Stupidity for Mattherson TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gbank, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Gbank

    Tonight, we lost a global amp station alert. You know why? Because the bulk majority of TR (there are some exceptions) are too damn stupid to do anything productive.

    My outfit, (the Honeybadgers) managed to coordinate and take Zurvan with some other outfits. Then we went to esamir to push Freyr. Capped Snowshear fine. Then we lost Kwatee. Then we couldn't take Freyr due to Esamir NC 47% pop. So half my platoon logged off. The other half and myself went around having races and flying libs as we slowly watched the clock hit 0.

    Where is the TR you might ask? Too busy fighting over Tarwhich and holding down a cut off Allatum bio lab.

    FFS! No wonder people don't stick around on TR. There are only 5 outfits doing anything productive!

    TL: DR There is more to this game than Indar. ALot of the TR (there are exceptions) need to not be stupid.
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  2. Gbank

    I will take Sol Tech back now.....pweez
  3. EliteEskimo

    Dude we just got a bunch of new players so give them time to adapt. In the mean time try using command chat to coordinate them and represent your outfit well.:cool:
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  4. Gbank

    You are missing the point of my post. TR run from alerts. They dont go for them.

    It isnt the new players. It is the outfits who dont coordinate and do whatever they feel like.

    HNYB. DOG, and VG were trying to take Freyr. And eventually 903rd showed up. But we were still short because.......Allatum farm! or Tarwich!
  5. CrashB111

    Only because people are traumatized by months of VS overpopulation and have become desensitized to alerts.

    The only thing that will let TR recover from that is some time to get the newbies geared up and trained, and win an alert or two to show people that it isn't hopeless. Hell we tied VS yesterday and would have won outright if NC hadn't ****** it up.

    And some anti-4th faction measures from SOE wouldn't hurt either.
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  6. Spets

    Although I do miss our beloved Sol tech... in time the influx of newbies will get trained.
  7. Gbank

    Or switch to the winning faction. Or quit the game. Unfortunately we just dont know.
  8. Deladin

    Alerts are a joke now. They were supposed to be ways to get underpopulated continents populated, and get people seeing different parts of the map and doing different things.

    Now, they happen to frequently, that the rest of the game is hindered by it. Instead of having random front lines each day, the alerts, which are in a predictable order so you always know which one is coming up if you knew which was just finished, means it is just a cycle of preparing for the next alert.

    Oh, biolab alert in 20 minutes, lets all start taking biolabs, and ignore the rest of the continent for the next 2 hours and 20 minutes.

    Not to mention, alerts only work well with a balanced population, something, thanks to the pathetic 4th faction, never happens on most servers.

    And then there is the 150% ****** optimization of this game that makes most large scale fights either frame lock half my outfit, or makes this so called "large scale warfare" that SOE likes to FALSELY promote into an instance based TDM, as you can only see the 50 or so people within a 50 meter circle around you, with everything outside that randomly popping in and out of render.

    There is nothing large scale about large scale warfare in this game. The biggest you can get and have an epic feel is about 25 vs 25 max, anything past that and the performance and render issues relegate the combat to utter crap. Alerts just compound this issue.

    SOE needs to get off their ******* greedy ***** *****, stop ******* around with MLG, stop ******** out weapons we do not need in the store, and fix the ******* decades old "next gen" game engine.
  9. Pat Cleburne

    Alert right now. Seeing green.

    Yes, TR 4th faction jumped to VS. Still, hardly any players from what remains of TR will come to Amerish to fight the alert.

    Despite Esamir and Indar having TR pop, Amerish looks like this during the alert.
  10. SikVvVidiT

    TR outfits in general are horrible on this server now. For months they trashed The Enclave and said "we don't need them" and now that BCP and his band of suck-ups are gone you see how badly they were needed.

    I created a TR a short time ago after the ZOE and pop imbalance issue to try to help the TR. To fight the good fight you know?... And it has been nothing but 61 levels of frustration ever since. TR are a lost cause on this server, they have 0 tatics yet whine and cry about pop advantages all the time.

    Earlier tonight VS had the lowest pop with 31% and still held 5 bios with TR and NC both holding 2..... Later that night it was the same tune this time with amp stations. And then near the end of the alert the 4th faction jumps over, after VS already has things won which gives the TR/NC the "See you have more poeple den us" ******** excuses.... It's not a pop issue its a player and outfit issue. TR and NC plauers and outfits just cannot compete with the Vanu ones..

    After a base is taken that we need, as a VS character we immediately hit the re-deploy button and drop to our next base that is needed.. Do you think you will see that with the TR or NC? Hell no they will just zerg to the next base no matter if it is needed or not.. It's comical.

    I'm done trying to help the scrubs, I'm done with being frustrated.

    Time to be selfish again and get my guy to 100
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  11. CrashB111

    Can I have your stuff?

  12. Mxiter

    I maybe needs server for farms and server for people which are playing the objectives. It's actually so fustrating to playing the objectives! Lack of meta games don't helps...
  13. LowTechKiller

    So, I'm confused. Was your platoon one of the "productive" outfits before or after half of it quit tonight?
  14. Madcat9

    Lol just make sure not to pick up his personality.
  15. SikVvVidiT

    And this is a prime example of the TR idiots on Matterson.. I joined your empire to help with the overpopulation of VS (which is where my main is) and I'm called a traitor...

    So glad you will be laying next to me, while I tea bag you asking for a ride, instead of standing next to me killing trying to kill people.

    Time to crank this tear machine up a notch TR, this should be fun!
  16. CrashB111

  17. Badname3073

    Make an online petition for BCP+TE to return to Mattherson. Something along "Buzzcut, please come back to us and bring your outfit with you. We admit we were wrong about you, and we just realized that TE is the best TR outfit on Mattherson and you are the best TR player. We sincerely apologize for our rude behavior and from now on we will do everything as you say. Yours sincerely, Mattherson TR"
  18. EliteEskimo

    Actually as good as TE was I liked the reduced level of trash talk, BWC never used to get as many complements because everyone was so busy hating TR because of BAAAAD BAAAD BAAAAD talk that was TE. TE was good but they were a lot like GOKU in that spam /yell with trash talk. If Buzz comes back it would be nice if he could turn over a new leaf in that regard. BWC still regularly pushes the VS all the way to MAO during primetime, and this is especially the case during our OPS where we often warp gate them. I also think that other outfits do a fine job too, Mattherson TR are still good it's just now we have a large number of rookies trying to learn the game while the VS doesn't have to deal with that as much. Also keep in mind the fourth faction is still very much a problem during alerts on Mattherson.
  19. Phrygen

    there is a difference between running from them, and not caring about them.
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  20. CrashB111

    GOKU is just the new TE from what I can gather talking to other TR and VS in /yell sometimes. They are hated by people on both sides of the line because they take credit for everything VS does, trash talk constantly, and act like its a big deal when they cap a base they outnumber the defenders in by 2x.
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