Zoe ridicuously nerfred, give me my certs back SOE!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lux, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Lux

    Absolutely ridiculous nerf, damage increase and a cooldown? Why dont you just take all of vanu's weapons too while your at it? You nerf the one good thing you give the VS because you wont even give us our jetpacks for them, then you nerf it so bad that no will ever use it again? Well done SOE, well done conforming to these moronic losers on the forums crying because of the one good thing you give VS. Hurry up and put in cert removal so that i can take it out of that now useless class because of this nerf.
    For shame SOE, for shame.
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  2. Dingus148

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  3. Tasogie

    Would be nice, but it wont happen mate, funny thing is as they pander to these forum chavs hand over fist, but if we all spammed forums asking for a refund on certs, it will be ignored
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  4. Lux

    Higby makes a very inappropriate claim that people now support all the time and in relation to a single empire, he should have got slapped on the spot.

    Dingus, your name says it all. Just because of numbers and data, so what? People start using the max more because we actually get a useful thing in our empire, so obviously more use it and therefore more get kills with it. How is it vanus fault? Get your head on straight DINGUS and think before you speak.
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  5. Izriul

    Let him kill his own game, there will ALWAYS be another game to play. There won't always be a job for him though.
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  6. Dingus148

    Hey, continue to be thick if you want. Meanwhile, I'll bask in the warm glow of being right. Just because something is overperforming, why should it not be bought into line because it's Vanu? Your bulletproof logic isn't. Scrub harder, crybaby. Stop being stupid and accept that your toy is being nerfed because of cold metrics. The devs don't hate you. Your persecution complex is a mask for you being a terrible player. Uninstall, delete system32.

    Good job using my username against me too, it's not like I picked it. In fact, I hate my username and wish it had never been forced on me.
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  7. HannaDest

    Your tears....so delicious.
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  8. Lux

    You try and sound intelligent by using big words? Didnt realize that made you so much higher and mightier than i must be. The only thing thick is the ******** that is coming from your mouth. You clearly dont play VS and dont see how bad this nerf really is and how useless it makes our max. While the devs dont hate me, its clear that one does hate VS, the arrogant Higby. You and him both seem to make ridiculous claims and run your mouths well. The data would indicate that they are performing well because more people use them because 'shock horror' VS actually got something decent for a change. You seem to have not much to say about the actual topic and only seem to want to try and insult me, "scrub harder crybaby, im thick". You really should actually do something and go outside for once and socialise, maybe then you wont be so mad and keen to try and feel tough towards someone over an internet connection, its just sad mate.
  9. Vixxing

    They dont hate us? Yet they make rude remarks about our faction? And when we dont use the S H I T they try to force upon us but instead go for NS equipment we are idiots? Yet "if all VS use zoe max its OP! NERF!" why not "when no VS use Vortex or Lancer it must be UP! BUFF!"
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  10. Tasogie

    You work in an Argos call center dont you :)
  11. CommanderShwan

    Umadbro? Cry some more.
  12. Hosp

    Don't blame Higby for what you guys did to yourselves. Besides, the dev's, AT MOST, only take what's said on the forums into consideration. Actual balance values are more so adjusted due to in game data. Know what that data said? You did it to yourselves.
  13. Lux

    Yet another intellectual comment, enough said for this comment.
  14. TrainerS2

    ohhh nooo mamy mamyy my OP unit wos nerfed !!!! :D hehehehehee
  15. Dingus148

    Don't need to be tough through the net. Soldier in real life. Nothing is happening tonight and couldn't be bothered going out. Your toy is OP. Get used to it. Higby didn't slander you either, that is a strawman that bad VS players like yourself have jumped on. He shouldn't have said it for this exact reason, but it doesn't invalidate his comments. He's the guy with the metrics, he would know, not you. You are just an idiot, a monkey with a keyboard. Read what top-tier Vanu players are saying about ZOE, then come back to me with your apology. Scrub.
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  16. Joram

    Wait wait wait wait wait, its already live the ZOE changes? i tough they put them in the test server yesterday, did they really put changes 24 hours after being implemented in the test server? holy **** that is horrible hahahahaha
  17. metrotw

    Don't worry kid...you still got the saron.

    For now anyway. ;)
  18. Dingus148

    Ahahah na man, I actually work for the ADF. It's why I love people telling me I'm full of crap when they're spouting nonsense about military matters :p
  19. Joram

    Everyone is complaining about the saron, the enforcer is as op against infantry, has a 10 rounds per magazine and is way better against armor.
  20. Lux

    Once again another sad attempt to try and insult me lol. Soldier in real life? Sure bud, act like you are something, i didnt ask about your profession because regardless of what it is, you clearly try and degrade people to get your point across rather than talk about the actual topic and you dont listen to reason, well done. Like others have said, the vortexs and lancers werent being used so they got buffed, ZOE was getting used a lot so they are nerfing it so hard. But hey, that isnt metrics is it? Keep talking mate, you seem clever and like you actually enjoy this, you know, the whole insulting people over the internet, your clever :)