MBT vs C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BengalTiger, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Fned

    And that was just as true when the tanks cost 250. Whether 40 units is still a reasonable amount of AV consumable storage is currently an unanswered question...
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  2. patricio_z

    People dislike C4 in the same way as shotguns,very situational, but when they work there is no counter to them, people like to have a chance if small to counter things.
    For me it shouldn't be instakill, the tank should have a couple of bars of health left, that way if it is supported (engies around)and there isn't a lot of enemy AV around, still have a chance to survive, much like sundies and C4
    C4 has ZERO teamwork involved as opposed to other AV options and shouldn't be encouraged
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  3. Kujo

    Since the cap is still 40 in-game, and the devs haven't said otherwise yet, it appears the answer is currently "yes". But C4 is not specifically AV as you make it sound. So it's not like every player with C4 is dedicating all of it to blowing up vehicles. In fact, I hardly use my C4 on vehicles these days. The vehicle I used to use C4 the most on by far was actually Sunderers, not tanks. Sunderers sat still and so were easy pickings most of the time. However, since AT mines were nerfed, blockade armor has become the favored Sunderer defense item now and using C4 on them as a lone infantry is usually a waste as it won't even put them at critical health levels. So these days, most of my C4 is actually used on clumped infantry group and MAX's, with only a small portion actually being used on vehicles....if they're sitting still enough and if I'm able to get close enough and live long enough to drop and detonate.
  4. jak

    Entirely false. Prox radar and anything resembling the ability to move your eyes from the middle of the screen to the minimap are easy counters to most C4 situations.

    Entertaining that you quote C4 as a zero teamwork component when defending tanks, which can be manned by a self sustaining class and maintain extreme levels of lethality.
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  5. NietCheese

    If drop pods didn't exist, if squad deploy didn't exist, if instant action didn't exist, if bridges about roadways didn't exist, if ESFs and ejection seats didn't exist, if Galaxies didn't exist, if Light Assaults didn't exist...

    THEN you might have a valid point. But as it stands you can be the best tanker in the world and still instantly die to C4 with no way to avoid it.

    Normally not a problem, but with 450 resource tanks it is a huge problem.

    Also, everyone seems to carry the stuff now. Engineers with it, Light Assaults often have it, Heavy Assaults, hell even Medics often run with it. Why? Because a tank kill is worth a LOT of points.
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  6. Roland2TowerCame

    Eh, got blown up by C4 while in my mag yesterday and failed to do the same to any other tank. It's still a lot of fun when it works. Keep it the way it is.
  7. Roland2TowerCame

    Not true at all I say. Allies provide distractions while one sneaks up on the target. It's easier to C4 a tank in the middle of battle than 1v1.
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  8. Greddy

    Sugggestion: Since prepatch

    MBT cost 250 mech res
    2 C4 to blow MBT cost 200 infantry res

    MBT cost 450 mech
    2 C4 to blow MBT cost 200 infantry res

    Since they didnt jacked up the price for C4, there is a balance problem concerning resource use.

    MBT cost 450 mech
    2 C4 to blow MBT cost 400 infantry resources (200 each)


    MBT cost 450 mech res.
    4 C4 to blow MBT cost 400 infantry resources (100 each)
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  9. jak

    I love the assumption that the increased vehicle resource cost should cause a direct C4 increase in resource cost. It's like saying that when the hacksaw got nerfed, they should nerf AV weapons because they could kill hacksaws.
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  10. patricio_z

    So, text comprehension is not one of your strong points....having prox radar makes C4 not instakill you, really???

    Armor on their own are hopeless, MBT needs 2 people to operate effectively, and an ammo sundie to keep it supplied.... C4 takes what? a stubborn individual that re spawns in seconds and only needs to get lucky once,... teamwork you say??

    Read my post again, people DOES NOT LIKE THINGS THAT INSTAKILL, there, in caps, give it a shot now
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  11. patricio_z

    Actually, the complete opposite is true, its a lot easier to C4 a lonely tank in the middle of nowhere, because that's the place where they less expect it
  12. jak

    You said there was no counter. I clearly identified an easy counter. Guess what, I don't particularly like giving up a suit slot so that I don't get instantly killed by AP mines. However, I choose to do so and sacrifice other nice things in order to deal with a threat.

