Tankers do not want to farm infantry.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by deggy, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. LordCreepy

    Well i switched to HEAT + AV Secondary for now. Strong enough for those rare tanks you might find and better for self defence.
    AP certainly needs more appeal. ( So does HE too btw.)
  2. Kanil

    So, if you want MAXes to be the only anti-tank weapon available, then what do tanks give up in exchange?

    Would you support the removal of HEAT, HE, Furies, and AI-ES secondaries?

    How about preventing AP from doing damage to non-MAX infantry, does that sound acceptable?
  3. deggy

    How about walls to exclude tanks from infantry fights?

    Oh, wait...
  4. Kanil

    Is that a "No." then?
  5. deggy

    If we can remove ALL AV that's not attached to a MAX, including C4 and mines, then I don't care about infantry. I shoot infantry in self-defense, because if I don't I get C4'd.
  6. SgtScum

    Thread tl;dr so I'll simply coment on the op.

    Most tanks I see have an he loadout and do their best to get a good spot to shoot at the spawn.

    This doesn't make them farmers just players gaming the system to ensure an easy base cap.

    Human nature etc etc..
  7. qwertyqwerty

    When I started play this game I tryed to find class that have more certs...
    And after 2-3 days I has understood one thing - the most certs u have only by destroy any vehilcles))))
    Only One way good to farm infantry - c75 viper. Take "he" to MBT really stupid imho.
  8. Lagavulin

    Whatever some ppl try to claim, the vast majority of tankers - and aircraft pilots - spend the vast majority of their time farming easy infantry kills. Spawn camping is still their favoured pastime. VS in particular, as magriders can get into better farming positions, and can more easily avoid being hit.
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  9. Degenatron

    I agree with this completely. As a dedicated tank driver I get FAR more satisfaction in Tank v Tank battles. My main load-out is Titian AP and G-40 Ranger. It is not meant to attack infantry, but instead to attack armor and base fortifications at range and ward off ESFs. I have an Anti-Infantry loadout which rarely gets used because it leaves my tank so vulnerable. The only time I resort to shooting at infantry is when there are no armor units to engage and there are a lot of AV heavies and Engis running around. Then I really have no other choice.
  10. SgtScum

    Alas this isn't the norm. As a vanu player running with the zerg all I see are he mag with sarons jockeying for position on all the choice spots. Again this isn't to farm but to make sure no one leaves the spawn so you can quickly cap and move on to the next base. This is why I hope the changes on esamir make it to the other continents as they are very effective in cutting down on tank spawn camping.
  11. Alarox

    AP is better against vehicles, aircraft, and you can do AI if you're good at it. I think AP and HEAT are fine and have enough appeal.

    HE just seems underpowered for Magriders and Vanguards. For Prowlers it seems fine.

    Are most of those people tankers, or people who hop into a tank every once in a while to get easy certs and boost their K/D with the zerg? I think there's a significant difference between someone like that and someone who is a tanker.

    With aircraft, if you're good enough you only need your rotary to fight other air, so you pull rockets as your secondary so you can do something when you can't find other aircraft and so you don't feel useless. Just like how when there's no armor around and I'm in a Vanguard, I find a nice hill and shoot down aircraft, or I park 200m outside a base and snipe infantry who stand still.
  12. LordCreepy

    Might be the prowler tough. Nothing pretty much changes for me. I can compensate for the lower velocity and it's still 2 shots versus esfs.
    Sure I might need a shot or two more but in actual ttk its neglectable as long I am running with a vulcan gunner.
    Thats actually more due to being forced in close combat on esamir.
    AP is still much better for deployed anti tank sniping. --> Given you find enough on long ranges which pretty much only happens in the open fields near the warpgates now.
    AI is a ton easier to kill with heat - against groups that it. And its what i sadly encounter more and more.
    Bet we 've all seen them those zergs on top of mountains with lockons,phoenix,lancer,striker,dumbfire or engi turrets(name your poison). And drop pods +suicide bombers with C4.
    AP would be ok aslong infantry wouldn't be that strong versus armor on high ranges)
    ( For the record I think I am doing ok with AP Ammo. I do have ~ 50% Acc. with Prowler AP and 64% with Lighting AP - dunno why).
  13. deggy

    This is a big issue.

    People don't know the difference between a tanker and a tank driver.

    Tanker: Someone with thousands of certs in an MBT. Typically, they've spent hours and hours in their vehicles. I have 86 hours in my Magrider, that's actually pretty low. I got into it pretty late in my BR progression. Look at people like Phrygen, with 267 hours in their tanks. Those are tankers. They look for enemy armor, patrol the immediate areas around bases while they're capping. They never sit still.

    Tank Driver: Someone who drives a tank sometimes to get between bases. Pulls up to the spawn room because he doesn't know what else to do. Might have the HE main gun from a day when it was on sale. Gets C4'd by the first half-intelligent Light Assault to leave the spawn.

    The difficulty is separating the two. The easiest way to do that is to encourage armor fights. If a tanker and a tank driver fight, you will quickly see which is which. So the bottom line is, people should be trying to get their own armor to counter enemy armor. That should be the goal. Infantry-based AV should not be the top of the food chain.
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  14. Alarox

    Based on the stats, Phrygen is far more of the infantry farmer type than what you describe.
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  15. f0d

    sometimes you just cant help but shoot at infantry since there is 10x more of them and they are usually more of a threat than other tanks

    i think deggy was trying to say that there are some people that spend all their time and certs in tanks (tankers: they play their role the way they should be played) and others that just use them for transport from base to base and hope to get a few quick easy kills inbetween (tank driver)

    i agree 100% with "Infantry-based AV should not be the top of the food chain" atm infantry are the most prolific and more of a threat than most other people in tanks

    i barely even use tanks anymore (even though i have 115 hours in them and thousands of certs) because powerful infantry AV just makes it no fun
  16. LordCreepy

    If we are talking about dedicated tankers - Rayden78 comes into my mind - I really hate bumping into his magrider.
  17. TheHalo1Pistol

    You're missing a word. "Dedicated". The other guys are worthless.
  18. Winfield

    Good post OP. Good post.

    I'd like to think of myself as a dedicated tanker and I do pretty well with AP even against infantry.

    Tank vs. Tank battles in this game are awesome, but even if I do think infantry have too many AV options I still think that the underlying reason that tankers feel that way is because of render distance issues.

    We get hit by invisible projectiles constantly, not knowing the enemy location even though you might have a line of fire is frustrating.

    tl;dr: Don't nerf infantry AV, fix render distance.
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  19. dough

    'scrub'.. hmm.. this is just exactly what I've come to expect from a portion of the PS2 community. I hate these elitist terms, because they are all about putting you down without even expending the effort to make a real point. Really, if this is all you can come up with, why post?
  20. KlyptoK

    Well the more accurate term is that they are Infantry-peasants-wannabe-tankers who want to become one of the almighty gods of the field such as the magnificent Vanguard but don't know how.

    Those peasants should really do better and emulating the Vanguard's true greatness and potential while still recognizing their place underneath the Vanguard's treads. IN FACT THEY SHOULD ALL COME TO RECOGNIZE THIS DIETY.