Gauss SAW - a primer for new NC players

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by HerpTheDerp, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. HerpTheDerp

    No, that's the opposite of what I said.

    I have never claimed that high damage low RPM LMGs are useless.
  2. Kodaa

    I waste my time with you. You have no argument to refute any of my points, so you resort attacking me directly with hilariously meaningless statistics, like accuracy, as if the only time I ever fire my weapon is in a 1v1 situation where every shot is life or death, and making the typical assumption that this is my only NC character.

    It's pretty clear what your deal is, though. You're an elitist. You've got your shiny BR94 and 28 days played, more than most, and you're a badass because you use the SAW. It's all about your superiority complex which probably stems from some real-life insecurity, but who can say for sure? I know this because I used to be the same way about my hundreds of days played and multiple gladiator titles in WoW, then I grew the **** up.
  3. Sock

    That's nice.

    That doesn't change the fact that the SAW is a very good weapon in the hands of a competent player. No doubt something like the Orion or CARV is more user friendly, but the SAW has a much higher skill ceiling.
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  4. rickampf

    Gauss saw is an awesome weapon, a monster lmg.
    Players who cant see how good it is are doing it wrong... But i respect your opinion sir, maybe it is all about playstyle, but on TR weaponry i cant see any lmg as good as your standard lmg.
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  5. Kodaa

    ^ Lol, leave it to a BR100 to show up, ignore my points, and defend the other elitist. I'll bite.

    I have a proposition for you: Explain why the SAW is so amazing with a huge skill ceiling, because all I've heard so far from anyone defending it is "IT'S REALLY REALLY GOOD, YOU JUST SUCK BECAUSE YOU'RE A NOOB AND YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE GODLINESS."
  6. lilleAllan

    The SAW is amazing because when kitted out it has very controllable recoil, a minimum damage of 167 and perfect first shot accuracy.

    Using the SAW at range means not moving, since the SAW has the worst while-moving ADS accuracy of any automatic weapon in the game, and firing in bursts, since the bloom is pretty hefty. Doing this, you can down an opponent extremely fast with around 2 bursts. But you also need to watch out, so you don't get capped in the head by an infiltrator while standing there.

    That said, I never bring the SAW to close encounters, since the low firerate coupled with terrible moving ADS accuracy means that you risk shots missing, despite being on target, and that will get you killed. It's a gamble. Standing still in close range is not something you want to do either.

    So in conclusion, SAW is a beast under certain circumstances, but it can also be pretty terrible.
  7. Sock

    Traits of the Gauss SAW:
    High damage/shot
    High recoil
    Slow fire rate

    High damage per shot rewards accurate players while punishing those that miss. This is compounded by the slower fire rate, meaning missed shots are more critical. The high recoil is easily controlled by more experienced players, but someone not used to it will be punished. Really, it's the AWP of PlanetSide. Good players do VERY well with it, bad players look like fools.
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  8. KnightCole

    Thats ecactly what the gauss saw is. Its a gun that requirrs a little more effort and skill to perform well with. If u r willing to work with the gun it will reward u with bodies. If not it will punish u with a pool of blood and a ragged corpse.

    When i first f tried the saw i personally didnt like it either but worked with it, read about it and figured out how to play it. The saw is not just a hip fire mindless gun. U must actually be involved in the game to use it well.

    Most dont like it cuz they want an easy point click shotty. The saw u need to be more careful, deliberate and calculated. Its a good player gun. U have to b a good player to get good performancr out of it
  9. KnightCole

    Take it in the vr, put adv grip, comp, x2 reflexr and go to town on the bots. Practice with it, save 330 certs, gear it like u did in vr and u will see.

    Really the biggest trick to the saw is being able to effectively counter its recoil. Out of the box its a pita to use. 330 certs later its a beast.

    Go vr and practicee countering recoil. Stand up top and fire full auto down on those tr bots and try to keep ur gun on target.
  10. Messaiga

    BR 69 here so I am not an *elitist* but I know my way around my Heavy and his Gauss SAW pretty well. Still, basically the Gauss SAW rewards those who are accurate, can manage recoil, can burst fire, and in some cases if you are really good, landing headshots repeatedly. The only thing I have a problem with, is that all of the weapons of every tier are deliberately designed to be almost of the same accuracy during sustained fire. There is no reward for using a slower firing weapon that has the same/similar DPS as a fast firing weapon, no extra accuracy, DPS, nothing. I am not saying slow firing guns need to be deadly accurate, but if you have access to a faster firing weapon that has similar DPS but with easier to handle recoil, and the COF is almost the exact same, what is even the point in using it?