    And if you think running tanks with one person is not effective, there's not much else we can talk about. That has to be one of the most sad, yet hilarious, statements I've ever read on these forums.
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  13. Dregan

    There are several issues at play here and several differences in the way that the different items work.

    Firstly: Realism. The problem with using realism as an argument is that it doesn't really work. Yeah sure we could make man portable explosive devices ineffective against MBTs but the truth of the matter is that a well placed explosive can disable a tank with a surprisingly small amount of explosives (seeing as the games vehicles don't have hit locations this is also a lack in realism). We can then expand the argument to include other tech. If you have a tank like that... I am going to have a missile like the Javelin, quite capable to take out a tank. Oh and then of course there are air.... realism... lets not go there. The air units will just park a few miles away, fire their missile and just wait for the points. The problem here is that what is realistic is not fun. It is not engaging and it does not challenge (or maybe it challenges too much... do you even know how to drive a tank?). So realism as an argument is out.

    Equating Vehicle resources with infantry resources doesn't really work either. All but one item that can be bought with infantry resources is consumables. If you use them, they are gone, regardless of whether you got any effect out of them or not. Now you could argue that the stockpile represents a problem but here is the thing. The stockpile is more akin to the ammo of a vehicle than to the bonuses that a vehicle gives you. As such for the system to be equal the vehicles should actually be free but the ammo should cost resources.

    Now lets talk about the value of the MBT. A lot of the arguments I hear here is that people are annoyed that their costly vehicles are so easy to destroy. That is exactly the point. Before this change people could in many cases just pull on MBT after the other. If you just survived for a little bit you were fine. If you got destroyed you just pulled another one. There was very little value to a vehicle. Now however a vehicle is a real investment and you can not afford to take risks with it. That means you can't roll in close to a base. You can't just park next to a building or cliff. You can't just roll around without support. And even then you have to be on your toes as infantry (and air) have tools at their disposal to make life difficult for you. So I say the increase had exactly the desired effect: Be more careful with your tank.
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  14. jak

    Would you humor me and post your character stats? I'm curious how much C4 you've dropped.
  15. Kujo

    You don't understand. There was an resource cost imbalance BEFORE the patch. Hence the cost increase for air and vehicles while leaving infantry alone this patch. For only 50 resources more than 2 bricks of C4 and you could go on an armored endless killing spree in a tank. That wasn't balanced, lol.

    That being said, the devs have said they're still open to tweaking the resource costs of vehicle and air a bit if they find that they could be better balanced. So these current costs may not be the final ones.
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  16. patricio_z

    Again... prox radar allows you to be more aware of your surroundings thats all, its not like mineguard OR flak armor that automatically reduces damage taken...see? they are NOT the same, shouldn't be that hard to understand[/quote]

    Your probably right there though...
  17. patricio_z

    I have 48 kills with C4, and none of them tossing C4 against infantry (a few maxes maybe), used it a lot in my first LA days, I'm no expert but I have definitely C4d a few tanks/sundies to know something about it...
  18. jak

    Your probably right there though...[/quote]

    Yes, I understand it's not a one to one correlation. However, it IS a counter - situational awareness is a counter regardless of if it directly reduces damage to you. A LA cannot hide from prox radar, so there is no excuse for why you should not see the LA coming if you are able to actively use the minimap.

    If you wanted to put blockade armor as an option for tanks, I'm perfectly fine with that. They would have to give up something to get it, which is a fair compromise.
  19. jak

    I ask because I've laid almost 8000 bricks and 1600+ kills with it, and your statement about sneaking up on a lone tank with no cover is most definitely not my experience. Those tanks are really dumb ones...anyone proficient in a tank would have to be afk for you to get him in the open like that.
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  20. patricio_z

    I can see why your so adamant in defending C4, its OK nobody wants their favorite toys messed with... I'm just stating an opinion on why C4 is not liked too much, I don't even drive tanks, I'm not a fan of C4 just because for me is not realistic that a tank should run for his life at the sight of a nimble LA flying towards him... that's all
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