ZOE Whiners rejoice!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slaidd, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Tekuila

    Must of been you and 4 other guys after I just farmed you over and over. You can't say "I" when you just happened to land the last bullet. :p

    Edit: I'd like to add that I don't appear even once on your most killed people.
  2. The King

    You don't even know who I am. lol
    And I do not get farmed.
  3. ent|ty

    Huh? THat rocket is way off. And besides, I was dodging rockets long before ZOE.

    And if I'm firing a dumbfire at a MAX, I try to do it when he's not looking so he doesn't bother dodging.
  4. zib1911

    I need you to stop ************ everyone and making these dumb claims, or prove it. You say TR maxs are godly show it, you say zoe maxs are easy to kill, show it. No your going to twist my words and keep running your mouth uselessly, suprise...
  5. illgot

    You must be a child. Adults learn, obviously you don't and need to be showed.

    I'll tell you what, ask your mother or father to play the game and show you how to play, maybe then you might learning something. Or wait for smart player on youtube to explain everything in a step by step guide so you can copy what you see and get your gold star :)

    You must be the type of player even I can kill, and I'll be honest, I am not a great player.

    Skip all that, just watch the other players and copy them, eventually you might obtain a facsimile of skill.

    And no, I am not a great player, I am average at best, but smart enough to know what works with how I play.
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  6. zib1911

    Prove it.
  7. illgot

    wait, I just noticed, you're BR 86 and never saw the tactics I described? lol :eek:
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  8. Drealgrin

    zoe is now useless.
    When this lands i hope they give us a cert refund.
  9. Badname0192

    Fixed that as well.
  10. Dragonblood

    Just stop spouting nonsense.
  11. Badname0192

    Nah it will still be useful to VS mains, just the fourth faction 'powerful group is best group' will move on to not knowing which way to go hopefully and certain servers will have their populations balance out.
  12. Tasogie

    soe dont refund, it wont happen. They want us to keep playing an to get back the certs we wasted means playing much more. They have no intention of ever giving us certs back. This **** is how they operate. If you spent certs on harasser, your screwed, because the forum chavs are on that next.
    Then Saron
    Then medics
    Then ESFs (again)
    Then LMG's
    Then buffing NC max (surprise..... not)
    Then buffing NC Max again so they cant be road killed...
    the list goes on, an soe will give the little professional victims everything they want.
  13. Drealgrin

    absolutely useless my friend. 8 seconds? I could deal with an extra 10% damage, but 8 seconds?

    It's basically weaker version of charge that puts you are higher risk of death now.

    But what can i say, this is how the cookie crumbles. One factions gets something good, then it gets nerfed to ****.

    Basically, with the test server right now, it's a slightly longer duration charge with a small damage buff and a GARGANTUAN armor debuff.

    They should have increased the damage done to compensate for the complete dismantling of it. and since it's only 8 seconds they shouldn't have even touched the burster part.
  14. Badname0192

    I'm not one who really has called for a nerf on anything, but ZOE has been broken. I don't even know what the fix for it would be or if those things coming down the line are going to matter.

    It won't mean defeat for any VS that I know of, it will just hopefully mean less fake VS that are of the fourth faction wanting the easiest way possible to boost their ego/mood by just pressing a button.
  15. illgot

    what, like stationing a lockdown TR max with cyclers at the tunnel exits in the Amp Station when you have a sunderer parked in there and have back up guarding you?

    Or using a lockdown max in a point room facing the doors but keeping out of LOS of missiles but also having back up in the room.

    Or using it in the spawn room shooting AA at incoming aircraft (again, with team members backing you up).

    All maxes excel when they have back up. No max survives solo for very long. But you have to play smart and know when and when not to use your maxes abilities.

    Yeah, nonsense. All the tactics above are complete nonsense...

    Let me guess, your another player that only understands something if it is posted on youtube detailing everything you need to do and where to place yourself (or which direction: hint, it's not facing the wall).
  16. Badname0192

    They were competitive to begin with.
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  17. Dragonblood

    yeah, stop exactly that nonsense.
  18. Badname0192

    Shepard Commander, you've been a top notch abuser of ZOE max ever since it came into play. When I don't see you in a ZOE max you're flying around in a Scythe and when someone shoots you down you're calling hacks. You won't be happy until someone gives you god mode and anyone who's ever killed you in game is banned.

    Please don't lie to me, you'll find that ZOE is still useful or switch over to whatever you see has more power I believe. Maybe those NC MAX units need your touch and tender care? You know the Mattock is really amazing if you put slugs in it..
  19. illgot

    Sorry but players that constantly say it is impossible or not feasible and demand a video showing how it works are laughable at best.
  20. Dragonblood

    Whatever, your theoretical talk about TR tactics is still rubbish.