What's up with Strikers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jetlag, May 11, 2013.

  1. Jetlag

    So i was in my scythe flying around as I often do and decided to check out Allatum to see if there were any free kills. TR had Allatum at this point of the night and my friendly forces were starting up an assault.
    As soon as i get close i get multiple lock-ons from striker usesrs.
    "No farming bads there atm I think to myself" as I pull out of my attack run, but what happens next has got me confused.

    So im now retreating about 300m away from allatum and the striker gets a lock on but im ready for him, I pop my flares and duck behind a rock outcrop just for good measure. The lock goes away and im hovering there deciding where to go now when

    "Tink Tink Tink"
    I get hit by three of the striker missiles from the same guy at allatum
    He had no lock
    He had no LOS
    So whats going on? How do i counter strikers now?
    I already cant go anywhere near TR if they have any nonbad heavies around?
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  2. DashRendar

    I think there's a bug. I got hit by a few A2AM a day or two ago with no lock notice as well.
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  3. LT_Latency

    Some rockets come out really weird. Not sure what is going on. But every once in a while some will shoot off in a crazy direction. I have even gotten a damage friendly message after it happened.

    Not sure where they are going or what they are up to, but it can't be good
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  4. GoldenDeath

    I think its a bug, and it might be something to do with once the lock is establish X many rockets are already going to hit, Y will miss, so the predetermined rockets that will hit might not be affected by flares. At least its a theory, though the LOS block should have protected you in that regard.
  5. Sifer2

    Lock on rockets have always occasionally been able to go through walls/buildings. Usually flares would have broken the lock though so I really don't know what happened. Unless you did not hide as quickly as you said.
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  6. Jetlag

    Ever since GU08 in my experience LOSing has been inneffective at blocking lock on rockets, it seems like flares dont work either now.
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  7. BraSS

    ^^ This. Flares have pretty much lost their ability and getting behind cover doesnt work at all. Flying anywhere near TR territory has just become tiresome to the point I wont pull an ESF if my squad heads towards TR.
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  8. Chubzdoomer

    I hate the Striker and what it has done to the game's ground and air combat around heavily contested TR facilities.

    That is all.
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  9. Dervishkid

    i seen all lock on system do this. the striker just sees it more do too more rounds in the air.
    you get the lock fire, reload and say you just falling out side lock range( blinking green) and fire then, i see even if flares are set off. the 2nd one fired will still track target and hit.
  10. Craeshen

    how do you think anyone driving a prowler feels facing the nc.:( or a Magrider for that matter can't get anywhere near the base because we have swarms of pheonixes being fired out of the spawn room. Sunderer's within 300m as well. Lightning's check bad esf pilots check.

    And you guys ***** about the striker till your blue in the face but the nc do very much the same thing from behind an invulnerability field.

    As for not every rocket going through I can tell you the spawn shields very very rarely stop them from going through.
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  11. Drealgrin

    should have seen the lancer spam at skydock mesa. They couldn't pull sunderers faster than we could snipe them coming out. It was HILARIOUS.

    Lancer is the only faction specific rocket launcher that is an actual sidegrade.

    Striker makes the annihilator inferior.
    Phoenix makes the shrike inferior.

    Lancer is the only true sidegrade, though since it fills a niche the other factions don't currently have,(Mega long range vehicle sniping) Vanu isn't complaining.
  12. chrisbeebops

    I have noticed this also. It seems to happen most often with the Striker since it has a short lock on timer and many missiles, but I've also been hit by other lock-ons. Very often when I break LOS beyond some rock, I can see the lock-on missiles strike the rock in front of my vehicle and explode, but my vehicle still receives full damage. Other times I've been hit by lock-on rockets with no lock notification.
  13. PaperPlanes

    I've long been saying infantry has way too many anti-vehicular options, but the recent bug (I hope) with the Striker has taken the cake, it's almost impossible to avoid right now. We're back to the Lockonside 2 fiasco we had back in January and early February.

    Lock-ons, ESRLs, AV turrets, flak spam and now the new AV max weapons...sheesh. Why do they keep throwing all these amazing and often overpowered AV weapons to the infantry? I mean I play infantry a pretty decent amount in addition to vehicles, the whole point of this game is combined arms and being able to master all the different roles, so take it from someone who plays all the roles pretty equally, infantry's AV abilities are out of hand.

    Pretty much all vehicles right now are just XP pinatas, except for ESFs (and they're not faring well at all, but at least their raw speed can usually help them escape death, but then it just becomes a stalemate where the pilot can't participate in fights without instantly attracting tons of flak and locks) and maybe Harassers.
  14. Badname707

    I think it'd be fair if certain AV options at least had a small resource cost as well. It's not like people are having issues keeping their infantry resources up anyways.l
  15. phreec

    To me it seems lock-on rockets have gotten some sort of super smart guidance system that avoids ground and any other obstacle in its way... At least that's how it feels like when flying ESF's behind geometry and buildings in hopes of shaking the missile off but NOPE.AVI HERE IT COMES BITE THE PILLOW IT'S GOING IN DRY!!!

    Phoenix doesn't replace the Shrike for fighting MAX's or any other situation where you can't stay exposed for too long (even if you insta-exit the missile). The Decimator is rather the Shrike upgrade.

    And as for vehicle sniping, the Engineer AV turret is just as lethal although not as mobile or fast.
  16. Blashemer

    The Striker has always had an inherent ability to keep a lock on a little while after the target has gone out of view, allowing you to keep firing on it for a few seconds before the lock is completely lost. Gives it more edge over the Annihilator.

    I don't know about flares being broken, because I haven't had any issues with my own. It might be linked to the Striker, and it might be false accusations due to hatred of the Striker.

    As for the rockets going around cover and hitting you, I've noticed that almost every rocket I fire off from the Striker goes flying upwards instead of straight out and they fly in a much 'smarter' fashion. Think of it as a pseudo-Javelin.
  17. Drealgrin

    concussion grenade is far superior for taking out maxes than a rocket. concussion grenade + shotgun = dead max.
  18. Sam the sheepdog

    Striker rockets are hitting through cover. I can confirm that. Flares, I have no clue but my air platoon does in fact have problems with the striker rockets maneuvering through/around cover to hit them.

    I love the TR being so mad because they have one of two rocket launchers that can target ground AND air, and it is a direct upgrade from the annihilator. o_O

    The lancer can be useful, but it's not as great of a sniping weapon as they say. Also it seems the first time I pull it up after I spawn it won't charge beyond the first click until I either A: shoot B: swap weapons and swap back.
  19. Gary

    The striker is still laughably bad against anyone who understands its purpose.. You can completely avoid it without any counter measures.

    Last i checked it was the only weapon in the game that requires a lack of ability from the target to hit. Any skilled pilot or even driver knows exactly how to avoid it. The striker only works against idiots.

    Last i checked it was still bugged to hell and not worth using.

    Much rather have a Lancer :)

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  20. AxisO7

    It's amazing how all three factions hate the Striker. The VS and NC because they think it's overpowered, and the TR because they understand it is, to all intents and purposes, the exact same as something all factions can use (albeit a little bit better when it works properly) and is extremely boring.
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