    That said, I still love my Gauss SAW, and it shall always be my NC LMG of choice unless something terrible happens to LMG balance, but there is no real reward for the skill required. The only thing I can say is better about the Gauss SAW than a lot of other weapons is the fact it takes not many bullets to kill, you hardly have to reload and it allows you to gun down multiple people in a row.

    On another note, the Gauss SAW S is confusing, it is absolutely nothing like the Gauss SAW. Same goes for the Flare (it is essentially the S class LMG for VS) when compared to the Orion. Hell I just looked @ the Stats Sheets and it according to the data the Flare is almost a completely worse version of the Gauss SAW S, with the only redeeming feature of it is that it has better hipfire and better moving ADS COF (and even then not by much).
  11. Kodaa

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    I keep hearing this, but I don't think anyone actually puts any thought into what they're saying. High damage, low RoF weapons reward players for being accurate.... so does a low damage, high RoF... the difference is that high damage, low RoF weapons punish users far more for missing. How is this a good thing? Missing 1 shot with the SAW is a lot worse than missing 1 shot with the Orion, but with 100% accuracy, the Orion still comes out on top. Proof:


    Here we have the Orion and the SAW being fired with an average user's accuracy of 30%. The Orion is the clear winner, not by a ton, but it wins. However, like you say, the SAW has a huge skill cap, so it doesn't shine unless being used by someone with amazing skill and accuracy, right? Let's see.


    What's this??!?! The Orion still wins even with 100% accuracy?!? BLASPHEMY!

    Your move.
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  12. KnightCole

    And then put in lag. The orion and carv need 15-20rounds for a kill. The saw needs 8-12.

    Do ur ttk based off that. Yes ive fired enough rounds from them all to get a pattern. When u put in lag the nc guns get the better ttk. Atleast for me

    Nc6 is an8 shot kill and the t9 is a 15shot kill. Ibe had stationary targets in game to test this on.

    Its in actual gameplay and notwrote numbers where the saw and mc guns become better but require more acc. Its the lag punishing us morethen the gum
  13. Messaiga

    /Derp This is because the Gauss SAW has lower DPS than the Orion, the average Orion will miss more shots the longer the range is because it is not as easy to control with the higher ROF at longer ranges, the Orion is obviously made for closer engagements while a weapon like the Gauss SAW is made to be an all rounder that lacks a little bit in close quarters compared to some other LMG's but is extremely powerful at ranges of 50-75 meters. If you are suggesting the Gauss SAW be buffed however, I shall now do my Theorycrafting!

    This is what could be done to 'balance' the Gauss SAW based on that website you pulled up: Increase ROF to 535 RPM, lower the Standing ADS Moving COF to .4, lower recoil per bullet to 0.5 from 0.55. It rewards good aiming (lower COF), makes recoil more controllable (lower recoil per bullet), and increases overall DPS for staying on target. It still penalizes you for missing, but if you aim your bullets correctly you have just as good of a chance as the next guy. I don't care if the Gauss SAW ever gets buffed though, it is my LMG of choice right now and it always shall be if it remains as it is right now because despite your numbers and letters sheets, the Gauss SAW right now is "balanced".
  14. Messaiga

    You on your phone right now? That would explain the way your post is formatted and stuff, but still your post makes perfect sense. Anyway they don't understand that in actual combat, the Gauss SAW will perform well when compared to the Carv or Orion because the Carv and Orion will miss more shots usually because of the high ROF, where as the Gauss SAW is easier to control than those and can perform just as well given that the user can land their bullets.
  15. Casterbridge

    Interesting I always find the opposite, if my lag starts kicking in I do worse with the NC guns, and do better with higher RoF weapons.
  16. Kodaa

    Sigh.. My point in that post was to refute the argument that the SAW becomes some beast-mode killing machine and owns other LMGs when used by players with high accuracy. I just wish people would realistically compare it to other LMGs, and see that it's really inferior to a weapon like the Orion that performs well everywhere (maybe not long range, but that brings me to my next point).

