GU08 Weapon and Attachment Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. DrazahNede

    Seems rather OP ....
  2. GuraKKa

    Another reason to move to Pump Action shotguns, YAY!!!11
    Shotguns for everyone!
  3. X3Killjaeden

    Yes they are better midrange (although if snipers could mount low range optics they would also be good), but the additional scopesway just makes 6x scope on BR useless. Plain useless.
    Yes SAW atm is able to put rounds on highly distant targets. But its imo the same story, you have to put at least 6 round on the target... everybody with half a synapse would already be into cover long before that happens. We'll see how it turns out. At least its not straight up nerf to just specific weapons. I guess we should be happy about that.
  4. Torok

    i'm trying it out myself in the Test server, ERMAGERD BRING ME A FIRE EXTINGUISHER
  5. X3Killjaeden

    So what exactly changed on the Carnage BR you have there with the GU? Because everything is fricking awesome in VR, because you can dish out headshots like it is a walk in the park. Try that on a life server with life people...
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  6. Ghosty11

    Not completely true, the under barrel attachments like the shotgun, grenade launcher, & smoke launcher all slow weapon swap time.
  7. Kociboss

    "Edit: One more weapon change. Close range weapons (above 750 RPM) are performing a little too well at long range. These will will become a little more range limited post-GU08."

    So T1 Cycler/Carv/Trac are safe from being nerfed at range (as they clock in at exactly 750 rpm).
  8. ladiesop

    Yeah, shooting dummies is easy but it has these changes:

    Basically, with the advanced grip it doesn't swing to the side at all; less than the Gauss SAW shooting at the same ones (so much for a 0.300 <- / -> recoil weapon, those values don't seem to matter at all now). It rises up steadily and very gently as well, as it doesn't have too much vertical recoil either. As it only has 0.05 recoil bloom, you can put 8 rounds into someone in a short burst or two.

    On the live server, I would imagine the low recoil would mean it would be easier to track moving targets; it's still a 750 RPM AR for when the enemies are closer, outmatching other ranged assault rifles in that range.

    The downside is the same as it always had: only a 30 round magazine which keeps it in check, and it being on the Medic class only.

    It's a 0.75 ADS AR too.
  9. Kociboss

    Carnage BR might become the best all-purpose AR in the game.
  10. X3Killjaeden

    Are you sure that it has advanced grip option on life at all? Because IIRC only the ARX whatever has that. There are alot of attachements that are not available in reality. Battlerifle with underbarrel shotgun for example...

    And they should finally fix the loadout bug in VR !
  11. ladiesop

    Yeah, this is the cert screen on live right now:


    It gets both Advanced Attachments, apparently, but can't take a 2x sight.
  12. Laraso

    That's exactly what they are doing. Read it again.
  13. Laraso

    Not everyone plays on your server, where's your point?
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  14. Laraso

    I'm convinced that every HA is completely oblivious about the fact that they have pistols. They're literally designed to help in tight situations like that.
  15. RHINO_Mk.II

    I'd trade you my AC-X11 for your Jaguar in a heartbeat.
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  16. Phattie

    Yep, they are. Too many of these cretins are running around with their rocket launcher as a main weapon, instagibbing people. That **** needs to be balanced if anything.

    Let me ask you all, how many times have you been playing and thought "Damn, this carbine with forward grip is equipped far too quickly. I feel way too strong like this." Seriously nobody has ever thought that. Why do these attachments need downsides? Either the forward grip or laser will - and should - be straight up better that the default gun. Same with any of the scopes; they are an upgrade so stop treating them as sidegrades. Nobody thinks of them that way so you need to stop too.
  17. Fenrys

    Stop using MAX and I'll stop using anti-MAX ;)
  18. Phattie

    What so because the NC MAX exists, whenever fighting NC you will run around with your rocket launcher as a main weapon? Sorry, but you're whats wrong with this game.
  19. Fenrys

    If I know a MAX is in the area, then yes, I will have my rocket launcher equiped.

    And if a not-MAX pops out in front of me first, they'll be the one catching the rocket.
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  20. Ketadine

    Why do I got the bad feeling that NC and VS assault rifles and carbines will get a reload buff, while the TR won't.

    Also, with this increase, the TR LMGs will take a lot to reload AND equip ... You devs really got it in for the TR, don't you ?!