What's up with Strikers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jetlag, May 11, 2013.

  1. Flag

    Oh I remember. :p But in reality, what else can there be done to make it worth using, yet not as frustrating as it's currently working as on live? For example, make it gimed against infantry, so you need to hit infantry in the face to do damage? I.E no splash whatsoever. It would still be "good" against tanks(same as live), it would make the choice between launchers be either:
    - 100% dumb fire, high damage, fast(for a dumb fire) projectile, nice splash(default)
    - G2G lock-on, lower damage than default, slower dumb fire projectile(original g2g launcher)
    - G2A, Grounder for TR, same as above, only aircraft instead of ground vehicles
    - Striker: Bit higher vehicle damage(between default and decimator) split into several projectiles, no indirect damage, no speed **** if dumb fired.

    This would leave the striker as a AV weapon at it's heart, while still leaving the current g2g launcher as a middle ground between the striker and the starting launcher.

    And then the NS weapons can f*ck right off. :p
  2. Revel

    I hate the Phoenix and people getting fire from complete safety.
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  3. SolidSnake

    Noticed something weird too. TR had one of the satellite bases of Zurvan amp, I flew in, fired some rockets at their sundy then I started hearing the lock-on warning, I used afterburners to fly behind a nearby rock outcropping, and got hit for 50% of my Reaver HP. The warning sound was still going after I turned the corner so the rockets were still following me, that's when I took the damage. There is no way ANY rocket launcher could have hit me from that angle, even a Phoenix missile couldn't have made that sharp a turn to hit me, so I checked maybe it was an aircraft using A2A missiles that was chasing me around the corner, nope, no enemy aircraft in the area.

    Maybe they fixed the Striker pathing issues too well?
  4. MrIDoK

    "no speed ****"... i wonder what did you write there... another victim of auto-censorship? :p

    My new idea is:
    - dumbfire;
    - very high speed (in line with the Fracture, maybe?);
    - semi-auto fire mode that acts normally, with 0.5 seconds between each shot. Very accurate, nearly no drop;
    - full-auto fire mode that fires the whole magazine in under a second, but has both noticeable recoil and cone of fire to avoid long-range use;
    - damage similar to the current missile, 5 shots deal exactly 1000 damage to infantry, so avoiding even a single rocket makes you survive. AP-like splash damage (nearly non-existant);

    It's in line with the TR faction flavour and provides a good (and skillfull) alternative to the other launchers giving a lot of versatility for mid-short range AV duty.
    Also, the other ESRL share some similarities with the latest MAX AV weapons (charge mechanic, user guidance), so a fast-moving dumbfire would fit well into that.
  5. Flag

    Well, that would work to, I guess. Though I wish the fracture's splash gone with the wind. Grrrr fracture*insert fracture rage here*.

    The cencored word is G imp(minus the space). No idea why that word is somehow offensive. :)
  6. TheRealMetalstorm

    As a Striker user who hasn't played much recently, I can say that although I'm not sure if this is a new GU08 bug, or if it's been here for a while, that:

    Striker leads targets, so breaking LOS sometimes doesn't work so well because the rocket "overleads" and curves around the front of the object breaking LOS. I've killed an ESF through an amerish mountain simply because the ESF stopped suddenly behind the mountain to break LOS, but the Strikers, already flying a low AoT (angle off tail) intercept trajectory, had to make a big circle around and reverse their bank to hit their mark. Which they did, while "accidentally" avoiding the obstacle.
    Needless to say I destroyed that ESF.

    It's happened occasionally now and then. Happens to me sometimes when I fly my reaver (i hate playing vs, i'll get jelly and go back to other esfs feeling like ****), but since i use the striker enough, i usually know how to do the nose-down move to blast the rockets away. You only need to fly low down to the ground at full ABs, and nose down about 20 degrees. Sort of second nature for me now.
  7. Athessu

    I had a fun striker bug where all 5 rockets hit me at once. Needless to say; I exploded unexpectedly.
  8. Drealgrin

    Those aren't true Vanu. Those are NC and TR who recently achieved enlightenment yet still retain their QQing ways.
  9. LoneMaverick

    I hate the Phoenix and what it has done to the game's ground and air combat around heavily contested TR facilities anything with a spawn shield, a rock, and a Sunderer.