    Long range prowess is really something that is pointless to consider because most fights take place at short-mid range. If you're firing at something really far away, it's probably running for cover, not shooting back. The low recoil, high RoF, high DPS, better hipfire, 0.75 ADS movement speed modifier and MUCH faster reload of the Orion makes it better... in almost every way. The only advantage of the SAW is the larger magazine and damage per magazine... which means very little.


    Another good point. FPS issues are very common in PS2, and high RoF weapons are undeniably better in a low FPS setting.
  17. Sock

    Faster reload is very important but a magazine size twice as large is negligible? That seems sketchy at best.

    No doubt the Orion looks better on paper. Can't argue with the numbers, there's no point. No one is saying the Orion is bad either. Shoot, you can find multiple posts from me calling it the best stock LMG in the game. Unfortunately this game isn't played in a vacuum with perfect settings where it's just two players shooting at each other with equal accuracy. This isn't some conspiracy by high BR players to misconstrue weapon effectiveness. The Gauss SAW is a REALLY good gun. Sorry you can't see that.
  18. KnightCole

    Kodaa, stop in here and go vr the gun. Cert it in the game and play with it awhile.

    It takes higher skill to use because of its deficiencies. But if you as a player can work around or with them then the gun will work just fine.

    I auraxium my saw in tower and amp station fights. All primarily short range or cqc engagements. I got over 3.5kd with it in these instances. Yes i often died to shottys but they BeaT errythin in cqc.

    Stop crying that the gun sucks and get good with it. Ive been a long standing opponent saying the tr and carv suck but have changed my gameplay with it and my kd on a tr had gone from 2.72 up to 3.3 i think it is now.

    I still dont like it much but it can and does work when used by a half decent player. I also tried the orion. I personally didnt like it. No mag cap, very jittery and low dmg. Seemed like a worse carv to me. Then again i was br 4 with nothing.
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  19. Kodaa

    I didn't mean to suggest that a high mag count means little, I just meant that it doesn't make up for everything the Orion does better. Also, 50 rounds and a ~3 second reload and 100 with a ~6 second reload is all personal preference.

    I'm perfectly willing to admit that stats on paper aren't everything, and I understand that the game isn't played in a vacuum where it's just stats vs stats, which is why I'm bringing up points OTHER than just raw stats. You can't just ignore my previous arguments and pretend I'm looking at the game like it's all about numbers just because I used math as supporting evidence.
  20. Dregan

    Points that need be made:

    Why does the SAW have a higher skill-cap than the Orion?
    The reason is lateral recoil vs. vertical recoil.
    Lateral recoil is side to side recoil. The Orion has a lot of this while the SAW (and a lot of NC weapons) have very little of this. Lateral recoil (not to be confused with directional recoil) is very hard to compensate for as each shot can go progressively further either left or right. This becomes worse the faster the gun fires as there is less and less time to react and compensate. Very few players are able to react to these jumps at all.
    Vertical recoil on the other hand always go in one foreseeable direction (guns may have a directional bias but will always be predictable): Up. This means you can compensate for this if you have experience with the weapon. A fast firing weapon is easier to compensate for as the upward pull is more consistent (and usually smaller per shot) but any gun can be controlled.
    So the SAW rewards anyone that can control with better dps.
    But this brings us to the second point

    Is the SAW a good starter weapon?
    NO. The SAW requires time to learn. It requires time where you learnt he weapon, test it, get used to it. It is not a good "babies first LMG". I came into Planetside as pretty much an FPS virgin. I had not played FPS at any level of competitiveness. I hated the SAW. I could not control the damn thing and did not understand it. HA frustrated me to no end as a result. Luckily I played medic most of the time but the few times I played HA I messed up every time. A friend however is an excellent FPS player and was able to make the saw sing.
    And this is the big problem. While giving the big damaging gun as the starter weapon to the faction that is suppose have the big damaging gun, is something you can understand I feel the chance that people will be turned off from game or the faction is a bigger concern. Personally I think another gun should be the stock NC HA LMG... the EM6 perhaps.