TR has the best warpgate on all 3 continents, rotate please

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SlingBlade, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. leo4444

    so? a lot of people didn't play the beta
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  2. Blue_Moon

    I understand where you're coming from, but to be honest, in practical settings, the minor terrain differences and faction weapon strengths makes very little difference in a game of zerg to the finish. The larger scale, in this case, matters just that much more.
  3. SlingBlade

    I was responding to him saying that TR didn't whine when VS had the north warpgate a couple weeks ago. A couple weeks ago the VS had it and it go rotated out after 2 weeks. Up until the optimization push the past couple months have been pretty regular on warpgate rotations. Good job intentionally misquoting me to make a straw man though.
  4. Andrea SKye

    2 weeks late? Is that a fact or did you just make it up.

    Also, Esamir, TR warpgate SUCKS. Vanu have it so good up there. The other two factions are starved of resources. Amerish? Well who cares about Amerish.

    Indar is pretty balanced IMO, the top is marginly better all round, but vanu spot is better for tanks and NC spot is better for air.

    Warpgates will rotate when they rotate.
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  5. Zotamedu

    Once again, you must be new here because there have never been warpgate rotations with such a regularity. Two weeks is well within the normal rotation schedule as we've seen before. So good job intentionally misunderstanding my post.
  6. Lyel

    The Vanu own the north west gate on esamir.

    the north west of esamir has the most bases in esamir.

    I don't see what the issue is.
  7. EvilJollyT

    Someone cares about World Domination?

  8. Slandebande

    Yes please rotate the warpgates ASAP, I can't despise the northern Indar warpgate as it is so boring. Can't wait for the South-West again!
  9. Mongychops

    From my experience, the NW Esamir WGs problems are:

    • It is close to both the NE and SW WGs, making territory alerts much more difficult as the NW WG tends to get attacked by both other faction, and does not have access to the territories in the SE to boost their percentage.
    • With biolabs, you have the option of either Mani or Andvari, but the NE chooses between Mani and Ymir, and the SW chooses between Andvari and Ymir, so it's not much different.
    • I would argue that NW WG amp station (Freyr) is easier to target for the other factions with the lattice system, rather than NE and SW going for each others (Nott and Elli).
    • The tech plant is roughly equidistant for both factions, I am not sure if there is direction it is easier to attack from.
    Granted there are some advantages, like Jaegers crossing being easier to defend against attacks from the south, but in a balanced population alert, provoking the SW by holding that base so close to their WG can be a double edged decision.
  10. Posse

    The problem is that the bonus XP will make more people switch to TR, I wouldn't be surprised if after the TR get the bonus XP the Waterson's TR pop gets above 40-45% all day every day.
  11. Blackbird

    No Warp Gate is better than the other . I heard the same thing over and over on Connery . Its simply not true . Months ago when they first rotated the Warp Gates the TR were crying that they lost the GOOD Warp Gate and there for couldnt dominate Indar so most stoped trying to control Indar and got their tails kicked . Then when TR got the Warp Gate back on the rotation they still got their tails kicked . It was the PLAYERS not the Warp Gate . Months later now that Alerts have been added no faction really controls any land mass .
  12. Lyel

    You can own only 30% of the map and it will say you have 44% of the bases, because it counts how many bases you have, not how much land you own.
  13. Hoki

    Hrmm maybe OP shouldn't be allowed to post.
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  14. Mongychops

    I meant the way the lattice "combat lanes" direct the NE and SW WGs, seem to more often direct them toward the NW.
  15. biterwylie

    I disagree with the OP with regards Indar.

    With the game balance currently skewed a long way in TR's favour the current warp gate situation in preferable for NC and VS.

    At the moment there are amazing fights between Regent Rock - Scarred Mesa - Red Ridge - Tawrich.

    At the moment you have a choice - Fun fights between VS and NC :D or ........ face endless Vulcan Hassaser, maruader ,Striker and by default Mosquitos on the open northern plains of indar :eek:
  16. Liewec123

    square map + 3 factions,
    impossible to fairly place the bases
    but since there are 3 maps it would make sense for one faction to ach have the good spawn ona different map.
    or is that too logical (TR unbiast) for SoE?
  17. FocusLight

    Please stop crying, I'm drowning in salt water here...

    There is no faction-bias from SOE towards any of the sides. They can't afford to prop up one faction over the others. They simply can't, for a variety of different reasons. SOE's faction bias was a lie when people claimed bias towards VS, it was a lie in regards to NC, it's a lie today when people claim bias towards TR. It has never been true, it can never be true, unless ofc SOE suddenly become completely ******** and desire to lose their jobs in droves because their product end-line is falling apart. Far as I know SOE are staffed by Humans who have bills to pay, much like everyone else... draw your own conclusions.
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  18. Liewec123

    typical TR, people post stats every day showing how one sided things like air combat is for TR,
    and the TR reaction is to throw your hands on their ears and mumble "lalala not listening!"
    before the recent striker nerf TR have had complete air superiority, all stats back this up.
  19. FocusLight

    More tears and pitiful accusations. I keep telling you SOE can't afford to intentionally bias themselves towards anyone, for reasons that should be absurdly clear to just about anyone. So TR holds the northern gate on Indar now? Yeah, we know that gives and edge to whoever holds it, so does the 4th faction tools. But you know what? You won't hear me crying that SOE is biased towards NC when they hold the northern WG and the 4th factioners go to NC, or when VS holds it.

    That's apparently the difference between you and me - I can look at things without faction-tinted glasses and a sense of 'us vs them' in regards to my faction of choice and what happens to it, your the one whining about pretty much everything and, with an honest heart, claiming the developers of a game would screw over 2/3 of their playerbasecustomers for the sake of the remaining 1/3. Simple logic would tell you why this is not smart and how likely it is that the devs are not all morons.

    But by all means, keep living in your fantasy world where the devs are intentionally out to get you and spit on your faction, for whatever reason. Just stop crying to us about it because your reality does not match our reality.
  20. IamDH

    Theres nothing that can be done to Indar.

    Having "equal" warpgates means you are going to remove space