New C4 damage to tanks + Video

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haruk, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Tommyp2006

    This c4 balance is a result of tanks nearly doubling in resource cost. 2 C4 still takes down around 90% of a tanks health. same with a sundy, and people don't have much issue killing those. God forbid a vehicle requires teamwork to kill instead of just rambo tactics.
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  2. Bearcat

    The over-poweredness of a weapon is directly proportionate to the amount of crying when it gets nerfed :p
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  3. Compass

    Yes, I agree. The teamwork required for my Heavy Assault to walk up to a tank, drop 2 C4, and then fire at it with a rocket launcher shows that I cooperate with others.

    The teamwork required for my Engineer to walk up to a tank, drop 2 mines, shoot them, and then blow up the same tank demonstrates that I am a valuable asset when working in concert with my team.

    Meanwhile, the my Light Assault, obviously, is a poor team player. I stick 2 C4, detonate it, and just stare at the tank. Shame.
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  4. jak

    People don't have much issue with sundies because:
    1) They use tank mines as many, MANY more sundies use blockade these days
    2) Sundies typically don't have an engineer waiting around on hand to repair them

    Tanks, on the other hand, are almost guaranteed to be driven by an engineer. That being said, you are correct in the resource cost + a timer is stupidly restrictive to those that want to play tankers as their playstyle of choice.
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  5. AdennTM

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  6. TheBillOf3D

    You got camped, you already failed.
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  7. deggy

    Those of you asking for LA to be able to carry 3 C4...

    You realize the entire point of this change was to prevent LA from instant-killing a tank? It's the only class that can no longer carry enough heavy ordinance to instantly kill armor. All the other classes have alternate methods (like a rocket launcher) or the ability to carry more C4 (Medic and Engi Utility Pouch). The entire purpose of this change was to STOP the LA class from being a bomber. If you really miss your lone-wolf, no-teamwork ability to roflstomp a tank, get an UBGL and you can still do it.

    "But wait," you say, "The guns that have UBGL's available suck! I'll get killed by infantry"

    That's something we like to call a tradeoff. It means you don't get to be good at everything with the same loadout. If you want to insta-kill a tank, you give up infantry-killing ability.
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  8. Tommyp2006

    So you're upset that a HEAVY assault is more effective vs vehicles than a LIGHT assault?
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  9. FrontTowardEnemy

    I'm asking if the resistance to C4 has been modified similar to tanks or not. Not a solution to being C4ed as a MAX.
  10. jak

    3 C4 is the same as this "solution" on the PTS - alternatives that don't really address the issue at hand.
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  11. Mr_Giggles

    I love how logic works in your minds, it is so mind boggling at times. What could possibly cause you, the OP, to think that Tanks and Infantry should be at 1v1 equal footing? Seriously, I would like to know.
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  12. jak

    Different argument between the utility available to HA and whatever people expect LA to do. Has more to do with the utility and purpose of the LA class that's continually being...altered.
  13. deggy

    The LA was never designed as an anti-tank class to begin with. The fact that it could do it so well was a major problem.

    2 C4 and a UBGL shot to the rear will kill a tank, by the way.
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  14. Apples

    You do know that tank targets in VR are stronger than in game targets right? (At least last I checked.) You do also know that people drop two C4 on tanks as it is and not just one. And in regards to the people saying they got insta-gibbed by C4, I've tanked enough and LA'd enough to know the people who get C4'd are usually sitting under tower landing pads or enemy occupied base buildings/trees without every looking around them so they get snuck up on. Or they back up against a cliff etc. If more tankers would just WATCH their surroundings more they would last longer. My tank's only been C4'd a few times and the guys who did it had to run a long distance to do it. You're a tank, not an RPGMMO "tank."
  15. Nogrim313

    then change each brick to cost 250 -300 infantry resources, why more? because if you dont drop them they arent used up, where as a tank resources are at risk the moment it is spawned, if you think in any world that 200 infantry resource cost versus 450 vehicle is a balance your just an idiot

    LA role is not anti vehicle it never was, LA are for getting over base walls and flanking, which in the new esamir is of a much much greater importance

    if anything tanks HP should be doubled or tripled one or two infantry should not be any kind of threat to tank period that is the entire ******* purpose of a tank.

    quit ******* whining that your xp farm is over, your no better than the tanks who complained when they lost the ability to farm infantry (which they are legitimately intended to do)
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  16. Compass

    Good straw man. I almost fell for that. Almost. That's not what I said at all.

    What I said is that the LA is being reduced in effectiveness, while the HA is not, despite both having access to C4.

    LA with 2 C4, compared to a HA with 2 C4 and a Decimator with 5 rounds.

    Which one can kill more tanks assuming maximum combat effectiveness (100% accuracy, no waste)

    Current Build - LA can kill 1 tank, HA can kill 3 tanks (2 C4 for a tank, 2 Deci per tank, 1 spare rocket).

    PTS, LA can kill 0 tanks, HA can kill 3 tanks (2 C4 + 1 Deci for a tank, 2 Deci per tank).
  17. Outlier

    Pretty much. If a tank is sitting back and lobbing HE rounds at me often enough to take notice, you bet your a$$ I'm going to repay them, with interest, in the form of a C4 laden suicide flash.
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  18. RX530SS

    No, he's upset that light assault will now be useless against vehicles.
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  19. BigMacDeez

    They don't in this game. However...if you're even near a real tank when the main gun fires, your brain is turned to mush.

    Taking out a real tank requires teamwork and MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF FIREPOWER. It should be the same in this game.
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  20. BigMacDeez

    Or...they'll be just as they should. LIGHT assault. Not insta-killing anti tank ninjas.
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