Striker has been fixed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by phreec, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Deschain

    heh, Phoenix is SOE's joke on the NC for sure.
  2. Deschain

    while I agree on most of what you say here, at the end of the day we are playing a Fantasy fps not a simulation, if I wanted a sim fps I go play ArmA with its realistic ballistics. Honestly SOE need to fix all Weapons to closer fit realistic warfare instead of this fantasy genre where Tank rounds and missles barely go farther than you can throw a rock.
  3. Divinorium

    Indeed. But there's a problem: A physical problem, a Hardware Problem.

    Right now no matter how good SOE is, no matter who they bring to program Planetside 2. If the CPU of 90% of the world can't handle a 2 kilometers warfare is just waste of money and effort trying to make your game have a 2 kilometers warfare.

    When the technology improve and we have better hardware to work with, i'm with you. make the 2~4 kilometers battle. But right now it's impossible.

    I say it's impossible because it was never done. The closest warfare of 2 kilometers we have is Planetside 2 with the 300 meters to infantry and 800 to vehicle.(don't come pointing games of 64 players as a "2 kilometers warfare")

    And even with these short distances they are already trembling to make it happens.

    I would love a ******* game where i can shoot at where i can't see and still hit ppl, but since we have a limit in hardware, where the programmers can't do much i will gladly take the best gameplay experience possible.
  4. Tommyp2006

    You're 100% right, and I've said pretty much that in every striker thread that I've posted in. Lock ons in general need a range nerf, they shouldn't lock on past 300m, because no one should be able to kill something outside of the distance that they render at. The annahialator and striker need their pathing changed so that they fly exactly like the cheaper lock ons, so they are easier to dodge, and can't make 180 degree turns like the striker often does. The temporary loss of lock thing that the ahhanialator and striker do needs to go to, as soon as lock is broken, lock drops completely and you have to completely start over again.

    Basically, lock ons should only be effective if the target is completely out in the open. Otherwise, get closer.

    Also like you said about the zoe maxes and scat maxes, grass is greener. Both really are fine in their current forms, the scatmax could even use a minor buff, but people still complain, many do just to try to gain an advantage. Goes for all factions.
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  5. Spartan101

    Yer, i corrected myself in a later post in this thread, a rather long one i might add
  6. axiom537

    And are you 100% accurate with the Annihilator? Nope. So this line of argument is not accurate. If you hit 100% with the Annihilator and only 63% with the striker, then I would agree, but that is not the case.

    I am 70% accurate with the Annihilator and 68% with the Striker, similar weapons, similar accuracy. Therefore on average I do about 1750 damage with the striker and about 840 damage with the annihilator, that is a difference of over 200%.
  7. Spartan101

    A excellent response to my post, i thank you and am relieved you are not another rage inducing player unable to open your mind a little. The Striker is a scapegoat as has been exactly what i have been saying all along, hopefully if enough people read my post and your response, we can actually get people discussing the actual issue rather than attempting to fix what isn't broken (referring directly to the striker rather than the actual broken mechanics behind it).

    This render distance idea does certainly explain the varying differences in results between users and hopefully this was included as part of the patch, i'm leaning towards yes due to the Mana turret symptom fix for render ranges.

    As for additional changes, I've seen one particular change being once a target is "locked on" (assuming this includes LOS and aim to maintain lock). This change states that if a vehicle goes behind any sort of cover, the launcher loses the lock.
    This idea i do not think is feasible for the following reasons
    • If you've ever used a lockon launcher before, you'll know the simplest thing can break lock including friendlies moving in front of you. Losing a ~3 second lock because a friendly walked by you and got his head in the way doesn't seem fair
    • If Maintain LOS to lock is introduced, surely standing out in the open, a prime target is enough of a downside to allow tracking (not locking) as it works now.
    • If an immediate Lock break such as this is introduced, we will see a massive shift in power to air vehicles, with them easily ducking behind anything at all to break the lock.
    My stance on this may change depending on how things progress and any more comments to the already applied patches i will reserve judgment until testing
  8. Vixxing

    Intrresting that you use lancer as an example of ridicolous damage output, i mean what can 4 lancers as a team do that a single anchored down prowler cant do better? (with zoom i might add, and no 3s delay each shot) How much forwarning do a Lib pilot 600m away get before a prowler takes 50% of his health out from nowhere? "noooo Lancer cant do 20% damage of a prowler cause you get no warning! 11 shots to kill a tank is fine, cause its easier to hit 4 pixels thats moving without zoom, than to look at something for 2.25 seconds, so Striker should do 4*Lancers damage!"
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  9. Deschain

  10. Vixxing

    A friend walking into your lock is a terrible disadvantage? Ever had a friend jump infront of your dumbfire and killed you both? I have...
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  11. Divinorium

    I've pointed the "64 players" because static objects are one thing. It's easier. Now when we have 100 players, even with me not seeing all of them they still get my CPU working, moving around and the server/ your computer making the calculations of every single action, then you see why you can't say "hey arma is running 200 players in 5 killometers" when we would have planetside running , in theory, 2000 in 10 killometers.
  12. DashRendar

    They made no mention of the Striker ignoring flares though. I stopped equipping flares long ago because it's been an excercise in futility and a wasted utility slot, been carrying fire suppression instead since it at least has obvious effects that work more times than not.

    If the Striker rockets were docked 100 damage per rocket, it would still be the best rocket launcher in the game, because it would be a lock on decimator that still no one else gets that kind of easy mode vehicle suppression/denial. The projectile speed still hasn't been nerfed to hell and back which makes it OP against air and I am even doubtful that the LoS lock canceling will be fixed either. Even if the Striker were 100% bug free it would still be gamebreakingly OP unless it got some downsides because it's still best in every possible category.

    inb4 TR: qq pp qq
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  13. Deschain

    Indeed, flares are pretty much useless right now, your better off with FSU.
  14. Slandebande

    But if something goes wrong when using the Annihilator you lose your entire clip, whereas that's not always the case with the Striker as you will often either only waste 1-2 missiles to flares/smoke or a couple will hit before the target takes cover. There are also different strategies to be utilized when using the Striker compared to using the Annihilator. You can't just compare the 2 accuracies blindly as they behave differently. If the Striker only had 1 shot doing the damage, then sure. Granted my calculation was also a bit rough, but the point still stands, and the 3/5 rockets on average fits pretty well with my experience using the weapon as well. One simply cannot assume every Striker rocket will hit.

    Sure, bring a Prowler into the comparison which is totally irrelevant. And also feel free to ignore that there is an actual active counter to the Striker compared to the Lancer which is very relevant to the balancing issue.

    How is the Striker doing 4 times the Lancers damage btw? 2500 (assuming all 5 actually hit) compared to 1500 for the Lancer.
  15. TeknoBug

    Yes this is a nice fix, what I like is the savior xp, I shoot at range often and my assists is pretty high, this'll be crazy xp.

    Oh and the server ping indicator and smaller ammo pack icons are another plus.

    ... now to find out what NEW bugs they've introduced.
  16. Chipay

    Lock ons no longer warn you when they're tracing you, there's no way knowing when someone is locking onto you. (bug)
  17. Deschain

    Well so far Nc Reaver rockets doing 0 dmg, grenades doing 1 outa 3 dmg, and UBGL doing 0, Raven Max doing 1outa 3 dmg on hit.
  18. TeknoBug

    So they broke hit detection... haaaaaaaaa!
  19. Ganelon

    People claiming that Striker rockets go through terrain use anecdotal evidence as well.
  20. Tommyp2006

    I'm sorry, I meant to write a single uncharged lancer shot