Mattherson went full ******

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GlowingPotato, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. SgtScum

    We really need a proper subforum for this stuff.
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  2. TheBlindFreak

    I don't really play much before 5pm central time or after 10pm, but during those hours it isn't really that bad, they still tend to zerg a bit, yes, but NC still holds up. A couple days ago during an alert on indar, NC held both TR and VS back very effectively and pulled a win. We were even pushing the VS back.

    Unfortunately, the problem for the alerts comes up with the cross-continent alerts. If it were just for a single continent (indar being the only one NC and TR seem to fight on anymore), then the continent cap prevents any faction from abusing server population dominance.
  3. SnatchMaster

    I disagree. With the TTK being so short in this game, there really isn't much of a place in this game for an item that gives you a damage boost, a speed boost, and no cooldown, on the tankiest infantry unit possible. An extra 5% increase in damage taken was a slap on the wrist for one good reason: It is still a max. If they wanted to balance the ZOE, then that damage boost would be gone, and it wouldn't be spammable. As it is now, that last "nerf" didn't do anything to change the amount of ZOE's that are still running around in the game.

    People will disagree with me, but I do think that the VS max got off light last patch.
  4. Dis

    Running constant alerts when one empire has 40+% pop is idiotic and only leads to more overall imbalance.

    On the flip side, the pop bonus for being on TR/NC during these events combined with the plethora of incompetent low level 4th empire VS is delicious.
  5. Phrygen

    i would drive my prowler into the VS warpgate for a mattherson subforum.
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  6. TheBlindFreak

    When ZOE max was first released, everyone used it, and yeah, it was a pain. But I honestly don't see it nearly as much anymore. At most, it's 50/50, and even so, those that have it don't use it all the time since 30% increased damage is quite a bit when under focused fire from more than 2 people.

    And while I agree that there is no need for a damage boost on a max, it helps with more than just infantry if I'm not mistaken. Hence most ZOE maxs I see are running dual bursters.
  7. Accuser

    SOE wont fix the problem until it's consistently 70% VS (or whatever the over-pop faction is on your server). So the faster you switch to VS, the faster the devs will find a solution.
  8. SinMachine

    I heard Matterson TR rerolling on Watterson. Overpop definitely killed it for them. Do not worry though, soon there will be a merge for East Coast servers
  9. TheBlindFreak

    I wouldn't be so sure, that would cause consistent ques to get on any continent, and even worse ques during prime time

  10. LibertyRevolution

    They would lose a ton of players, there are many people that have 0 interest in giving SOE a credit card number...

    Also, I don't think SOE has any interest in fixing the pops..
    If you hate it enough you will switch factions and pay them more money for guns for that faction...
    If you refuse to do that, they will sell you a transfer token in july..
    Then you can go hang out on your factions server and collect alert certs until you are bored and pay for a token to switch back.
  11. SgtScum

    If its any consolation I doing my part by playing more on woodman.

    Its kinda like a vacation to a kids theme park where you get to shoot all the annoying mascots and kids.:p
  12. Negator

    This is nothing SOE can fix, and everything TR and NC leadership can fix.

    You people dont retain players. VS does.

    Go pug as each faction; TR and NC public platoons are easily the most disorganized of the 3.

    Go look up each factions outfits; VS easily has the most veteran outfits, which means leaders are born at a much faster rate on VS, which in turn means many more VS players are given the guidance and tools they need to be effective and enjoy their experience.

    If this were an OP/UP argument, it would be the same for all servers. But it isnt. Matherson is the only server with this problem.

    Give your people a reason to keep coming back, and they will.
  13. skull4squadron

    I play in Mattherson and yea its a pain.
    Sadly most of the time NC end up fighting the TR and vise versa.
    To be honest at this point there should be a cease fire between both factions.
    Even if we both team up against the Vanu we will still be outnumbered most of the time but at least we will stand a better chance.
    And have better fights for all including Vanu.
    They will have at least a challenge unlike right now that its basicly none existent .
    please everyone consider this for the shake of the server.
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  14. Negator

    I should say, there is a player based fix on the way.
  15. Cl1mh4224rd

    It honestly bothers me that people think this makes sense. Since I've been playing my Mattherson TR alt this week, it bothers me even more that the NC seem to hold to this much more than the TR.

    Here's what I see happening: The TR are fighting both the VS and NC. The NC decide that going after the TR is the "fair fight" and send 75+% of their faction down the west coast. The TR, with good reason, in my opinion, don't reciprocate and continue trying to deal with the VS in whatever way they can. This puts the TR in the position of getting stomped by the overpopulated VS on one front, and stomped by the near-entirety of the NC faction on another front. And that's in addition to TR having the lowest population.

    I get that it might be boring to fight the VS all the time, but the NC leadership is beyond idiotic to adopt the above "strategy".
  16. Cl1mh4224rd

    Might want to check your math there...
  17. JKooL

    I can play this game too.

    Seems that most times I play on Mattherson, there is almost no fighting along the TR/VS border. It's always TR pushing up Indar Excavation and VS pushing up Crimson Bluff/Howling Pass.

    The fact of the matter is that I'm not going to put my platoon into a fight we can't reasonably win or get some certs out of. The VS have a bad habit of pushing so many platoons into a single base that it's easier (and more fun) to take my platoon and look for the fairer fight with the TR. But I can't tell you how many times the NC are split between fighting all the TR on the west and all the VS on the east and it boggles the mind. Why don't you guys fight eachother?
  18. Obscura

    I swear to god if they do I'm going to stop playing VS on waterson, theres already a ******** of TR on this server and we sure don't need anymore.
  19. Saecryd

    I think it's worth pointing out that the fundamental problem here is population imbalance, not a particular faction having an advantage. This isn't a slight against the VS in particular, it's a problem that can (and has (and will)) be centered around the TR or NC if they suddenly outnumber everyone else as well.

    Please stop posting "well, X amount of time ago X faction was overpopped!". That's not an argument, that's the exact same problem.
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  20. AssaultPig

    it isn't fun to get steamrolled at a base because you're outnumbered 2:1, steamrolled at the next base because you're still outnumbered 2:1, then look at the map and realize you're outnumbered at least 2:1 everywhere. Prime time isn't so bad, but on offpeak hours mattherson is frequently nigh-unplayable (assuming I want to play something other than cannon fodder.)

    It's not the end of the world because it's just my TR alt that's there and I can just hop back over to the usually-less-imbalanced waterson, but it's still a pretty ****** situation. Rerolling isn't much of a solution either, since within a few months we'll probably all be playing on 'wattherson' anyway.