Zoe ridicuously nerfred, give me my certs back SOE!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lux, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Goretzu

    The information is all there, they were balanced.
  2. TheKhopesh

    Connery has had the last 2 DAYS WORTH of alerts all won -and many of them dominating victories- by the VS, with our populations being fairly close together.

    So, explain how the one group with a max that can outrun the deploying of C-4, is winning every alert with both the TR and NC fighting against them?

    They are taking on 2-1 odds -and winning with ease- on a scale of THOUSANDS of enemy players fighting.
  3. Scientiarum

    I think you are overstating the population imbalance but yes ZOE was still overpowered despite the previous momentum 'nerf' (although it wasn't really a nerf, it was a removal of an exploit).

    This last pass did indeed lower my K/D with the Vanu MAX but quite frankly I still see ZOE as a straight upgrade over charge and still use ZOE on all my Vanu MAX loadouts. I disagree with the O/P that it has been nerfed to the ground, as someone that plays all factions I'd say the ZOE nerf was indeed warranted because the ZOE was somewhat overpowered compared to other faction MAX abilities and it is probably pretty balanced right now. As for the ZOE being the single contribution to VS Alert wins I find the claim dubious.

    That being said, while playing now with the Vanu MAX I don't feel very 'tanky' like one would expect with a MAX. It doesn't seem like it has that much more armor survivability over regular infantry, at least not over HA but I guess the increased damage output for close range combat is still fitting for the MAX class. Personally though I would have nerfed it by some other means like giving it a timer but how it is now works in practice so I can't complain.
  4. TheKhopesh

    Tell me, do you think this is overstating?
    This is shortly after the last alert before the June 26th 6am update.
    Keep in mind, this population is actually quite low (Due to the image being taken around 5 am this morning) as compared to what has become normal for us.

    Thank you for agreeing. Most VS I have talked to just blatantly contradict me when anyone says it's still a bit too powerful.

    The biggest problem will be making sure SOE doesn't hold to their pattern of over correcting and under correcting.

    I want it balanced, not nerfed into a walking bubble-wrapped balloon.
  5. Excellentz

    One good thing they give the VS................Oh lord......these forums are just ridiculous lol. Everybody whines about everything!!!!!!!!!
  6. Chris Bingley

    Guys, guys, chill.

    It's just like the Magrider and Vulcan nerfs. They'll buff it back up in couple of updates.
  7. rickampf

    ZOE was nerfed cause it was Overpowered and still is... Higby admited.
  8. Curse_Gamerkin

    Lol what? this thing i invest into is not OP as it was when i invested into it, and i knew it would be nerfed but spent the certs anyways! whaaa SOE HELP ME! IQ has dropped.
  9. Scientiarum

    The original statement said the VS were winning against enemies that were twice there size with enemy forces numbered in the thousands and this contradicts this (what you have just shown me is in fact the EXACT opposite of the original argument). Apparently the VS are winning because they have the high pop more than any other reason. They are not slaughtering superior forces due solely to the ZOE, just pop (not that the previous state of ZOE didn't contribute as I am sure it did).

    And I did say that I don't think the ZOE needs further nerfing, I think where it is at now is good, but I think that increased damage it takes while activated (plus the nerf earlier to bursters) is putting it right on par with the Aegis shield since they appear to have fixed the damage bleed with the shield and it is working as intended. The only thing I'd say is that the TR lockdown could probably use a buff to bring it up to par with the other two faction specific MAX abilities (minus the NS bursters, they are good as is). I just don't feel it is a very useful ability and gets you killed an awful lot.

    Summary: you contradicted the original argument over population; I agree that the ZOE was overpowered and exploited at launch and needed a nerf which it did receive and now it is fine; remaining balance changes should be focused on buffing TR MAX lockdown.