TTK is too short, make it longer SOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackweb, May 3, 2013.

  1. Posse

    What? We were attacking northwest Indar during the alert last night lol
  2. totalBimbo

    did i say you where there? could care less tbh, all i was seeing was the BOG ticker pop up after each kill i got. makes sense though if your saying your forces are scattered every where with no real direction.
  3. totalBimbo

    and personally i like stirring the pot and getting a rise outta you BOG guys so we have a better fight ;)...but this boyish banter has really got off topic. lol
  4. Posse

    Nope, everyone was in northwest Indar, I'm sure of that, maybe it was a different time, dunno.
  5. Blackweb

    You seem to think that you have some sort of inside track on how to play planetside and that we should listen to your advice on how to play the game. We don't want or need your advice. If you think you are some kind of expert, write a guide and post it as such. You have no frame of reference from planetside 1. You don't even know why I keep bringing PS1 up.

    I will tell you something you obviously don't know. With every patch, PS2 becomes more like PS1 and for good reason, PS1 got many things right, more right than PS2 and TTK was one of them. For example, did you know that the new base capture system and timers is nearly identical to PS1? Did you know that the new lattice system on the way will be very much like PS1?

    The current TTK was fine when the map changed more rapidly, before the influence system was removed and the cap timers were increased. But now what we have is long base cap times and short TTKs. The current TTK with the new cap system just doesn't work. If the cap system were reverted to what it was, I would be fine with the current TTK. You have to hold some bases for 15-20 mins to cap them but TTK is less than a second for infantry in most situations. Yea that makes a lot of sense.

    SOE, if you are going to make PS2 more like PS1 then please get it right, ajust TTK and respawn timers to work better with longer cap times. The PS1 metagame combined with sandbox fps TTK just doesn't work.

    Let's talk about outfit management and outfit rankings. There are some issues there too for a large outfit. We don't reliably know and cant reliably see how many BR1s we have because of the BR1 bug that shows many as BR1 who are not BR1. PSU stats are more accurate but not 100% accurate. We have to compare every characters BR and last login with PSU before we boot them for being under level and/or inactive. This is a huge pain in the ***. In fact, we recently booted over 400 characters that we are reasonably sure were both in active and under level. It took several officers over 3 hours, reading names off of PSU and comparing them to what they saw on our in game roster before kicking them to kick them all. Having too many under level and inactive can drag down an outfits rating but blindly kicking ppl who appear to be BR1 can cost you some good members.

    There is also no way to screen recruits in PS2. Recruiting in open chat is pointless. The only way to do it is start a recruiting squad or platoon and invite anyone who wants to join. That is what we do in PHX. We cant tell what their BR, certs, or time played are before we invite them. So we are externally open but internally highly selective. In order to be promoted in PHX you must log onto TeamSpeak and complete our basic training and meet certain BR and cert requirements. Basic training is objective oriented opposing force training against members of our VS and TR OPFOR outfits. Our OPFOR outfits are composed of only veteran members of our NC outfit. In order to be a member of the OPFOR outfit you must have completed basic training yourself. We fight for objectives both defending and attacking, coaching our recruits and evaluating their performance. Our recruits love OPFOR training :) It is also worth noting that all our veteran members not only know how to play NC but VS and TR as well which gives us an advantage when fighting the other empires :cool:

    So, we don't listen to anyone who looks at PSU outfit stats and criticizes our outfit because we know that they don't themselves lead or help lead a large outfit and they haven't got the first clue what they are talking about. Talk to any leader of a large outfit and they will confirm what I told you above. All any of you are doing by trash talking me and my outfit and calling us skilless noobs, zergfit etc. is making yourselves look bad so just stop :rolleyes:
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  6. FigM

    Longer TTK combined with 10 second respawn timer would be absolute hell. It would make combat even more meaningless grind than it is now.

    Vehicles in this game have relatively long TTK and it works only because they have long spawn timers
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  7. Jachim

    You, yes, only you lag while having a 46ms ping. No one else, only you. So only you become a free kill machine.

    Because it's all about you, right?
  8. joe smo

    i had i though, with people complaing that numbers are more important over anything else when it comes to attacking bases.

    if the TTK was increased wouldn't that make numbers slightly less an important factor as some importance would be shifted to individual player skill and over all team work?
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  9. Armchair

    No. A raise in TTK would be a straight buff to zergs.

    Lets say that TTK is a ridiculous 10 seconds.

