Pump action shotguns need a buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blashyrk92, Aug 26, 2013.

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  1. FocusLight

    Your opinion is that Shotguns are "cheese". That's a great start. The argument about having to buy it (and how expensive it is) is even better. Consider coming back here with an actual argument for why the OP's suggestion is so wrong, and your viewpoint so right, then we can have a proper conversation. Until then I'll ignore any further input from you regarding this topic.
  2. HellasVagabond

    Well you are missing one crucial point. For example the NC have the worst bullet spread in the game for pretty much every weapon. Yet what the TR and the VS say all the time is L2P or it's ok because they hit harder. So how is that any different than a shotgun ? If SOE was to give it a smaller spread radius or something then i also demand that they do the same for NC weapons still they may hit harder but you can't hit things with the same ease as TR and VS weapons. Still if that was to happen we would see countless people coming here to whine so that's not going to happen ever. So don't ask the same to happen for shotguns.
  3. OldMaster80

    The problem with shotguns in the beginning was just 1: Light Assault. Giving a "1 shot 1 kill" weapon to a soldier that can jump around totally silent and hide in places where no one can go, and attack in a totally unpredictable way from unexpected directions has been a HUGE mistake. I'm glad they've been nerfed, honestly. And I'm telling this even if I have bought the Uppercut.
    The video below show why they had to be nerfed.
  4. NucNuc

    As a person who has all shotgun auraxiums on VS-side (the deimos took me 10 hours 53 minutes, as an average player), i strongly say: no to any buff/nerf to shotguns in general.

    They are all where they should be. Autoshotguns are most forgiving (and are rly good because of that) while PA shotguns are most rewarding. That are tower fight weapons. And there they are better than any other weapon ingame. And yep, sometimes I feel bad for how easy it is to run around with PA and autoshotguns in towers and destroy enemies. It feels cheesy sometimes.
  5. jak

    No kidding. I mean, 0.25 KDR people shouldn't even be able to create forum accounts!
  6. Lampenfieber

    Since they nerfed 2x its not a deal to use a shotgun in this game... even the Auto like Piston, its not good enough to use.

    Remember the good times when the Claw was THE shotgun!
  7. Sock

    Hold up guys, we finally got an expert in here.

    If you struggle with the pump action either don't use it or get better. Pellet spread is fine. "Sometimes I don't instagib things" isn't justification for a buff. That's like saying rocket pods should be buffed because I don't know how to fly.
  8. HellasVagabond

    Hehehehehe come on don't be so harsh on them :)
  9. jak

    Well, in Fortress's defense...I'm sure he ran out of batteries and died a lot.
    • Up x 4
  10. Lampenfieber

    Well i have Auraxium for both pump actions, and i am one of those who loved to play with pump action but, i made exacly what you said, i move on, lost alot my k/d in the process but now i dont want to try anything new because they nerf everything in this game. Anything new, who people do well, they nerf... Magriders, Shotguns, MAXes... its complex this "Balance".

    This is what i know they nerf:

    lower maximum damage per-pellet for all shotguns -> from 134 to 125 (or to 112 for full-auto shotguns)
    less ammo in a mag for the pump action shotguns -> from 5 to 4 (with extend mag got max 6)

    My Sweeper for example, is a #%$& weapon now, and the pump actions have a good damage, but the objective is one good shoot to kill not two or tree... If i see this actual scenario i'll never try the shotgun, mostly because they nerf things all the time, so much of my weapons are not the same i buy from the start.

    Also i think they made this to affecct mostly the NC Max who between all the empires are the most deadly(before the zoe thing)

  11. Sock

    Yeah those were all things people just happened to do well with and not obviously overpowered.
  12. Flapatax

    Do you use anything besides ezmode?
  13. Kodaa

    Do you say anything intelligent?
  14. Fortress

    Great thread guys would read again!
  15. Flapatax

    The counterplay to PA shotguns is maintaining mobility and being better than the user. Considering the allure of quick kills without having to control COF or respond to enemy reactions, many subskilled players will gravitate to pump actions. In the hands of a good player, the pumps are monstrous and obviously not in need of balancing. Considering weapons should be balanced around the "ideal", multiple auraxium high level players saying they're fine holds more weight than you seem to want it to.

    Or I could be mistaken and it might be to redeploy to the forums when someone doesn't get instagibbed by your poorly aimed shot and murders you for being bad.
  16. Kodaa

    Who says I even like or commonly use shotguns?
  17. Flapatax

    Well your third most used weapon is a skillhammer so I just assumed.
  18. Kodaa

    Who says this is my only character?
  19. WaiZen

    If you die to a Pump-action shotgun, you most likely deserved it, in it's current state. It's really hard to kill someone with a PA shotgun unless they aren't moving or walking straight. PA shotgun is risky but rewarding, compare to Auto-shotties like the Piston where you just spray.
    Just quoted this 'cause I couldn't find your other post.
  20. Flapatax

    Lolwut. I think you just implied having other characters mean you didn't use the jackloller on this one.

    Or did you just start taking freshman philosophy and this is some fledgling attempt at the Socratic method?
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