TTK is too short, make it longer SOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackweb, May 3, 2013.

  1. Blackweb

    Harassers, new max weapons that can two-shot infantry, nerfed infantry weapons etc. The battlefield is becoming more deadly with each patch. TTK becomes effectively shorter and shorter. You wonder why infantry just stands back and snipes from behind one-way shields? Have you noticed that no one wants to exit their vehicles and go in and take a base? Sunderers last all of a few seconds in any open area, not much longer under cover.

    TTK is too short, especially for infantry, sunderers and spawn beacons. Make TTK longer SOE, at least twice as long as it is now :cool:

    Here is the test for TTK being long enough:

    Can an organized squad of infantry last for several minutes under fire without a spawn point or having to be chain-rezzed?

    When the answer to that question is yes SOE, TTK is long enough ;)

    When organized squads of infantry can operate for several minutes under fire without a spawn point, the game becomes much more tactical, fun and interesting. Being insta-gibbed over and over again is neither fun nor interesting :rolleyes:
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  2. Hobo Jack

    no i dont play fps games like halo where every 1v1 fire fight is a 20 second cluster ****. Bang you are dead mofo! TTK is too long why is it the first person to put 6 bullets in the head or 10 bullets to the body wins? why can't that number be much lower? these are future space bullets ffs!
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  3. Blackweb

    PS2 is an MMO, not an instanced, sandboxed insta-gib festival.

    To answer your question, what is the point of armor, especially on infantry if all weapons ignore it?
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  4. Primarkka

    You do realize nothing else in this game matters than positioning? If someone has his bead on you, there is nothing you can do against it. It might be "realistic" (when you forget that you can't destroy their cover and that these "spaiz bulits" do not penetrate any form of cover!), but it doesn't take any skill to play this game.
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  5. Vorxil

    Those were fun, actually. I miss functional shields and non-regenerating health. The industry has been avoiding these like the plague so now we have twitchy, instagib warfare with regenerating health and COD.

    Man I miss the 90s and early 2000s.
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  6. xGreedFuSioN

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  7. Blackweb

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  8. xGreedFuSioN

    It's already twice what it is in most other games, in most situations more like 3x or 4x.
    shotguns are kind of annoying sometimes if you suck, get over it.
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  9. xGreedFuSioN

    And don't even complain about armor, if you want a tank shell to hit you right in your chest and you not die, too friggin bad. you'd be ripped to pieces if that thing landed NEAR you irl.
    ffs x 1,000,000 this thread sucks.
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  10. vastaitku

    There's a million qualifiers to that, beginning with squad composition, type of fire they're under, their location, enemy location...

    If you want to play whack-a-mole for minutes on end, I'm sure there are flash games that will do that for you.
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  11. Blackweb

    Oh noez! Not the dreaded "L2P"! :rolleyes:

    Ok so you cant seem to form a cohesive argument and you are missing the whole point of this post. Let me explain the point of this post


    You will never succeed at PS2 1v1, teamwork is required in PS2. Teams that have a longer TTK will have a tendency to work more and better together. Instagib kills strategy, tactics and teamwork. If an organized platoon with skilled members of all classes drops on a base and lasts less than 1-2 minutes before they are all down due to game mechanics alone, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE GAME, NOT THE PLATOON OF PLAYERS PLAYING THE GAME.

    You fail at "L2P" for PS2 because you are under the illusion that PS2 is a 1v1 game.
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  12. Blackweb

    You gotta love the CoD/Halo generation of FPS players. You don't know what I am talking about because you have never experienced the difference that squad survivability can make in a game like PS2. I experienced it as an outfit leader in PS1. We could drop a platoon on a heavily defended tower, maybe 1/3 - 1/2 of us would go down in the first minute but with good teamwork and tactics, we could survive and win due to much better survivability and a much longer TTK in PS1.

    Instagib kills teamwork in an MMOFPS and turns the game into an endless, mindless instagib, respawn fest which is what we have now in PS2. It is getting worse with each patch.
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  13. Blackweb

    Whackamole is what we have now, not what I am suggesting. Read my OP. I specifically mentioned chain-rezzing. Chain-rezzing is not the solution. TTK needs to at least be doubled for ALL classes.
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  14. DashTech

    Remove respawning then.

    I don't like having to riddle people with bullets before they go down. Games with a short TTK require people to play tactically to ensure they get the drop on the other players. High TTK just requires good reactions. When I get shot in the back I almost always manage to face my enemy and get off a few rounds before I die - if I'm playing HA I have time to finish off whoever I'm fragging currently before turning around to shoot the person popping off at my shield.
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  15. Blackweb

    Not going to happen. The entire storyline of PS depends on nanite reconstruction.

    What would you suggest, ironman gameplay?

    Permanent death?

    The servers would be empty in one day.
  16. DaninTexas

    Increased TTK is the ONE thing I hope gets put into place. The current TTK only limits strategic options and choices for the player.
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  17. Badgered

    Other games are completely irrelevant because other games lack the following:
    1. The same large-scale battles with potentially scores of enemies all shooting at the same target.
    2. The same heavy network load on servers, causing delays in relaying information such as player location and whether or not you were hit.
    3. The same level of weapon diversity and customization.

    Using modern fishbowl arena shooter TTKs in a game like this a hilariously stupid idea. You can be seen, shot, and killed faster than the network is able to relay that information to you, especially under heavy load periods (read: prime time). Even with a 46ms ping I sometimes die instantly to someone using a GD-F7, SMG, automatic/semi-automatic skill gun, or pump action noob cannons. My connection is fine, the server is not, and so I become a free kill machine. Being on the killing end of this isn't satisfying either as I prefer my targets to have a change to fight back.

    Such a short TTK also limits design space heavily. The fastest killing CQC carbine was .43 seconds, so shotguns had the following TTK range for usefulness over carbines for CQC: 0-.42 seconds. Automatics and semi-automatics can kill as fast as .25 seconds, so SOE was essentially forced to make pump action pro pipes kill instantly. Short TTK is bad for weapon design space and bad for the game.

    Simply doubling the TTK would do some crazy stuff like requirng pump action skillcannon users to hit twice rather than once, force the fastest firing carbine to maintain a bead on you for .86 seconds rather than .43 seconds, and actually allow players to react in most scenarios when the server is under heavy load. People would still go down pretty quick, shotguns would still be excellent in CQC, and less people would complain about the myriad of ways the game provides to instantly kill someone.
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  18. Liquid23

    in an FPS having combat be less deadly (higher TTK) makes tactics and strategy less important
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  19. ALeviathan

    No. Up your nano and shields.
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  20. Blackweb

    I think most would agree that the inverse is true. Please explain to me the tactics and strategy of respawn mechanics. By definition, respawn takes players out of the game and no tactics or strategy can be applied during respawn.
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