List the best outfit on your server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, May 8, 2013.

  1. DJStacy

    In the Alerts the vanu [IP] Outfit always has the fastest responce time.
    And I also enjoy fighting the [FFS] NC outfit.

    These are well rounded organised outfits that will push you both on the ground and in the skys, which is most enjoyable might I add. There are lots of others we enjoy fighting on Woodman but then our server has great lineage :).
  2. Strykar

    I really don't want this thread to take the path that so many other threads have taken, so I'm going to mention other respectable Mattherson outfits.

    On the VS, AT and GOKU are my favorite outfits to fight side by side with. I see many victories with these guys - and I can't leave out my very own outfit, GOTR! ;)

    NC, Sturmgrenadier takes the cake for best NC outfit in my opinion. But I gotta respect BL and LWTX as well, we get good fights from them all the time.
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  3. Sayl914

    on connery:


    TRG: The most perfect "zerg" outfit I have ever seen first off, there are lions in that pack of players. Sarduus, NMENDOWN and some others i cant think of are very talented players. What makes TRG so deadly is also their tactics, when you see 4 tactically placed sunderers around your tech plant thats TRG. TRG doesnt just aimlessly run around the map, as a member of HT we try to stay away from the larger battle and take important things when zergs leave/are busy elsewhere. TRG will come back for us in force, not many outfits can pull players out of their good fight to go kill a squad who invaded their tech plant, TRG absolutely will. We have our own zerg force on Connery called the 666th and while i am in awe at their organization when i see 30 tanks doing "drills" in the warpgate or 100 flashes doing something i roll my eyes because thats players who are letting us be outnumbered in the battle. While 666th is all about the organization I think TRG is a more perfect entity because they play the game not to just experience the thrill of seeing and endless line of players in sync but to be as effective as possible. I get a lot of hate tells from TRG players sometimes calling us cheaters, which is sad because we have nothing but respect for them and when that first TRG player dies, we know thats just the scout and here comes the pain.

    56rd: A fast reaction force, another outfit who will pull out of it to go deal with us. They are very air based and thats annoying but it is the game. On the ground they got some game so they have my respect and certainly 15 aircraft can do alot, cant expect a spawn beacon to last with these guys around.

    OP4: Great players in OP4, pretty sure table is my #1 killer in the game (person that has killed you the most) they got game in all aspects infantry, vehicle and air.


    FCRW; Future crew has skills no one doubts that, it used to be if we can just bloody their nose they go away to protect their K/D, this isnt the truth anymore, for whatever reason FCRW is becoming not just abunch of super players farming everyone but an actual force on the battlefield, seeing an infantry squad of FCRW infantry is now a fearful thing for HT operations. I am happy to see a VS outfit being so effective and I imagine FCRW new direction is caused by the realities of MLG.

    **** got to work more to come
  4. Bottar1

    For Ceres it has to be Winning Duh! [WDUH].
  5. Arbite

    I play on Connery, so I can only discuss that.

    For the NC, GOLD is it.

    VS, Future Crew. These guys are no joke, and I am grateful when I get to kill a BR100.

    As I'm TR, I have to say OP4 is the most fun to play with. These guys are always helping organize for alerts and have us along with them.
  6. ThundaHawkPS

  7. Bolticus

    I think they just surround the enemy with superior numbers and win.
    Numbers mean everything.
  8. Crashsplash

    The only one that has caught my eye on Miller is Immortal Serial Killers.
  9. Hosp


    NC - GOLD, HT, PG, X (Sorry MDG, I know you're a part of ARA but I have yet to fight along side you guys).
    In general, the ARA outfits are pretty small but focus on quality not quantity. If you're looking for an outfit that specializes at something, you can probably find it in one of them.

    TR - MERC
    Good sized, well organized and good people to fight against.

    VS - N/A

    To me, BR/Stats/K;D and even effect on the battle have little to do with it as much as an outfit's ability to organize and maintain quality leadership and players.
  10. Goden

    Connery server.

    TR: Probably TRG. General all-rounders that work in smaller groups. Don't have any issues fighting with or against them.

    NC: 666, GOLD, and HT. GOLD and HT do a lot of reaver spamming and often do a lot of flying around enemy territory blowing up random enemies along the road and not doing much else. Both HT and 666 are heavily into ghost capping. I haven't actually encountered 666 in a big fight in months now, the only time I see them is when they're ghost capping. (With stupidly huge numbers I might add).

    VS:TMPL and BAID. Neither organize their outfits to work together so they seem like just a name than anything.

    Not the best "best outfit" list but we don't exactly have any prime examples on Connery. Those outfits are mostly just the biggest if anything.
  11. Czuuk

  12. Drealgrin

    lol, you're one funny guy.
    funny, funny guy.
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  13. Ash87

    Yeah, this is going to stay constructive...

    I'd say that you have to balance out the numbers of the outfit with the scale. 9/10 an outfit with 400 people online, will win a battle. This doesn't mean they area GOOD outfit, just that they are capable of putting bodies in the field to soak up fire while they wash over their target like a wave. This isn't to say that large outfits are useless, if they have organization they can be great, but having many people does not mean you are a Great outfit, just that you have good recruiting.

    Reviewing the Waterson Leaderboards before posting this, I realize I may be ignoring some very good outfits, but I can only comment on the groups I have seen. This is not to say these groups are not active, I just haven't fought them long enough to form an opinion on them.

    NC on Waterson: I'd say PHX and NCSO are the ones I would recommend, balancing scale of the outfit with what they contribute to the battle.

    VS on Waterson: Blackjack Torture, Blaze of Glory, and Vanu Revolution are awesome groups to fight. XoO I have lost a bit of respect for, as the last few fights I have been in, with Xoo the number of people who I saw using ADADA abuse was staggering, but they are still a formidable group for their Air wing.
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  14. Nahwel

    Helios VS
    Jenk Squad Alpha

    We are pretty good.
  15. turtlestation

    It's hard to say which Connery outfits are "best" since there are so many different classes and different playstyles for each. However, FCRW and HT are two outfits I regularly see punching far above their weight. It's always hilarious to see a single squad of them just shut down enemy attacks or defenses. The most impressive outfits I've seen on Connery are the killwhore outfits. But 666 are the most consistently strong outfit due to their numbers. The only problem is that when they face even numbers and their air wing is busy, their ground forces have a really rough time.

    On Mattherson the zergfits small and large reign supreme since there's no other tactic, and no other zergfit is more organized or infamous than the Enclave. I just wish they'd tone down the trash talking where they pretend as if they're numerous and good. Can't be both, sorry Bazz. Gotta get those feel-good handouts from winning 75% TR pop hex battles, though. That's why people join the Enclave, isn't it? ;)
  16. Farlion

    No one, they're all horrible.
  17. Gurra

    Miller Nc: conz. Vs: Frc. Tr: ini.
  18. Osskscosco

    Woodman: Spaceballz.

    We welcome your tears, xOsskscoscox undefeated 1v1.
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  19. Ubad00d

    Well I agree that for TR WDUH seems to be the best outfit that I tend to see a lot.

    For NC I'd say the MANIACS.

    And of course for VS it is Pandora Project, DORA.

    They are the 3, best, rival outfits on Ceres (But DORA obviously is the best :p)
  20. Rasp

    Briggs is easily the Trojan Trolls.
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