Remove Raven from the Game or make it NS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, May 3, 2013.

  1. Roarboar

    As a vanu I am absolutely disgusted by the state of this weapon. While the Vanu did get a weapon that is an inferior version of the comet, the NC got a weapon that is more effective than ANY VANU WEAPON against infantry, and vehicles.

    As an NC you now have an array of options when it comes to killing infantry, I am now seeing raven maxes in towers and biolabs, melting infantry and enemy maxes. What is the answer to this as a Vanu, retaliate with my newly acquired vortex? Please don't make me laugh. That weapon is inferior to the raven by a ridiculously large margin.

    Personally I haven't decided whether I should quit the game, or reroll NC, my outfit feels the same.
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  2. SuBs

    Stop crying for nerfs. You people are ruining this game.
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  3. Pikachu

    It definitely needs it's AI damage nerfed so it doesn't kill in 2 shots. Maybe other nerfs too.
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  4. Roarboar

    Obvious troll is obvious.
  5. OddChelsea

    Remove whining from the game (and the forums). It's already common pool.
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  6. Czuuk

    Your opinion has been noted.
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  7. DoubleTake

    I'm kind of confused by all of the new MAX weapons. I thought they supposed to be long-range anti-air? I feel the new TR weapon does about the same damage per shot as their dedicated AV weapon but also flies straight and has a bigger magazine but with slower reload.
  8. Zaik

    it's called the anti-vehicle mana turret, it's already NS and has no cooldown.

    they were never anti air, they just had old PS1 AA names on the weapons. they're now called something else.
  9. Sharmanti

    A mobile, high hitpoints, high ROF AV turret that can fire instantly.

    Sure.. Like the AV turret...
  10. Roarboar

    Cool, can a VS max use these? No? Oh well then its not really relevant is it.
  11. Zaik

    if you consider the NC MAX mobile, you're out of your ******* mind. Also people have been hopping off their mana turrets while the missile is in flight for ages and just dropping a new one when the inevitable rocket or tank shell manages to hit it from 700m away.

    also 48 rpm is not a "high rate of fire", it's less than 1 per second. i don't know in what language "instant" means 3.2 seconds to unload the magazine, but it's not english

    oh boo ******* hoo. we already played this game with the lancer. you were wrong then and you'll be wrong again and i'll rub it in your face then too.
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  12. Roarboar

    People like you were also defending the state of ESFS months ago, what happened to them again? Only that this is way beyond the state of what ESFs used to be.
  13. hansgrosse

    Instead of demanding a Raven nerf, how about asking that your own AV weapons be brought up to par? Seems like the better way to go.

    Maybe scrap the charge mechanic and turn the Vortex into a full-auto anti-vehicle machine gun. Now THAT would be sweet.
  14. Zaik

  15. Roarboar

    In order to be brought on par with the raven, the missiles it fires need to be lock on, and have their damage increased by 300 %. Then I will stop asking for raven nerfs.
  16. Roarboar

    People like you were also defending the state of ESFS months ago, what happened to them again? Only that this is way beyond the state of what ESFs used to be.

    Please dont try again, every one of your posts is more laughable than the previous one.
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  17. Zaik

    "you don't agree with me, therefore you're a bad person"

    sounds about right
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  18. McToast


    1. Stop crying. It's emberassing.

    2. Do not worry. The Raven WILL be nerfed soon. It's AV damage is ok imho, but it needs a massive nerf against infantry. And - much like the Phoenix - this will come.

    the Toast

    PS: I LOVE the feel of the MR1 fracture. THIS is what the engineers AV turret should have been like.
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  19. Roarboar

    He realized how stupid his last comment was so he changed the subject, a little obvious dont you think?
    But let's analyze the situation here.

    A random player is defending the state of a horribly overpowered weapon that belongs to the NC, said player plays....NC. Oh dear what a coincidence.
  20. Skippytjc

    I love it when the Vanu complain about stuff being OP.

    I'm going to use different words to say the same thing as the original poster:

    OMG, Sarah just got the new Galaxy 4s and all I have is this dumb iPhone 5. Thats no fair, MOOOOOOOOM!
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