List the best outfit on your server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, May 8, 2013.


    As a member of The Enclave, I actually have to give props to the VS outfits on Mattherson.

    Outfits like AT, NNG, TEST, and others I can't remember right now, are usually pretty fun to fight. Despite all the trash talking, VS usually put up a fight from what I've seen. NC usually just run away, which is sad.

    And on TR side, I have to say that BWC does pretty good for their size. As for the other outfits, I can't really speak about them because I don't see them that often. And AOD... we don't talk about AOD, though they do have alot of people. That is something I can say about them.

    As for all the claims of TE just using massive numbers and running from fights.. That's a waste of my time, as the people making those claims have never watched Buzz's stream and cannot talk.
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  2. Jrv

    Buzz's personal squad does fun things that any good group of players do. He makes all of his underlings do the cowardly boring stuff, that's the stuff that isn't on his stream.

    As far Helios, VX9 and 82IN are the only respectable NC outfits, the rest are zerglings.

    VS has black plague, which is easily the best(lol at jenk ITT, worst outfit on VS)

    TR have drunk division of EXE, but the rest of EXE is bad.
  3. Strykar

    Doesn't matter. There is no list of qualifications in this thread to determine who the best outfit is. Fact is, if you pit TE against any other outfit on the server without any outside interference, they will win against most or all of them. I know everybody wants to say it's because of their numbers, which I'm sure is responsible for many of their victories, but we're not following a set of rules to determine who's the best.
  4. Ash87

    It may be common, but it is bad form, as it will disrupt one's hit box. If you have low latency this makes it nigh impossible to combat someone doing this. It is perfectly acceptable IMO in some cases, as I am told it will disrupt Aimbots and make it easier to combat those sorts of players, but with PS2 it makes it much more difficult for regular players who are simply at a disadvantage due to having a lesser connection, to combat someone.

    This is currently why the ZOE is being evaulated to get some kind of reduction to strafing speed. Not to mention that when PS2 was originally announced, it was stated this kind of thing would not be tolerated and would eventually be programmed out of the game.

    It's black and white to me, that if it is established as something that should not be done in the game (As it was originally stated this kind of thing would be impossible) that exploiting it while it is still available, is bad form. If I find something that says I am just Wrong, and that the devs have no problem with this being IG, then I will resend my prior comment.

    To be frank, I only made these prior comments because of what I have seen happening very recently with your parent outfit, and would not say such, if not for how much this was being done in my most recent encounters with Xoo. I don't mean this as an insult to your group as your history and reputation is considerable in the PS series, but it's a worrisome trend, hence why I mention it now and don't draw out the discussion.
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    *honk hooooooooooooooooooooooonk*
  6. Nepau

    For Connery:

    TR: TRG, Swat, OP4 would be my top choices of TR outfits I remember fighting against. They tend to have more skill then the average zerg and some actual tactics. When I fight them its not a mindless zerg I'm against but a decent group who can fight togeather

    NC: HT is the one I have the most dificulty fighting, Gold seems like a mixed bag, where they have some Really good Players, and some not so much, but they still manage to roll around in a good group.

    VS: I can't say for this as anything I would say is biased since everyone wants to believe their outfit is the best :p.
  7. HellionX

    Who's VX9?
    Also good call on EXE DURRR
    Also Also Jenk? [IMG]
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  8. theholeyone

    There's no good big outfits I've seen, currently the two seem to be mutually exclusive. But a lot of smaller ones punch well above their weight.

    The problem with big outfits and threads like these is that big outfits get complacent about winning through superior numbers. They are still seen as dominant forces on the battlefield and thus attract more recruits. But such zergfits should not take pride in that as they squander our forces in order to win through numbers instead of tactical superiority or even tactical equality. I've seen multiple platoon strength attacks all spawning from the same sunderer, while the satellite bases are recapped behind them. The enemy maxes had a field day gunning them all down.

