Tankers do not want to farm infantry.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by deggy, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. jak

    Good post overall - it's a good issue to bring up. Trust me, us infantry don't want to be vehicle spammed just as much as you dedicated drivers don't want to be spammed by infantry AV.

    For tanks in general, the "problem" is infantry are easy to kill, more numerous, and therefore more rewarding. To fix this, they should have done what many of us have been saying for ages - bases are for infantry, everything else is for vehicles. You need vehicles to get to (and put a siege on) the bases you'll fight in, then you'll need the infantry to take the base. At this point, they'd need to severely nerf infantry AV and severely buff the XP for vehicle kills, plus base redesign. Also, they'd need to modify spawn dynamics a bit to restrict spawn hopping.
  2. Alarox

    The problem with making this a game with logistics and movement is that you can play the entire game, conquering a continent, with the overwhelming majority of your players never taking a step away from a base. Just teleport wherever you need to go.

    Tanks will never have a role that isn't entirely situational, and therefore unreliable and potentially non-existent.
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  3. jak

    Yes, completely true.
  4. Calisai

    This is the problem. You're primarily a grunt. When you pull a tank, you like to kill infantry. Due to the way resources are structured right now and the primary maingun being the more powerful gun... I think the majority of the "tank zerg" is made up by players like you. The majority of tanks that I come across are obviously not tankers... That's the main reason tanks got nerfed down to the weak state they are in. People using them as cheap farming tools to gain quick certs. The type of player who will kill the infantry around a Sundy rather than killing the Sundy first.

    They made tanks into suits that infantry wear while they are moving to the next fight... and then are surprised that they are used to just farm infantry.
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  5. jak

    Yeah, there's not really much motivation to be a non-infantry farmer. More risk, less reward in hunting other vehicles. Plus having to buy a gun to be a dedicated AV tank automatically restricts vehicular warfare because TONS of people won't buy that gun. They'll simply use the gun that comes with the tank, which is surprisingly effective at farming infantry.

    They tried to fix these issues by increasing the effectiveness of infantry AV to tanks (either through direct nerfs to tanks or buffs/more AV weapons) rather than rethink the entire dynamic.
  6. IamDH

    Just you
    1- Not everyone uses AP
    2- Farming infantry is better certs so more ppl do it
    3- They are a threat
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  7. RHINO_Mk.II

    That's what I would say too if it blatantly contradicted my multi-paragraph thread as well.
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  8. deggy

    And your avatar is the Heavy Assault logo, does that mean you hate tanks?

    Seriously, the stuff outside a post has very little to do with the post itself.
  9. Alarox

    1.) They should
    2.) You can use AP for that when you're not blowing up vehicles. My sig.
    3.) Good thing I have my 5 foot step
  10. LordCreepy

    I never had problems finding vehicles to kill on the old esamir.
    You could easily hit 40-60k exp an hour killing vehicles.
    For the same exp you would have to pretty much farm inf on marauder cooldown..
  11. Lolroflcake

    The whole point of driving a tank when I get into one is to find a good fight with me and my friends. This usually consists of driving around looking for that poor soul driving his tank or sunderer to the current front line his faction is fighting at but what we really look for is larger groups of enemy tanks.

    It almost never consists of farming infantry, farming infantry at a spawn room is not a good fight. The only time we have ever engaged a group of infantry was when said group starts firing on us or their sunderer is just sitting out in the open for the taking.

    Besides exploding an enemy tank is far more rewarding then playing whac-a-vanu at a spawn room.
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  12. deggy

    Agreed. I haven't fought a good tank column in weeks.
  13. Kanil


    Compare usage of Lightning HE and HEAT to AP. Unlike the other tanks, all these weapons require certs, and so don't have the enormous HEAT bias of MBTs. Even though HE costs more certs than the others, it's still used much more. Curiously, Vanguards actually favor AP to HE -- Prowlers and Magriders definitely do not, however.

    I think it's safe to say the vast majority of tankers do just want to farm infantry. So, yeah, no sympathy from me.

    A thought: Ideally resource cost for a vehicle could be adjusted based on the vehicle's equipment. If a AP lightning was 150 resources but a HE one was 350 or something, you could more easily have tank-on-tank battles, and pulling a tank to deal with a tank zerg wouldn't be so punishing on your resources.

    Not sure how it'd work with MBTs, since a HE Prowler shouldn't be cheap just 'cause you put a Basilisk on top, but a HE-Maruader Prowler would probably be silly expensive.
  14. deggy

    This has been covered. Those statistics are from the entire life of the game, which includes pre-HE nerf. Before the nerf, HE was a viable option. It's not now, and we would really need to reset that site to get valid stats from it for HE vs AP weapons.
  15. Kanil

    Even then, HE is still used 8 times more than AP. In order for AP to be used more since the nerfs, pre-nerf HE usage would have to account for 87% of all HE usage. I find that hard to believe.
  16. deggy

    It's not hard to believe at all. HE was insane before the nerf. Everyone who cared about his tank ran with it, and the kills came streaming in. It was the beginning of the game, nobody had C4 or mines unlocked either. The number of people running Flak was very low.
  17. IronWarrior

    Have to say this topic makes no sense.

    As a player, I want to kill the enemy. It does not matter what I use to kill them. I'm happy to kill them with any vehicle I decide to pull and if there is lots of infantry grouped together, then my Heat shells will land among them till they all die and if a enemy vehicle comes along, that will die too.
  18. Lolroflcake

    Unless it's a fully manned tank with AP rounds and an AV secondary. Then you'd just go and get yourself exploded all over the place. This topic is simply about fun, many people do not find shooting infantry fun when compared to engaging vehicles.
  19. deggy

    It's about the continuous whining that all tanks want to do is farm and the constant sidelining of tank drivers in every update. We're tired of being lumped in with the zerglings who pull tanks as transit. When I pull a tank, I want to kill enemy tanks. I want to get into a massive, dynamic vehicle battle that will take my heart rate up 40 points. I want the 8,000 certs in my base Magrider loadout to be put to good use.

    I should not be pigeonholed into shooting at the infantry that come out of a spawn gate because I'm one of the 10 people left on Mattherson that wants a useful MBT instead of an infantry-dominated game.

    This will sound horribly vain, but the infantry should be relying on me and people like me for protection. Tanks should be best killed by tanks, not by infantry. An AP MBT should be part of any good force to protect it from vehicles. Infantry should not be able to fulfill the role of vehicle-killer as well as they can right now, not when there are tanks specializing heavily in that area.
  20. boom-mug

    They should have put more roofs in.