Why VS is losing most alerts on Waterson right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. ViXeN

    This is the REAL reason why we lose.... A few days ago was a perfect example. We had around 28% total pop and TR was around 34% which isn't exactly an impossible to overcome pop advantage. There was an alert on Esamir so my squad went to see what we could do, only to get crushed by the massive TR and NC zergs because we barely had any help. Then I checked the map and noticed something really freaking annoying.....

    This was the pop for VS on Esamir, which is where the alert was at the time.


    Now this is the VS pop on Indar at the same time.


    And you wonder why we lose. LOL Thanks for all the help on Esamir guys, we really appreciate it. :rolleyes:
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  2. chrisbeebops

    Gotta cap Crossroads and Regent Rock so we can farm TR for hours after the alert.
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  3. Van Dax

    no excuse, the other day vanu miller won an alert with 16% pop-pure asskicking was what we dished out.
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  4. CrashB111

    Exact same problem Matherson TR was having when the pop issues were in VS's favor on our server.

    We were outpopped server wise, yet our lemmings would go fight on whatever continent the alert wasn't on. Even barking at them in Command Chat they would all invent ******** excuses about why they didn't want to participate in the alert. The overpop can be mitigated if you get your whole faction to the alert continent for single cont alerts, eventually the population will lock with each faction having 33%. Whiners and defeatists though make it really hard to reach that point since they don't even try.
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  5. ViXeN

    I'm guessing it was a biolab or amp station alert which are easier to win with lower pops. We were fighting in a territory control alert which is nearly impossible when you are heavily outnumbered. There just aren't enough people to cover the area needed.

    Yeah, there is no excuse for not showing up to help your faction. I always try to help during alerts. But last night I finally just gave up in the middle of an Amerish alert. We had too many players on Indar as usual and were basically getting farmed so we just left with about 40 minutes remaining. I absolutely HATE playing on Amerish and I still showed up so there is really no excuse.

    And i'm betting a lot of those people on Indar were some of the same people who come on here and complain about pop imbalances. LOL
  6. ovakin

    I don't know man, most of prime-time Alerts I found myself wating in queue to get on Alert continent...
  7. OddChelsea

    It's not like this is VS specific. A lot of the NC seems to just say **** it to alerts sometimes and yes it annoys me too.
  8. TheBlindFreak

    That's how most Esimir/Amerish alerts turn out for NC on Mattherson. But we still hold our own and often win with a 35/36/29 population.
  9. eldarfalcongravtank

    that's why i dont roll with waterson vanu anymore. no matter how much content or optimization is going to come in the next months, waterson vanu will stay bad at alerts. it's like they hide from the red flashing alert light on purpose
  10. Snoozzzer

    I heard that whenever Waterson VS win an alert, a clump of Higby's hair falls off.

    Thankfully we won't be robbed of that glorious lion's mane anytime soon
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  11. teks

    Most people are sick of rushing into an alert just to be farmed. You have the choice of getting creamed on a alert, or ghost capping.

    Like you said, you were crushed by TR and NC zergs. The NC isn't going to push against the TR when we are the easier target to win the alert, so we end up being attacked from two sides.
    I don't know if you've ever tried platoon lead on an alert like this, but its not a good time. Theres good reason many squads ignore the alert.
    1. The odds are against us
    2. Past experience has shown how painful it can be to be farmed by a massive TR zerg.
    3. We are being pushed on by TR and NC
    4. It requires a good platoon lead with good squad leads all who are willing to really work hard and withstand a massive headache keeping the platoon together.
    5. 28% to 34% translates to a pretty good amount of people
    6. There is little reward for losing an alert, and no advantage to help the underpopped faction
    You can blame those of us who chose not to get farmed, but you should really just blame the entire alert system for ruining an otherwise balanced game, and forcing us into two extremes. Fight against superior odds, or ghost cap. It just ruins the game in the off hours, and we normally just try to wait it out and hope it ends soon so we can get back to the game.

    If you were really serious about joining the fight on esimir you could have started a platoon. A squad on an alert isn't going to amount to much.
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  12. teks

    On prime time hours our outfit does push hard for alerts with a full platoon, and we fight the good fight, but its still hard, however on the off hours alerts are just killing the game.
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  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    Funny, I thought the reason VS keep losing is because they aren't all clones of your incredibly perfect self.
    Although I doubt there is room on Waterson for that much inflated ego.
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  14. KnightCole

    TR is always top dog on Waterson, thats the old Jaegar and then they had like 50% pop always, save for like 3AM michigan time. But the rest of the time, yeah it was always TR owns all 3 conts. NC sometimes win on Waterson.
  15. Ender

    DA needs a move to Waterson, we can help change things ;)
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  16. ViXeN

    So you're saying the best thing to do when things get difficult is to not even try? I don;t believe in that kind of defeatist crap. The odds aren't so bad if all of you would actually bother to show up and we could have easily won that night if we had more of those people from Indar. I understand that leading platoons against difficult odds can be hard but if you guys would coordinate better we could do this. We used to win alerts often even with our lower numbers so there is no reason why we still can't do it. :rolleyes:

    I'll throw out this offer one more time. Since the Vanu Alliance doesn't seem to be getting anything done as far as coordination is concerned, EOTL and I would be happy to help get the outfits more organized during alerts so that we can work together better. I could create a channel on our vent server where we could have the outfit leaders go to coordinate with each other. I'm not much of a strategy person for massive battles but he could handle that and I am pretty skilled at getting people organized. I know some people have issues with me so if people would prefer to have someone else do it then fine. Someone just needs to do something here and help get the VS outfits more organized. The NC started up the NC Command and they have been winning tons of alerts lately.
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  17. ViXeN

    Sounds like a good idea to me. :D We can use all the help we can get.
  18. axiom537

    Yeah, isn't that a sweet spot on the map...Love pulling harassers from crossroads and fighting it out in that whole area between regents, cross roads and all the way over to snake ravine & Vanu Archives.
  19. teks

    This is a game dude. We're coming here for fun. Why would we go fight against superior odds, and die over and over just to get no reward in the end?

    This isn't defeatest. NC has already made attempts to just boycott the alerts entirely, and I'm with it. If they don't take care of this fourth faction crap, or give us some sort of advantage to help the under popped factions, then we're not going to go and FEED the fourth faction certs. I'm totally for ignoreing these alerts and givine SOE the hint that something NEEDS to be fixed.

    Alerts aren't fun in the off hours, they just ruin the game. Forgive me for being offended, but if your serious about your position, and actually want to make a difference you need to platoon lead. Sending a squad in, and getting your butt kicked is your own fault. Once you try leading a full platoon around in these alerts you'll probably get the jist of why these fights are so unattractive.
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  20. NoctD

    We need dynamic continent population queues to force all factions to spread out more evenly... not just to control overpopulation. By the time some faction gets to 40% pop on a continent (VS had 54% Indar) there should already be a queue on that continent, forcing people to go play on the other continents and spread out more evenly.

    No more steamrolling continents by using sheer numbers.