    If the Striker is so gamebreaking, just get your squad to use Annihilators, they're the same damn thing but less flashy. :rolleyes:
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  10. DiveXx

    I will never use my Striker again if #1. I won't ever get lolpodded again by any ESF.
    #2. We get a GOOD Dumbfire rl which is usefull against armor outside of 15m.
  11. SolidSnake

    Really? ground AND air combat? been killed much by Phoenix rockets while flying an ESF have ya? the same launcher that takes about 8 seconds to travel the 300m max range on it? wow. Are you landing your ESF on the ground and leaving it parked there when you get blown up? I don't see how any pilot with half a brain can get shot down by a Phoenix unless you're hovering in place near a spawn room for extended periods of time.
  12. LoneMaverick

    I just copypasta'd your post to prove a point, I don't even fly an ESF unless its to drop a squad beacon.

    I'd trade our ability to kill(read, scare away) air targets with our lockons for your ability to kill infantry who have been pissed on(90% HP with full Flak = 1shot by Phoenix), ability to use your RL against MAXes, Turrets, and MBTs that are anywhere but on a level plane.

    Scaring away air targets is about the only thing the Striker really excells at right now, it makes ESFs double think their lolpod runs, and makes Libs have to go repair, the thing isnt nearly as good as you think in doing damage.
  13. Chubzdoomer

    Yeah, but Annihilators aren't even used half as much as Strikers because they're old and not near as fun to use as the newer Phoenix. That's my main issue is how many TR Heavy Assaults tote Strikers around. Since they're the "new" rocket launchers, it would seem that at least every 3 out of 5 TR HA has one, therefore you can't even fly over a TR base with any amount of infantry without being locked on to by multiple sources. If you're in a vehicle, you'll face the same issue. There is absolutely no way to avoid the locks, and countermeasures are only temporary solutions.

    I would imagine that the NC's Phoenix is equally annoying -- I can't imagine how much it sucks to be hit by a rocket that can be guided around corners, over hills, etc. -- but it's nowhere near as effective versus aircraft because it can't lock on, turns slowly, and has an extremely limited range. And at least the users have to aim the thing and its projectiles can potentially be shot down and even miss if you happen to move at just the right time. The Striker, on the other hand, can lock on to you from long distances and, as of the latest game update, somehow manage to keep the lock and even hit you after you've ducked behind terrain. It's just an extremely annoying rocket launcher to deal with because of its constant lock ons, absurd range, and fact that so many people use it.
  14. Gendomaoken

    Strikers problem is its versatility, which other empires do not posess. But comparing striker to annihilator is failed argument, for striker has little more than twice than annihilator damage. Heres spreadsheet for launchers after last update:
    You can see that Phoenix does 750 damage PER ROCKET, with 5,2 sec reload time, versus striker 500 damage per rocket with 5 rocket clip and 5 sec reload time. Phoenix's only redeeming quality is not damage, but ability to hit target from behind cover, while hit itself is medicore at best, especially after latest tank armor buffs. Now, i cant say i believe all of TR rants on how striker is bad, for PS2 community already proven to be horribly whiny about everything, evenly on all 3 sides. But i share desire to change this weapon to something more than JUST ANOTHER lockon.
    Right now we can agree, that all 3 factions(considering what TR defending striker say) hate this weapon the same.
    Therefor we should work, to make devs realise that striker NEEDS overhaul to become something fun to use. My standpoint is the same, as on page 2 of this thread: TR own laser guided rocket launcher, based on AV turret and raven mechanics.
  15. Silkensmooth

    Strikers have made it nearly impossible to fly with any efficacy over TR territory. Lock-ons are skilless noob weapons and have no place in this game. Remove all locks and instead increase projectile velocity of dumb fires. Pretty obvious that's what should have been done in the first place.
  16. Ranik

    Et voila!

    Now guess which one of these has a hard counter (flares) and the other doesn't? :rolleyes:
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  17. siiix

    no that is not like that anymore, for maybe a week

    flairs always cancel out lock now, i use the striker every day
  18. Flag

    You can shoot down phoenix rockets. Flak is good.
  19. Ranik

    That's my issue actually. Phoenix missiles seem bizarrely tough or hard to hit at times.

    I've noticed times where the missiles are completely desycned from their actual effects. So you are getting hit by invisible missiles.

    And I've nailed a phoenix missile with a P-120 HE round and watched it keep on trucking.....

    I mean it's insanely hard to hit a phoenix missile with the Prowlers wonky offset main turret, but when you do it's not likely to kill the damn thing? Really...?
  20. thrikerr

    Phoenix does 750 damage to infantry, not vehicles.

    Not a bug at all. The rockets will sometimes clump up depending on their trajectory and hit the target in rapid succession. This combined with even the smallest lag spike will cause you to take all the damage at once.