    A defending player sets up shop covering an approach into a base. 5 attacking players charge straight through the door with wild abandon. The defender can open fire, but even under ideal play, it would take him 50 seconds to take out the attackers. Meanwhile the attackers have plenty of time to realize that they've blundered into an ambush and retaliate. Since they greatly outnumber the defender, they will easily overwhelm him with their combined firepower.

    Lets look in a red-orchestra style low TTK environment with the same example. Btw, in comparison to RO, PS2's TTK is glacial slow. Keep that in mind. In red orchestra, the 5 attackers charge through the door into the waiting LMG. You now have 5 dead attackers because charging into a waiting LMG gun is a terrible idea no matter how many zerglings you throw at it.
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  10. Divinorium

    Day this game turn to be PS1 i quit... because i've tried PS1 and i didn't like. Likes most of ppl who tried and quited.

    PS1 has alot of good ideas, but the combat was so bad that when i tried i felt like i was playing a 3 class MMORPG.

    "Hey here is the mob everyone focus fire!" No cover, no tactical movement no individual skill in place.

    But what i know? maybe that's what you want.

    They need to keep bringing the good ideas of PS1. But the combat system wasn't one.
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  11. Blackweb

    The PS1 meta game was pretty good, the combat system not so good. Even if TTK were doubled, it would be nowhere near the PS1 TTK so that is a non-issue.
  12. Blackweb

    Based on my experience in PS!, what you say is correct. Higher TTK means zergs are less effective, teamwork matters more and individual skill becomes more important ;)
  13. Divinorium

    The combat was bad because the TTK is high.
    Just to remind you.

    Here you see he/most of players doesn't even care about the enemy shooting at them. That's what high TTK makes.

    While the game had a depth strategical sense. the tactical was shallow because the general tactic was "focus fire". And only that.

    You could "do" alot of things but in the end the battle was limited to the "who focus fire better wins".

    Edit: Wrong video link.
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  14. Blackweb

    The question then becomes, what is a high TTK?

    If TTK were doubled in PS2, it would still be less than a second for most infantry in most situations. Now compare that to what you are showing in PS1. There is no comparison. No one is suggesting a TTK of 5, 10 seconds or more. I have always said that the TTK in PS1 was too high.

    From what I remember, the PS1 TTK was at least 4 or 5 times higher than it is in PS2. The fact that light and heavy assault could carry engineering and medical tools and heal and repair themselves, made the TTK even higher, often infinite in current FPS terms.
  15. Badgered

    Is this all you could come up with? I'm not the only person that experiences this, and it's not fun to be on the shooting end of it either as I mentioned in the post.

    Troll elsewhere please.
  16. Liquid23

    lol "less than a second"

    that is only taking into account the TTK of weapons when calculated on paper with only RoF and damage... which anyone who actually played the game knows in actual combat it never ever works out even close to that... hell look at the stats most players have accuracy of 30% or less with most weapons which effectively triples the TTK or more

    unless you stand face to face point blank and use a shared count down timer to open fire with your opponent the TTKs are actually much longer than you try to portray them as

    if we raise TTK anymore we actually will be seeing in game TTKs of 5 seconds or more in a lot of situations
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  17. Divinorium


    Made it all in Caps so you can see more clearly. The biggest flaw of PS1 was: High TTK made the gunfights feel like a bad MMORPG.

    What makes a FPS "feel" like a FPS is the fast paced combat that brings to the player the necessity of actually take cover, avoid the enemy sigh, plan ahead, etc.

    The TTK is already high enough to the enemy be shoot at mid range and have enough time to reach cover. The TTK is already so high that most of the players already doesn't even care about cover/thinking ahead.

    And you want to make it even higher?
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  18. Blackweb

    Under what circumstances could it possibly ever take 5 seconds to kill any infantry in PS2 even if TTK for infantry were doubled in PS2?

    You and I both know the answer, it wouldn't happen. In order for the TTK on infantry to take 5 seconds, TTK would have to be increased by a factor of 5-10 depending on the weapon used. Please stop with the exaggeration and hyperbole :rolleyes:
  19. Liquid23

    lol... no

    the only one spouting hyperbole here is you... it can already take 2-3 or more seconds in "actual" TTK to down someone with infantry weapons at medium or long range without taking into account if they use cover... a lot of the time just as long at close range if they aren't stupid... now double that and what do you have?

    the only way you are getting less than a 1 second TTK with an infantry weapon past point blank range in this game is if your opponent is AFK or retarted
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  20. Posse

    You might want to check who you give invite permissions to then, because when I created a NC char to test the Phoenix in the VR the day after it was introduced, as soon as I hotdropped into a Tech Plant I got invited to your outfit out of nowhere lol.
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