[Video] - Nanoweave is getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Littleman

    Seeing a lot of "skilless noob deserves to die for holding still talk." Like snipers, moving while ADS DOES bloom CoF, and it DOES hurt accuracy even out to medium-long range (50m+.) It's the difference between the first few rounds going where you want them to and simply flying wide after the first round leaving the barrel. The NC get especially fubared by this. Tightest still ADS CoF, but the widest moving ADS CoF.

    So here's the deal, and I'll give you two:

    1. Cof doesn't bloom while moving during ADS, and minimum damage on BA can be upped to 625. Expect to see everyone but rank amateurs strafing at all times. It'll look dumb for sure.

    Or... and this one I prefer...

    2. A single shot-then-reload sniper rifle that works almost exactly like PS1's bolt driver: CoF visibly blooms simply adjusting One's aim and slowly constricts into a pin ***** while holding One's breath. We can remove the drop from this bad boy, and keep it's damage at 750 regardless of range. Maybe have it do half the damage to aircraft and lightnings too, for giggles. It's practically a railgun at this point anyway. Don't expect to carry too many spare rounds... With this weapon, targets can spare to hold still briefly while the sniper gambles with the CoF being constricted enough to fire their weapon.

    Overall however, snipers really shouldn't have easy kills in everybody. Don't even sell that "takes skill to head shot" crap. I'm a medic that has to make headshots count in a CQC encounter with a heavy while their shield is up and they're unloading in my direction. Running isn't an option, thanks to CSHD. I keep frosty and I f***ing win at least 50% of the time. How do you handle under the same pressure?

    If none of the above ideas amuse you, stick with your BA, or learn to use the semi-autos. Sorry, but we all have our frustrations. If yours is being incapable of one shotting every target from way outside their weapon's effective range, your problems are way, WAY low on the totem pole.
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  2. libbmaster

    @ OP: If the headshot multiplier on all snipers was adjusted so that they insta-gibed on all but NanoWeave 5 at all ranges, would you be okay?

    On one hand, this is one of the few ways Infils can contribute, and to do so takes skill that must be rewarded.

    On the other, 1000's of certs investment needs a real payoff. (Perhaps the ability to survive headshots would be a special perk that got people to make the jump to Nano5?)
  3. Rithlar

    If an infiltrator is making people dance around and not sit still, then they are doing their job and helping out in a battle. The enemy is force to keep their cof bloom spread and can not get a stead aim at the attackers.
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  4. Bill Hicks

    Another sniper whine fest. A class that has very little risk should not be killing at such ranges in a video game. Because people hate snipers in real life and in games.

    If they nerfed nanoweave they will have to nerf sniper rifles. Get off that hill and infiltrate.
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  5. KnightCole

    I have NWA 5 and I still get ohk by snipers. Is it like some RNG type thing where sometimes u get OHK others not?
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  6. Dingus148

    Mustarde, as much as I think you're generally a solid dude...the only people who want OHK headshots are snipers. Why? Because dying out of nowhere to an enemy you never had a chance to see (let alone kill) is zero fun. Imagine how tankers would react if SOE gave MANA AV 10x zoom, doubled the velocity and tripled the damage. The OHK is not fun for anyone but the snipers. If snipers have to suffer so that everyone else can have fun, I call that fair. The class isn't called sniper, it's called infiltrator. Last I checked close range headshots were still OHK, so perhaps the infiltrators could look at doing that?
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  7. Goden

    This ^^^

    I gave up Nanoweave on some of my classes so I could hold more ammo and boy do I notice the difference right away. Getting insta-killed from a target so far away they are barely even rendered isn't fun. Like, at all. I have no qualms dieing but I at least like standing SOME sort of chance against my foe, even if it means just firing a single bullet back at them. Can't do that with a OHK sniper.

    Infil isn't a class I play often but I do have about 19(ish) hours clocked on my Infiltrator class. If you snipe - that is pretty much what you do (and what I do when I snipe). You park your butt in a place where the enemy cannot reliably return fire and then you proceed to pick your targets and OHK them before they have a chance to react. This is NOT enjoyable for the people on the receiving end. In what world would it ever be fun? Naturally people are going to cert into whatever options they can find which improve their chances against threats they cannot otherwise contend with.
  8. Pruto

  9. Mustarde

    Nope, it has to do with range and falloff damage of the sniper rifles. If I am close enough to you I can still OHK you.

    That is essentially the status that snipers were in upon release of the game. Only nanoweave 5 prevented headshot kills when the game was released. It wasn't until februrary when we noticed this (getting nanoweaved) happening a lot, and re-tested this only to find out that NW2 could tank a HS. In fact, NW had been doubled, without any patch notes. Months later (GU11 or so) they changed the description of NW from % health bonus to the raw HP increase you see today but had been in place all year.

    Snipers earn their kills, through superior positioning, steady aim, fire discipline and target acquisition. Bad snipers have dismal KPM and generally make themselves irrelevant from the arithmetic of battle. You don't have to worry about them. To say that we shouldn't get easy kills, while you have harassers, lolpodders, ZOE maxes, UBGL's, SMG's, shotguns... I would say this game is FULL of easy kills, and sniping is much higher on the skill ladder than other means of killing.

    In CQC engagements with fully automatic weapons, it's simply a matter of preference whether you want to aim for the body or aim for the head. You seem to imply that it is just as hard, if not harder, to aim for the head with an assault rifle, than a single shot sniper rifle. Am I understanding you correctly?

