Waterson's Fate - The Dark Prince Has Returned...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Spartan 117


    - Log 8/6/13 NC Warpgate -

    I remember those dark days. Where NC had 12-15% population on a good day. Months have past & in the absence of the dark prince the Vanu sovereignty & New Conglomerate have come to even footing with the Terran Republic. Exceeding it in some instances. It seems as if it did not go unnoticed for he and BRIT have returned.

    The skies have become red. Reports suggest our numbers have already seen losses due to propaganda & spies within our network. As if the numerous organized TR outfits (NUC/EGO/TRAF/ODAM etc) were not enough, it seems the dark prince has taken it upon himself to carry out this task...personally.

    Despite the odds against us, we have many who remain loyal to our cause. Each of them as capable as a squad in their own right for they seek to free the people of Auraxis at any cost. It is truly a honor to fight amongst them. Our men & women prepare for the coming storm...
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  2. Phrygen

    I can't tell if you are annoyed about a potential population balance or excited for " a new server meta"
  3. Tommyp2006

    Please no, we don't need the drones to come back.
  4. Spartan 117

    Neither. This is all in good fun. TB is good for Waterson & PS2 as a whole. Will bring more players into the game. It may however impact the "glory" of above outfits in the coming weeks as any successes will likely be attributed to his influence.
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  5. NeverWas

    those flying d!ld0 in the picture, they're truly , truly , terrifying.
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  6. Hoki

    So double XP week for NC and VS no fair.
  7. Czuuk

    It'll be fun. I just wish he could have waited to come back til after the Stryker fix. But that's probably why he's come back now. I'm guessing he'll get real busy with other stuff once it is fixed.
  8. whitupiggu

    1 day after a video and TR is already sitting around 40%. Dark days a comin.
  9. PhilDun

    An army of 7 year olds. Whup-de-doo.
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  10. Gustavo M

    It's like I can see myself repairing mMAX'es behind that picture.
  11. vrcarnage

    Not a big deal, Brit is just a cert piñata. The server pops have been pretty good at prime time so far.
  12. ronjahn

    That's who those BRIT guys I was killing this weekend were.. Hmm, I'm just gonna keep worrying about NUC until I start seeing some capable play coming from that end.
  13. Haterade

    Looks like BRIT is back to take the "TR's biggest zerg" crown back from ODAM. And how is ODAM an organized outfit and there's absolutely no mention of IR? trolol.
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  14. Slyguy65

    This should be interesting, the smaller outfits on waterson that are dying will be done with the BRIT fiasco.

    Of course once the youtube guy leaves again, they will flock back to the real outfits like wounded birds.
  15. PutteFnask

    Someone should get ChunkyMark, 'angry' cab driver from YT, to play PS2 and the NC, he'd be wonderful listening to leading an assault on the TR!
  16. Slyguy65

    Typical IR, honestly you guys need to get that ignorant ODAM hate out of your *****, get over yourselves, also IR isn't really around, hell you even missed the organized ops the ORGANIZED outfits planned, sooo i think the question was just answered.
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  17. Ash87

    Seriously, there is not enough facepalm jpgs for this thread... not nearly enough.
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  18. Tekuila

    Gotta admit the picture is pretty epic though.
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  19. Haterade

    What are you babbling about now?

    This is how ODAM works:

    1.) Find a fight that's nearing its conclusion
    2.) Yell inane things on /orders and /leader about the fight
    3.) Take credit on /yell and /leader for winning the fight when their presence was irrelevant
    4.) Run to the forums and take credit for everything

    Maybe you could go talk to TB and form some sort of super zerg like Voltron.
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  20. Posse

    So, it all boils down to the fact that VS and NC now have another ODAM style outfit to easily farm kills and certs?
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