New C4 damage to tanks + Video

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haruk, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Mythicrose12

    And before long, we will (likely) no longer be able to shoot our own AV mines to detonate them.
  2. MilitiaMan

    Tanks one hit with direct hits only, I can drop a shell 6 inches from your feet and you wont die.
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  3. Mythicrose12

    If it only takes 10 seconds for a MBT to burn out, I could accept that. Force the engineer to bail from the tank. Lightnings should still pop, IMO.
  4. Total_Overkill

    stop using AP rounds then? o_O
  5. MilitiaMan

    Doesn't matter, HE and HEAT do not one shot unless it is direct hit.
  6. RX530SS

    So don't shoot at my feet.
  7. Inu

    C4 is just now less of a cheap kill. If you're fighting with an outfit, this changes very little.
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  8. llPendragon

    I'm 100% okay with this change. It should never have been easier to kill a MBT with C4 than a Sunderer.
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  9. MilitiaMan

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  10. Bill Hicks

    Cheap kill? is sitting on a hill farming infantry with heat rounds the highest achievement of humankind?
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  11. Outlier

    What does this have to do with C4 vs tank balance?

    EDIT: Let me go ahead and answer that for you: nothing
  12. MarlboroMan-E

    Maybe ... maybe ... maybe you shouldn't camp next to trees. Or set stationary.
    Which is different how?
    Radar? Not even. How about "just don't sit stationary" ... except that's the best way camp. And the kiddies love to camp.

    There's like 3 whiny little ***** that whined harder than anybody else ... and now, the only reliable way to beat campers is being nerfed. ******* awesome.
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  13. Lamat

    They could have kept the damage and just given it deploy time. (not activation delay as now)

    So is this reduced damage for C4 or increased C4 resistance for tanks?
  14. TheBillOf3D

    They've all been nerfed. You better have a sniper in your tank. Which also helped create the complaints with C4. You can't just get close to the Jihadi anymore, you need to nail them. Enforcer must hit twice.
  15. GraphicJ

    This blows. No pun intended.
    SOE, please stop, you're killing the LA class. Please stop already.
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  16. Bill Hicks

    So basically if you risk your life going behind enemy lines to remove a threat from the battlefield. Avoiding being spotted, avoid radar, avoid smart players who have actual situational awareness.

    You lay c-4 somehow live to detonate it, but you get killed, because now everyone sees you. In your deaths screen you see engineers repairing the vehicle back to full in a few seconds. You wasted 200 resource and good amount of time and some derp engineer spends nothing and repairs it.
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  17. TheBillOf3D

    You are the only one who can make non sequitur?
  18. GraphicJ


    [IMG]...It wasn't OP to start with. It's expensive, it does crap against semi certed MAXes and even infantry with flak armor. Not to mention that you just ruined the Light Assault class by a huge margin.
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  19. Compass

    Well, to be fair, no one's risking their life, but they're using their time to try and disrupt armored support rather than you know, repelling boarders.
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  20. RX530SS

    That's your problem. Your using a vanguard, the worst AI tank in the game.
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