    How do I handle under pressure? https://players.planetside2.com/#!/5428010917270158161/weapons Just fine. You can say that I know the infiltrator class and all of its weapons inside and out. When I say that this is a problem, it's not just for ME. It's for all the other infiltrators who pick up these rifles and expect to be able to play this game without feeling incredibly underpowered.
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  10. sanguin1us

    having one class suffer so that others can have fun is not what i would call fair, i would call that poor game making.

    so i have to come into your weapons optimum range to use my weapon at its sub optimal range to kill somthing?
    then why give a sniper rifle long range at all?
  11. JimRussle

    Snipers killing a single target from a long range is "imbalanced", but tanks and planes reigning AOE hell that are undamaged by small arms and usually further away than the sniper is "balanced and intended".

    A sniper hit you from nearly render distance and you consider that unfair? If a sniper can consistently hit shots from that range then that is called skill. That's a L2P issue, not an infiltrator problem.
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  12. RobotNixon

    I honestly wish that it told you who tried to headshot you from long range and you survive with nano 5. That way, when I pop my health kit and go back to the spawn i know who to send a tell to.
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  13. Dingus148

    Look at the history of PS2. It's a how-to in poor game design, and how to take a good concept and ruin it.

    To target your specific question, long-range on sniper rifles (sans OHK headshots) still has them being useful. The difference is they can't farm people without retaliation. You want to see what happens to the game when you introduce weapons like that, that can kill people near-instantly while providing next to no chance of preventing the death? Google lolpodding, or zephyr farming (the zeph is a weapon you never see anymore). Look up HE farming. These weapons nearly killed the game. You make snipers OHKs at extreme range and you'll see a massive explosion of KDR padders and a similar thing will happen. Battles outside of buildings will become nigh impossible, certainly without a sniper rifle. Weapons need to be options, without superior or inferior picks. What makes a weapon good is the situation, not the weapon itself. This game isn't xX1337Xx sniper simulator 3000. If it's going to be fun, you need to limit godmode weaponry, of which long-range OHK snipers would become.

    Besides, 100m is outside of the effective range of most other weaponry. You're still in your element, the only difference is you're not invulnerable due to range and render. You still have the edge. You just now have to expose yourself to a degree of risk instead of sitting back in safety, plinking away at distant dots. If you want to sit in perfect safety while you snipe at 250-300m, you take the hit to your cert gain. If you're a pure sniper player, you can still contribute...you just can't rack up endless certs for no risk. Spot targets, countersnipe, weaken HVTs and suppress enemy defences/pushes. All of this is doable at 300m. You just don't get a reward for being a KDR-padding puss. You want that sweet kill EXP? Move a little closer and prove you can actually play.
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  14. Goden

    No, it really isn't. I'm a terrible sniper and even I don't have much problems hitting targets at such distances. Once you get the hang of your guns bullet drop then it's pretty much a duck shoot.
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  15. Axehilt

    The core issue is Nanoweave is vertical progression (playtime = power). A game purely about skillful competition makes for great PVP. The more that non-skill factors like playtime or population infring upon that, the worse PVP quality becomes.

    Meanwhile if everyone started with maxed Nanoweave and paid certs to unlock the other options (which were tuned to be balanced with Nanoweave) then that would be lateral progression (playtime = versatility; like Planetside 1.) Which would be much better for PVP quality.

    And sure, I'd agree that it's silly and overpowered for the option (Nanoweave) to be both the best general choice, and the best counter to snipers (who struggle to be all that powerful in the first place, even before Nanoweave.)
  16. wolfva

    As a sniper, I don't have much problem with NW5 blocking OHK. After all, not that many people are running around with it on. I DO have a problem with the bullet drop from our weapons. A couple hundred meters and the bullet is dropping? Sheesh, I'd expect that from a carbine, not a sniper rifle.

    One question I have...people keep saying they're shot outside of render distance, or at a 1000 m. HOW do they know this? What, you didn't see the guy therefore he was out of render distance? Maybe he was 150m out, but you didn't see him because he didn't shoot you IN THE FACE? I think a lot of this is just assumption; you get shot, it was a sniper, you assume he was firing from the library with Coln Mustard at Esamir while you were fighting on Indar. When the reality is the guy was in handshake distance...just behind you.
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  17. JimRussle

    Lol you are seriously claiming "a terrible sniper" could hit infantry at nearly render range? Total and blatant lie and fabrication.

    Put up or shut up.
  18. Goden

    The render range for infantry isn't that large ffs

    It's not like we're sniping people at 5km here
  19. Dingus148

    1000m is stupid, anyone claiming that clearly has no idea about render distance. But a small target at 150m is still hard to see or hit. Not impossible though. If I'm wearing nano, get hit and hear the "donk" (and I'm not killed) I assume I'm dealing with 200m snipers. Lo and behold there's often ideal sniping positions within that 200m-250m range. I can't hunt the sniper without diverting my team, but I can avoid his field of fire. He is contributing to his team, but due to his lack of risk he's not seeing rewards. I think that's fair.

    Likewise, if I get sniped within 50m or 100m (based likely sniper sites or I actually hear the shot) and die, I call that fair. He could be snuck up on, sniped, caught out, etc. and so he deserves the kill. Hell, if I was expecting it I may have been able to kill him. He used his stealth and superior ranged fire to his advantage, and while OHKs still suck a big one, I can't be too angry.
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  20. wolfva

    Heck, I'm more irritated by some dweeb in an ESF lolpodding me to death then I am by a sniper who has to work hard to get into a good position to do his deeds...a position that is quite possibly compromised as soon as he takes that shot, meaning he now has to relocate at high risk.
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