Who is doing the same thing as I do?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Greddy, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Greddy

    I fight for my empire! If you want freedom and do whatever yourself pleases, go to the NC and be a coward there. Here in TR its Loyalty until beyond death, strength in unity!
  2. Corporate Thug

    Question: why is it that your in the spawn room? You know it's not that most of us won't agree that people should stop being cowards BUT the majority of the time I find a different way out and do things like take outter points for better spawns or go LA and C4 the main groups of hostiles camping, Infiltrator with proxy mines work just as good also. You fail to see that your being a coward just as much. This is a team based game but do you need others to hold your hand and if so how can you play this game unless u have an Atari controller that you only need one hand to use?
  3. Tamas

    If there was a Commissar class - I'd spend 5k SC for it - executions on the spot.
  4. Phrygen


    Cause ya know, killing firendlies is really going to make them play with you as a team and push out of a base.
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  5. Greddy

    See what you wrote there? You are doing something else, you are fighting! and not being a coward who camps behind shield and worries about your KD. KD is PoS and most of you guys gets angry for the TK because it ruins your petty little KD stat. Admit it!

    I die and respawn all the time, on my way out of the spawnroom, I still see the same guys camping worry about their KD, as KD is a legitimate reason to win an argument.
  6. smokemaker

    I have no faction.
    I am not here for the "win".

    I am here to kill.
    I do not care where.
    I do not care why.

    You exists to be my target.
    That is all i require out of you, or anyone else here.
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  7. NinjaTurtle

    People play the game for enjoyment, if they enjoy playing it that way you blowing them up won't stop them all they will do is report you for grief, just saying
  8. Cl1mh4224rd

    /report Greddy
  9. Vanus Aran

    Pointless. People will think you are just a rager, angry about the bad flow of the overall battle.
  10. MykeMichail

    I C4'd 24 friendlies who never left the spawn room during a massive fight today.

    I did it just as the base flipped and denied the enemy at least 2400 XP worth of kills. :p

    Sorry guys but its not like you were doing anything useful anyway.
  11. MykeMichail

    Or... maybe you could redeploy to a nearby base, and come back and take out the Sunderers feeding enemies into the base?
  12. Greddy

    So you are a dirty 4th factioner! Go away, you are worse than the traitors and heretics!
  13. SaborW

    So, when people don't play the way you want them to, you grief them. You're an idiot. It's game, it's free to play. Everyone is entitled to play, within the game's mechanics, the way they want to play, and you have no say in that matter. Maybe if you bought them said game as a gift I'd let it go, even if this would still make you an *******. If you ever wondered why you don't have any friends, this personality of yours is why.

    If this is the way that YOU want to play the game, you won't last long
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  14. Dudinatorman

    See a bunch of people still shooting out of the spawn room, 10 seconds until the small outpost is captured, me and a friend put down C4, when the facility was captured we kill everyone to deny the enemy any more certs. #YOLOSWAG
  15. EWarren

    If it gets to the point that one has to decide whether to risk leaving spawn OR camping the shield, it is probably a lost cause to rush out and reclaim the cap (staying inside shooting out is just a waste of time and effort).

    There are several frontlines at any given time, redeploy and do something else is a better choice.
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  16. Corporate Thug

    Yes, and I find leading by example better then trying to persuade people by intimidation. I find that a good bit of people will actually deploy if you take an outter point and or park a sundy to get back into the fight and help flank. If you offer them an opportunity to not be camped in most will take it as they originally spawned for an actual fight and not to be camped right? Not everyone is as optimistic as you and some need others to motivate them or some might not understand how to be useful so showing them is usually best. I rage all the time about people being useless and just sucking or if there were only a few more good players we would've won this fight. I've held outposts from minizergs (24-48) with like 3 dudes. Each of us good and able to **** quite a few solo before we would die and being useful by killing sundies etc but not everyone is capable and you need to understand this.

    Offer a solution, ask them to reclass into Maxs and try a max rush and I can guarantee you will get quite a few that will and most times the hostiles won't be prepared to deal with them because they're already going AFK and getting ready to move out to the next outpost.

    Your optimistic about the fight but pessimistic about your allies and that confuses the crap out of me.
  17. DjUnicorn

    Long story short:

    - Teamkilling inside spawn rooms should be disabled
    - The spawn campers can either be doing just that, chatting or even just surfing the market and menus for something of interest
    - Killing a spawn camper not only won't fix anything as it will also be counter productive since that same spawn camper is the one that could kill the guy that was after you right when you exited the spawn
    - A dead player, even if inside a spawn room, does absolutely nothing while an alive one does way more, at least he can kill anyone on his sight.

    I don't like it either but I don't teamkill them just because it bothers me.
  18. HadesR

    Just be glad you can /report people for mass TKing :p
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  19. Slaidd

    I have no problem with killing yourself when a base flips. I'm usually not there at that point anyway, as I redeploy when a spawn room is surrounded and it's just being camped because there's no point then and I refuse to be camped by anyone.

    And when a base flips, you're going to die if you're still there anyway, so I don't have a problem with denying the enemy the kills.

    But the OP is just a ***** wanting to "impose" his way of playing a game on others. Then when people call him on it, he turns it into some bad attempt to justify his D-Baggery with some lame TR roleplaying BS that nobody, including himself is buying.
  20. DjUnicorn

    Are you sure it does anything? For all we know the devs may have just put the report box in the game to stop our complaints, it might even not do anything when you press the button to send.

    How surprised would you be if even that didn't work at all like the mute, /regionsay and /ignore functions?