When did the Combat Medic become an issue?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Eclipson

    Since about a month and a half ago, there has been a slow increase in threads about unbalances in the Combat medic, specifically the revive mechanic.

    My question is, what has changed that made the Combat Medic's revive ability OP? As far as I can tell, its stayed pretty much the same since the games release. What has made this ability all of a sudden something that the community wants to complain about? I feel like i'm missing something here. Did one person just decide to complain about it, and since everyone else on the forums decide that there wasn't enough to complain about, we just added it to our to do list. As far as I can recall, there haven't been complaints about the revive mechanic at all until recently.

    Here's my opinion on why it is justified for revives to be in the state that they are, and have been since the game's release:
    Simply put, the game is huge. In order for a battle to progress, if you are a medic, your allies rely completely on you. Other games have slower revives, simply because there are no where near as many people in need of a revive, and no where near as many enemies. In these games, you have that extra time to revive. In this game, in the heat of combat, with allies falling left and right constantly, you don't have time to wait 5 seconds on top of a dead corpse. The fast revives also keep the games combat fast and fun. With respawn points sometimes being hundreds of meters away, being able to stay in the area where the action is allows you to spend more then half of the game running across fields. It keeps deaths from being overly frustrating, knowing that you may have an ally who can pick you up, and prevents battles from slowing to a crawl. I know that PS1 battles would last literally for days, and some are using PS1 as a reference. Do we really want to be fighting at Zurvan Amp station for 3 days? PS2's combat is much faster then PS1's combat, and so is the revive system.

    One of the points I see mentioned in many of this Combat Medic threads is individual skill. Since when did individual skill matter in this game? This is a game about team work, not how much you can yolo your swag around by your self. I don't know if MLG brought in this whole "individual skill" thing, but i'm going to let you know right now, nobody cares if you just went on a 35 killstreak. Did you capture the objective? Did you help your team make a large push to the next base? Oh, you just dropped onto a tower as a LA with a shotgun and killed a bunch of people who will get revived by people actually working as a team. Cool story bro. I am truly sorry that you feel that you should be able to take an entire base by your self, against people using medics and teamwork, but that's not what this game is about.

    The Revive ability isn't OP, its what keeps this game fast and fun. If you are upset that teamwork downplay's your individual skill, then you are playing the wrong game.
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  2. Lazaruz

    People are just running out of bigger things to complain about.
    So they're moving down the list, on which the combat medic seems to be next.
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  3. Selentic

    The fact that it actually takes less time to revive a dead person to full health than it does to heal them is an issue, but besides that...
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  4. M4L4CH1TE

    You beat me to it.
    Yeah, I think that since SOE has taken a break from constantly breaking(updating) the game there's less to complain about. Chances are they are mostly heavies who are tired of all their hard killing getting reversed despite it being a game dynamic that (unlike others) keeps the game moving.
  5. GhostAvatar

    Thats why I let them die, then revive. Besides, it no longer affects their KDR.... Oh wait! Thats the only chance to the revive mechanic and happened at the same time all these complaints started. Its the wannabe MLG pros complaining because there padded KDR stats are meaningless.
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  6. ChicoFuerte

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  7. Lagavulin

    There is no issue, it's just the usual forum mass hysteria. They'll do this subject to death, and move on to the next thing.
  8. Blarg20011

    Also might have something to do with more and more people unlocking rank 6 medi-gun.
  9. Lampenfieber

    He didnt its just people looking for attention... again! :rolleyes:
  10. MrScrubbypants

    It's just the forum Zerg doing what they do best: complaining about things they don't like/ wanting to turn the game into something it's not.

    For most of them, they won't be happy until Planetside fits THEIR idea of what it should be. Which in most cases is along the lines of "Call of Duty/ Battlefield 3 in space."

    I for one am glad that the dev team is actually focusing on what needs to be fixed in the game (New continent, optimization, etc.), rather than focusing on what the forums want nerfed this week.
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  11. Van Dax

    necessary to stop "heal" tanking.
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  12. Eclipson

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  13. Primarkka

    Stop spreading this stupid lie, the K/D ratio is heightened only for the sessions statistics, not the overall stats. If you die, your K/D ratio goes down.
    Those who have high K/D ratio are not because they're being revived.
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  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    Because it's impossible to stop someone dropping in on the squad leader's dead body, throwing a revive grenade before they render, and BAM suddenly 11 enemies where there were just dead bodies on the ground.
  15. Eclipson

    Thats a problem with the Squad Deploy and Squad Beacon mechanics, a whole different monster which SOE is apparently working on now (though that work may have been stalled to focus on optimizations). I'm surprised fourmside isn't talking about how broken these can be instead of the medic.
  16. axiom537

    It has always been an issue, but as time progresses it becomes a bigger and bigger issue as more people max out their medic gun and invest in revive grenades & grenade bandolier...

    Just like every game as the game matures and more & more of the player base moves into end game content, certain mechanics which weren't necessarily a problem when only 10% of the population had a certain item or skill can become a problem when 25% or more have said skill or item.
  17. Crayv

    I think this started to become an issue once people started actually have certs to throw around at will so now more and more people are certing into the medic tool. After a while it has finally reached a critical mass to where people are now complaining about it.

    The difference between an uncerted medic and a certed one is HUGE. It gives you way too many benefits all at once, it gives you greater range, you can revive someone up to full health, faster revives, AND faster healing. One solution is they could divide the perks into separate cert lines. For example you have to choose between faster revives or reviving at greater health, then a second choice for faster healing or longer range.
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  18. Evil Lyn

    Pretty much.
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  19. Revanmug

    I wouldn't say it is a broken mechanic but...

    I do sometimes get tired when I'm killing the same group of people around me 5-6 times in a row just because of mass rez grenade throw in that spot.

  20. CaligoIllioneus

    This is not true. Your overall stat KDR does not go down if you die and get revived. I know for sure as if I have a medic beside me I take more risks, and I have checked the before and after of about 3 deaths-and-revives and the KDR has stayed static, bah, it actually increased due to the people I killed during that time. Deaths do not count if you get revived.