant to be the equiverlent) to the Orion (and MSW-R) and but suffers in lower RoF (there is no advantage to lower RoF in PS2 - no matter what SOE seem to think) and lower DPS, whislt seeming (to me) to have wackier handling.

    I mean yes the lower DPS wouldn't matter if it was aimable/controllable like the SVA-88 (that weapon is incredible), but it is not and it is supposed to be the NCs CQB "tear them up" LMG (like the Orion and MSW-R).
  18. ViXeN

    Nice response. I'll assume you have no actual argument against what i said. ;)

    no, he realized that using logic, reason, or statistical facts on you is a waste of time. there's no point in dignifying your stupidity, willful ignorance, and trolling with legitimate responses.
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  20. Goretzu

    NC weapons tend to be more situational (and sometimes just supbar - compare the Orion to the Anchor as discussed above, or the AC-X11).

    The AI MAXs certainly are.
    The vehicle shotguns are.
    The Phoenix is (compared to the other ESFs, although more so with the Striker).

    Although I don't think it's a huge deal, but more of a lot of things adding up (stationary accuracy rather than moving accuracy, low RoF, often lower DPS etc.).
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