What Planetside 2 players do you hate the most

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. BigIronRanger

    1. Infiltrators who use SMG's, the epitome of scrubiness. not only do you kill people quick but they cant see you when you are about to.

    2. High BR players who are always away from the front lines in an ESF or tank farming infantry and when they are in the heat they wip out a shotgun, become a MAX or are hiding within the zerg. K/D padders much i can put a few to shame right now.

    3. Strictly shotgun players, would be useless with any other weapon so they pick the ez mode one.

    4. Strict MAX players, just left click there way to victory.

    5. Medics and engies who only help specific people.

    6. Players who think they are good but are far from it.
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  2. BigIronRanger

    Better than sitting in a metal burger all day clicking left mouse button dont ya think. How about i make a C4 light assault montage and you make a tank montage we'll see who's is more 1337.
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  3. HadesR

    I like the ones who will fly right past enemy armour just to rocket pod a lone infantry man .. Gotta pad that KDR
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  4. Ender

    People who run mindlessly into a vehicle zerg when they could simply place a beacon and drop onto the Alpha Point and save it. Instead they sit in the spawn room and prepare "traps" that inevitably kill more friendlies than enemies, especially when there is more than 2:00 left to defend.
  5. Lazaruz

    Hate is strong word, but I dislike:

    - Liberator gunners
    - Pump action/auto shotty users
    - Rocketpodders that can't handle themselves in a actual dogfight
    - TK'ers
    - Support role players that don't support
    - /Suicide/log off/poor sportsmanship

    But that's just me.. :)
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  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    1. The ones that TK me.
    2. The ones who use pump shotties.
    3. The ones who play forumside and get all my good weapons nerfed.
  7. theholeyone

    Whiners and /y drama queens.
  8. EliteEskimo

    I play with 25 FPS and can't record because I play on a crappy laptop. However based on your immature comments and false Ad Hominems against me in the past all I will ever say to you when you ask is...

  9. Nocturnal7x

    Infiltrators, never hack out terms when needed, all they do is either fruit it up CQC SMG or snipe. They are useless 90% of the time. I have no respect for anyone who plays inf mainly.
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  10. Valena

    Players who make generalizations about classes and playstyles, which is exactly what this thread is baiting for.
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  11. Vertabrae

    Maxes who camp behind shields. You should be leading the charge, not crouched in a window, or doorway. If you're gonna shield camp, at least do it as regular Inf, because your Max is so darn big I can't see whats outside the door until I run through you.
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  12. Van Dax

    Low BR NC infils
    Exploiters (particularly the UBGL through spawn shields)
  13. Scatterblak

    I T/K these guys. Immediately and always.
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  14. LayZ

    U mad bro? Think about your comment. That's kind of the the purpose of an infiltrator, to get the drop on someone and kill before they're seen. Plus it doesn't seem like you don't mind the SMG either.

    Yah so I farms in mah tank all day avoiding confrontations.

    Keep hating guys. Love it. ;)
  15. SifuBob

    Teammates who intentionally kill me. That's about it really, all the rest i can live with.
  16. hawken is better

    Infiltrators with SMGs. Wouldn't be that big of a deal if the HS/NV scope hadn't been thrown to the trash bin, but... meh.
    Vehicles (and those who consistently use them). Period.
    People who are still stuck in their scrubgun phase.
    The ever present "surprise X vs 1" scenarios. IE: you've spotted a lone enemy, and are just about to pull the trigger, then right before you do (or right as you do), three of his friends magically come flying around the corner and mow you down. It never fails.
    Scrubs who talk trash (especially about your outfit) while they themselves have trashtastic stats.
    ZOE MAXes and the people who think they're "good" because they're getting kills while using them.
    The ridiculous netcode deterioration over the last few updates.

    Last, but most certainly not least; the general negligence, incompetence, and untrustworthiness of SOE.
  17. Kortan

    The high-and-mighty delusional types, they piss me right off.
  18. hawken is better

    Oh dear, how could I forget...

    Kids who constantly run/log off to pad their stats (SpectreNova is basically Waterson's version of Miller's "Daddy").

    Aside from the previously-mentioned ZOE MAX abusers, just anyone who can only get kills via MAX suits. There are a few of them in a rival outfit and it's very annoying.

    People that are just generally better than you at everything (******* SAILORMOON GOD DAMN IT).

    Kill a guy 5 times in a row; he pulls a scrubgun. Enemies can't re secure their own base; spam scrubguns.

    People who manage to knife you from weird ranges that, when attempted by yourself, never work.

    The way a certain faction will constantly quote world pop to aggrandize their victories while purposely refusing to quote continent pop or the population distribution of individual hexes/bases.

    Those who V+6 you after you've died to fire from 4+ of their allies.

    UBGL users who instagib you.

    Pretty much anything that instagibs, actually.
  19. Ivalician

    Anybody on a holy mission to tell other people how to play the game ( THERE IS NO PLACE IN THIS GAME FOR SNIPERS ).

    Anybody who abuses the **** out of the FotM, then actually defends it as not being entirely overpowered and in need of balance. Example: release Dalton / Zephyr, release pump action shotguns, release Scatmax, release ZoE, etc.
  20. BigIronRanger

    dont care that you play on a laptop i used to aswell until BR 55 that was 500 hours at 25 FPS in small fights and 15 in large at 1366*768.

    I managed just fine with a 2.5 K/D pure infantry and all of your posts are a joke to me as you know nothing if you haven't experienced the game to the fullest and just sit in a tank so just shhhh.

    lol straight up with that "you are immature" nice i like it really original.