One idea for the "OMG OP" Striker.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Earthman, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. FocusLight

    Few experiences pilots get killed by *a* Striker, they can still be shot down by, say, 4 Strikers shooting in unison.

    As well as any Annie and GTA launchers out there, or 4 organized Lancer hits, or a pair of unexpected Phoenix hits, and a bunch of small-arms fire...

    Anyhow. Making the Striker a magazine-fed dumb-fire would be a horrible idea. It would stop being cried about for one aspect, and start being cried about for another.

    MAX'es in my biolab? NO PROB. Loads of infantry in my way? NO PROB. Tanks? NO PROB. Air out there? Fill the skies with a hail-storm of dumb-fire rounds and harvest the tears, NO PROB.
  2. Santondouah

    I totally agree with your irony... Always the same, when someone complains about a TR weapon the answer is at a point "you get killed by it because you're a noob". Maybe whiners are noobs, the point is still that for any given person it is harder to survive versus strikers than their NC/VS equivalents.
  3. Pikachu

    Why would it have insane velocity? Dumbfiring and lock-on firing has vastly different velocities. It would be just like all the others.
  4. Roll Fizzlebeef

    200 m/s (like the fracture) for a dumbfire is pretty insane.

    And to quote OP, "Not quite like a Lancer, but perhaps something a hint lower muzzle velocity..."
  5. Pikachu

    It should of course be like other rockets. Start at 50 then accelerate to 115. Decimator is just a little bit slower though and the g2a and g2g are much faster. Also we could cut damage to like 450 instead of 500 and reduce splash damage to 25. That means it would take 3 rockets to kill infantry.
  6. Villanuk

    Oh, I would love that, but I would have to admit it would be carnage..

    I really hate the striker now. The last patch has messed it up.

    My Idea, those that have brought this and a similar launcher from the other faction, lets them have each other factions launchers, that will save any arguments, everyone is then a winner :)
  7. Crayv

    If the default launchers are suppose to accelerate to 115 m/s it is taking them way too long to do it. To reach a target 100 m away it takes them well over a full second. The g2a only takes about 1 second (which matches its 100 m/s description) and it has less drop. Also I don't see why people thinking taking 3 rockets to kill someone would be OP since the g2a, g2g, default, and Decimator can kill in 1 hit.

    The main problem with turning the Striker into a version of the Fracture is that is then comparable to the Lancer. The Lancer however would be far easier to use thanks to it's 800 m/s projectile speed (at full charge) and no drop. To put that in comparison the Fracture has a velocity of 200 m/s, most SMGS have 300 m/s, the fast sniper rifles have 650 m/s, and the Lancer has 600/700/800 m/s depending on charge. To make up for this it would need to have a significantly higher dps but that would make it mostly an upgrade over the default. The other option is to make it more effective against other target types (infantry and/or air) but the tears from that would be massive.

    One thing I would like to see is the Striker remain a lockon but it has its damage reduced significantly (to like 100 damage a rocket). In exchange for this is when a certain number hit a vehicle (for example 2 for ESFs, 3 for Harassers and Lightnings, 4 for MBTs and Libs, and 5 for Galaxies and Sundies) it ignites it and causes it to burn. This would cut down on Striker spam since the effect doesn't stack and would make it completely unique as the only weapon that can apply a debuff.
  8. Pikachu

    Are you saying striker would be obligated to have have high velocity rather than behaving like a regular rocket launcher? I don't see why else you compare it to fracture and lancer. Are you saying that because you think the idea is to drop the lock-on feature? I meant just allow it to dumbfire as well as lock like g2a, g2g.

    Strange idea. Main damage coming from non-stacking DOT. I guess it's filled with future version of thermite and white phosphorus. :D What happens when it hits infantry? Do they catch fire too?
  9. Roll Fizzlebeef

    The last patch was more of a half-fix.

    In its original design, it was supposed to keep a constant lock. This would have been the only thing separating it from the Annihilator.

    But I think the fix should have been put in with the lock-on updates. Lock-on times are shortened depending on how close your target is, faster projectile speeds, etc.
  10. Jachim

    I don't know why people think somehow nerfing you by using ONE Fracture (ever fought a max with 1 fracture? its useless, takes forever to kill someone.) especially with the upcoming changes to direct rocket damage. Chill the f out people.
  11. Villanuk

    LOL, indeed that's very true. I did have just the one fracture, its pointless, but even so with both again infantry your better off with the mercey etc.
  12. Villanuk

    I find the lock on's when close do not work, just like before and as for longish distance, your just a sitting duck waiting for the lock on then even against tanks some times rockets just fly straight up.

    The striker has always been a nuisance rather than a killing machine, but im not sure quiet what it is now, so personally I would like the NC launcher but then everyone wants the striker, so hell yes, let SOE open them up to all.