    Once PS2 gets a bit more outfit oriented and has some meaningful inter-outfit stats or competitions the zergfits will be shown up by the smaller ones, and will likely take a hit on membership numbers.
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  9. Thardus

    Lets see how many I can remember.
    The Enclave
    Black Widow Company

    Ghosts of the Revolution
    Azure Twilight

    Sturm Grenadiers
  10. Razeroth

    NCCT (Now defunct)
    FFS: Organised, sometimes very well mostly a decently coordinated platoon.
    POL: These guys often put up a pretty good fight.

    There's lots of good players but it's hard to pin down any outfits as shining examples.
  11. Nepau

    I will say it tends to work out well for us when we can organize with TPLR and BAID. While FutureCrew does have good Players, It does feel that they play more of a Deathmatch style Game and don't really play a bigger picture kind during most events. TBH I rarly see futurecrew making massive effect in the Alerts compaired to BAID or TPLR.
  12. Eugenitor

    Future Crew also has about a fourth of the members of BAID and PCYS, which are about half the size of TPLR and T42.

    This is the difference between "good" and "makes a signficant difference in continent-wide fights".
  13. HadesR

    Since they all have members who use hacks of one form or another doesn't that ruin the integrity of the whole outfit making none of them " good " ?
  14. Shockfc

    You're cute
  15. Nabeshin-J

    Keep thinking that chief, calling hacks due to your own lack of ability Is pretty sad. Don't derail the thread with hackusations.

    Connery -

    NC: HT, GOLD (Mainly for the previously mentioned Shotgun Fairies)

    TR: OP4

    VS player so won't list that.
  16. Phrygen

    this thread turned out really badly.
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  17. LuNaTIcFrEAk

    Just because you don't see us doesn't mean we are not making a difference. Typically our squad is dropping on bases re-securing away from the main zerg, most late night events I participate in we re-secure many territories in the final minutes. We also help with our kill whoring ways, holding a tower against larger forces ties up those forces for large chucks of time during the events, forces that otherwise would be back hacking our zerg or directly fighting them.

    HadesR, Hackusations against any of the outfits mentioned here are typically the crutch of bad players making themselves feel better. Judging by your decent stats I am surprised you would lower yourself to that level.
  18. HadesR

    You're funny ..
    Notice the question mark at the end ? .. That denotes it as a question not a statement ..

    Not accusing outfits ... Just as an ex-guild leader I know in any large faction it's impossible to keep an eye on every single member .. So isn't all an outfits good work out shone by one or two bad apples ? It tends to tarnish the faction/guild/outfits name regardless of the leaderships internal policy on the matter.
    Or undoes their good work .. Ie: Only takes one NC hacker in a defense situation to shift the merit from those honest players who defended onto the hacker.

    Maybe my wording was a bit more argumentative than it should have been and for that I appologize, but was meant to be a curious question
  19. Zorro

    I am on Mattherson.
    VS: Azure Twilight by far. Other major outfits may beat us with numbers, but none beat us with tactics. We are the elite force of the Sovereignty, and are drilled to be so organized and tactically brilliant as to make even the Prussians bashful. The other VS outfits are also very organized and powerful, but there can be only one Azure Twilight.

    TR: Probably Black Widow Company. Unlike the Enclave, they rely more on tactics than on numbers. They are fun to fight, and occasionally they might be able to delay Azure Twilight by a few minutes.

    NC: I am not knowledgeable in NC outfits, but I would say 666 Devil Dogs. Though they like to use numbers (which is NC's main strategic doctrine), they do have decent strategy. Going up against them is challenging, and defeating them is very much fun.
  20. LuNaTIcFrEAk

    I see it as more of a problem for larger outfits since its hard to oversee so many people. Being a small outfit there is no active player in our outfit I haven't squad-ed with and played beside.

    Back to topic:
    NC : Damn HT and their shotguns
    TR : TRG comes to mind, but their zerg numbers sometimes overshadow their skilled players.