In what situation would Lockdown be superior to ZOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, May 23, 2013.

  1. TheRealMetalstorm

    Post ideas below.
  2. XRIST0

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  3. Hagestol


    Just like the striker will always be best for air area denial and the TR MBT will always shell harder when it has a front line. Just as the hacksaws will always be superior in CQC. Vanu will always have the best slug snipers. NC MBT will always be more durable.
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  4. Vorxil

    AA, CQC defense (every single biolab ever), focus fire from cover...
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  5. HJK148

    Going AFK at the WarpGate with greifers following you in vehicles, you wouldn't want to be pushed out of the shield by vehicles and killed.
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  6. Quovatis

    At choke points, and bursters on top of hills. You don't just go out in the middle of a firefight and lockdown...that would be stupid.

    Guess you never played PS1 where the TR had BOTH lockdown and ZOE (overdrive was basically ZOE but without the armor nerf).
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  7. Zitroxious

    camping behind shields.. so most tr will find it useful 99% of the time ;)
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  8. methyrlate

    Anywhere that DPS is more important than Mobility. Lockdown improves ROF and Projectile Velocity, and buffs DPS well above ZOE levels. (try ZOE vs Lockdown with Burster AA, it is completely different).

    - On a hill with AA = Lockdown
    - Covering an entry point in a base = Lockdown
    - Storming a base = ZOE
    - Advancing over terrain = ZOE

    It is definitely more situational than ZOE, but in the right situations it is more powerful. Also, taking off lockdown does not take long. I could see it being used in a similar way to crouching in open combat, just requiring better timing.
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  9. XRIST0

    And ZOE cant do exactly the same thing ? with its damage increase .. yet still be mobile :rolleyes:

    ZOE is everything Lockdown is just alot better , has no stupid animation to enable and disable either .

    Easy mode .
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  10. Zitroxious

    burster + velocity buff? hello?
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  11. XRIST0

    And ?

    More to this game than Bursters mate , i couldnt care less for that ability :rolleyes: it was already easy enough to shoot down planes .

    Lockdown is rubbish , in almost all situations .
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  12. Zitroxious

    Its only rubbish if you lack imagination or creativity
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  13. ArcKnight

    the TR is supposed to be the actual meaning of a bullet hose now its is an actual bullet hose
  14. Hagestol

    The TR is supposed to be more DAKKA. The ESRL is a bit over the top though, but we get around it by employing different tactics and strategies! Got a problem? Moar bullets /heavyweaponsguy

    It is only easy enough for TR to deny air, it is still alright to fly over NC and VS airspace. There being no effort in shooting down planes is a TR luxury I'll admit, but it is ridiculous how quickly we go down now.

    Give it a few weeks mate, if the situation normalizes and the lockdown isn't used, then they'll buff it. They usually do!
  15. XRIST0

    No dude its just plain rubbish , im not writing a book i dont need imagination .

    While being anchored to the ground , making us way too vulnerable in any situation it could be good in really .. unless you camp with bursters alot
  16. siiix

    what do you mean , i tough zoe reduces armor ?! where lockdown does not ... correct me if i'm wrong

    you have mobility but who cares about that ?!

    thats like asking when does a tank have advantage over an anti-infantry HA ! anwser : when you get a tank shell up your face

    1 on 1 maybe you can get away with speed vs power

    BUT if you have a troop of TR maxes with lock down, good luck with the same amount of zoe's , its like hunting flys

    its far easier to aim when you stationary
  17. MarioO

    It's useful in case you're not a TR player.
    It's useful in case you want to be immobile, being a great target for every tank, sniper and everyone carrying any kind of explosives.
    What else do you want ;) ?
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  18. Izriul

    So something is only good unless it's superiour? If it's not superiour it needs to be buffed to be superiour? Makes sense.

    Fractures are awesome weapons, I know, I got dual fractures. Hacksaws are great AI weapons, I know, I got dual (well, scatts). ravens are stupidly easy to use, and kills infantry in a single volley which has a much better range than both Mercies/blueshifts. It is VS's time to have something decent for the max, and ZOE is pretty decent, but it's not nearly as overpowered as the babies are trying to make out.

    Lockdown at max level destroys ESF's, it does a ton of damage with fracts, people complained about anchor for prowler at the start, but it's an absolute beast of a special.

    VS's population is dwindling, it's not fun in the slightest being zerged with 80% v 20% to the enemy, no faction should get something extremely OP but it isn't, and VS need something to pull the numbers back up. This whole forum is a cess pit full of selfish whiners who only want something for their faction. Playing all 3 with weapons for all 3 the majority is a bunch of exaggerated hyperbole and ********.
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  19. XRIST0

    The big question here is :

    Would you VS players swap ZOE for Lockdown ?

    Truthfully ..
  20. XRIST0

    K cool , state the obvious .

    Nobody really cares , i for one could not care less about shooting down aircraft :rolleyes: IF Lockdown did not affect bursters , what is it really good for ?
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