When are Premium Members getting the free month they DESERVE?!?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Your Future Ex, May 5, 2013.

  1. Your Future Ex

    As I sit here and wait for the queue for 25 minutes, I thought I'd ask other Premium Members if anyone else is pleased about not getting what we're paying for.

    How about those queue positions jumping from under 10 to around 80 during an Alert? Cool huh?
    How about the timers going from under 3 minutes to over 30, ensuring your Outfit will NEVER have all of it's paying members in the fight during these times?

    I continue to be perplexed at the sheer lack of planning and forsight from SOE and the PS2 team about these things. Adding EVERYONE that has paid at some point to the Premium club has effectively taken away the "head of the line" privileges to people that have paid in advance and are current subscribers. This is by far the biggest and best perk for being a paid member, now taken away with no compensation.

    I just want my month free, or add a temporary queue tier that keeps paying members above the freebies and the non-paying. That's it. Easy peasy.

    I'm glad people are getting a chance to see what being a Premium Member is like, but now I don't consider what I have paid for as a Premium Membership for this month. And nor should the people elevated to this status for free because they bought some SC in the past. Being a Premium Member is actually BETTER than what you people are experiencing right now, because the queues to get in the game are ten times shorter. Keep that in mind.
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  2. K3STR3L

    And why would they do that? what is the point in showing people the benefits of premium if they can't check out what the premium service does?
    And this is exactly why the free players as you call them need it. SOE are trying to entice new members, taking away one of the benefits doesn't help their cause does it.

    I am not a premium member but even if I was I wouldn't mind, you are still getting SC that the rest of us aren't and your membership is still the same as when you purchased it. I didn't cry when they gave metro 2033 away for free and I didn't cry when they gave Far Cry away free either, both those games cost more than one month of membership.
    Do Xbox players cry when Microsoft gives away free gold live accounts sometimes? do they want a free month?

    Self entitled and selfish come to mind. Alas, the modern day gamer.
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  3. Liquid23

    they are giving it to some people to try and entice them into buying premium... why would they need to entice people into buying premium who are already buying it?
  4. Souleater

    I'm a premium member. I'm still getting exactly what I paid for.

    I hope this encourages other people to become members and support the game.
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  5. Your Future Ex

    Here we go again.

    Look, the new freebies aren't getting the same experience because the queue times are now ten times as long during an Alert or at high volume times. So how is that enticing them? Not only that, but your analogies have nothing to do with paying in advance and then having something you paid for taken away, which is what is happening right now in PS2.

    You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Hell yeah, I'm selfish, I'm freaking paying for a SERVICE that has been taken way from me.
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  6. ColdCheezePizza

    We got camo/weapon/armor camo that unlocked for all of ours alts regardless of faction, thats equivalent to a one month sub at 500sc each, beggars can't be choosers. They are also offering a 3 month sub extension for $29.99, thats like getting a 4th month free.
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  7. K3STR3L

    The queuing times are shorter than they would be without the premium membership are they not? so they are still getting some benefit yes?
    Funny I could of sworn you are still getting that service and it's benefits. So your queuing time is a bit longer now, whoopy do, It is only for a month so SOE can hopefully get a new influx of premium players. Which is good for the game right?
    As my last console was a playstation 2 I doubt Xbox players would miss me at all.

    You are self entitled and selfish whether you care to admit it or not, deal with it, we have to.
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  8. Your Future Ex

    EVERYONE got that. Your post is totally wrong.
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  9. Your Future Ex

    It's amazing how starting a thread about something that can't be justified by anyone brings out all the people that want others to feel like crap and be put down. Nice going.

    So far in this thread, noone has been able to come up with a valid reason why I should not be pissed that SOE is screwing me out of my queue times. And you won't be able to, ever. Saying that I'm craying, QQ'ing, or selfish just makes me even happier.
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  10. Farlion

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  11. Osskscosco

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  12. LT_Latency

    It's a free trial to get more customers.

    Every single MMO does this. You can try things for a month for free, Because they hope you will pay for it when it goes away.

    Do you rage on WoW and other MMO as well. They all do the same thing.
  13. AdennTM

    Higby said yesterday on the AGN stream that premium members are getting a free month genius.
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  14. Cl1mh4224rd

    This sounds more like a general complaint that too many premium members devalues the priority queue benefit of a premium membership.

    Would you be this upset if there were a sudden influx of paying premium members? After all, the effect is the same; you have to wait in a queue longer than you used to.
  15. LT_Latency

    Are people even waiting that long?? I have had to wait 3 mins at the most so far.

    If i was waiting like 1 hour. I would be pissed but the wait times have not changed because of this
  16. Adara

    See... the thing is... you don't have to. The premium members chose NOT to deal with it... hence why we became premium members. "Dealing with it" means choosing to play for free. We have chosen not to play for free, therefore we are expecting a level of service that we have PAID for.

    I swear, people should be required to take a basic business management course in order to even respond to this subject.
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  17. Taiji

    We deserve only what we pay for when dealing with a commercial company.
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  18. Herrick

    I wasn't aware that the premium que was the ONLY perk membership provided.

    I guess I must have been hallucinating or something when I saw those extra exp, resources, passive cert gains and daily deals.

    (also is the hailstorm worth grabbing if I already have the haymaker?)
  19. Minimum Force

    When a MMO does a free month for their subscription makes sense to mention. Sure this is a MMO but it's completely different from MMOs and the "usual" subscription model. Does WoW have a subscription that puts members in queue? It sure does but that's because everyone has to subscribe to play it.

    The point I think the OP is trying to make is that the folks that pay for a subscription, which I do, have an issue with the current situation. Sure I'm a bit annoyed that I didn't get the full deal when getting the Loyal Soldier bundle but it will even out if what Higby said is true about subscription folks getting a free month as well. Queues.. meh. I haven't noticed them yet but I can see how people would be irritated about a lengthy queue after having such a large influx of people into premium status.

    Oh and when a MMO like WoW does a marketing campaign like this they usually use a blanket approach from the start.. such as if someone partially falls into the categories (ie current premium members) they get the full bonus and don't have a delay because folks have to raise hell about the difference. Although please correct me if I'm wrong and I'll have no problem with that.
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  20. Tanelorn

    I don't get how free membership FOR SO MANY is actually helpful. They don't actually get to experience shorter ques because so many have the benefit now. They get member sales and some extra XP... But the biggest benefit is the que line, simply because of how terrible it is to wait a half hour to join your outfit for an operation.

    I'm sure there was a wiser way to do this...