Carbine Balancing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anchor IV, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. sindz

    No its not, its garbage, nice try tho.
  2. ColdCheezePizza

    Jaguar blows all of those away at long, the horizontal recoil is a breeze to manage, you can literally hold full auto at range, try that with the ACX-11 sometime
  3. ladiesop

    Also, the T5 AMC has a too big 1st shot recoil modifier; bizarrely bigger than the Trac-5. If it were toned down a bit, I think the AMC would be decent as it has the fastest bullet velocity of all carbines, advanced foregrip (correct me if I'm wrong on that point) and it's other recoil stats are decent enough.
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  4. pnkdth

    45 more RPM is not worth it when you consider the fact you will be reloading half the time. That's the main issue with the GD-7F/Serpent. Both have impressive rate of fire but you run out of ammo real quick, and the reload is going to lead to more than a few deaths. 30 bullets per mag with 845RPM is not good economy. Going to the extremes doesn't always yield good results.

    This is why most VS players will prefer the VX6-7. 800RPM(like the Lynx) and a fast reload times is better than having 45 extra ROF with one of the slowest reloads of all carbines(only the Trac-5 S and Jaguar has a slower reload).
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  5. Ranik

    Yeah Adv Foregrip. And you are certainly right about the initial recoil. even with ALL mods (excluding high velocity ammo) on it's enough to throw the weapon completely off.

    With high velocity ammo it's even worse.
  6. Joram

    The pulsar c has the share stats with the NC default carabine.
  7. crazyoldfart

    You may think the Serpent is garbage but don't speak for all VS. The serpent will easily outperform the VS SMG's at close range and still give you nice mid range results. I'll take improved DPS anytime over reload speed. You can't reload if your dead due to meeting an SMG or Shotty. They both have 30 round clips. I guess the choice was a no-brainer ;).
  8. sindz

    Show me any decent VS player (im not talking random pub player here who prefers the serpent over anything.) The stats dont back the gun up at all, you have better alternatives.

    I dont even understand the part where you say you cant reload if your dead due to meeting an smg or shotty. Thats my point, serpent is reload hell and you will be out of bullets, both in mag and reserve in no time. Therefor die if you even think about engaging more than 1 guy at a time.

    Also smg wise, the sirius is 845 ROF aswell, and 50 bullet mag. yes it does 18 dmg less, but 50 bullets is alot better in CQC where you can actually engage more people at the same time (which were my main point, a point you didnt even touch.)
  9. Xind

    All those long drawn out statements do in no way disprove the serpents/gd-7fs superior kill speed, especially at c lose range where carbines are typically used. People claiming they want to kill slower make me laugh.

    I consider the lynx far superior to the Jaguar, also.
  10. sindz

    I don't see any point in going further than this with you. since you cant look at a spreadsheet, you only look at TTK and disregard any other stat in the game. TTK doesnt mean anything when you are dead. And it doesnt change the fact that VS have much better choices than the serpent, so don't claim its a good gun, cause it really isnt.
  11. Village

    TR carbines have 40 round mags, and 0.75 ADS move speed. Pretty big bonus.
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  12. Xind

    Your argument is that after you kill a guy you may or may not need to reload and another subject has the potential to kill you during this time. Disregarding the fact that recoil can be compensated with and all weapons must reload, whether they have 10 more bullets in the magazine or not. You choose when you reload and if you actually dumped 30 rounds at one target, you also choose not to aim.

    The Vx6-7 may be superior to the Serpent, but that still does not change the fact that if two people using said weapons met and fought each other with roughly equal skill at aiming the serpent user would simply win by virtue of killing his opponent a moment faster than his opponent killed him. The same is true of Serpent vs Lynx or Jaguar users.

    TTK means everything when your opponent is dead and you're alive. Whether you have to reload or not. He has to respawn.
  13. VanuSovereignty

    You don't seem to realize that the serpent only shines when you have the proper build.
    Ammo 4 + Serpent + Comissioner gives me nearly unmatched DPS, insane amounts of ammo, and the best finisher in the game.

    I'd also like to inform you that such a thing called first shot multiplier exists. The VX6-7 has an insanely high multiplier, at 3X, which makes even attempting burst fire pointless.
  14. sindz

    Yes, lets base a game that has thousands of players on 1vs1 duels.

    I listed about 5-7 things where the serpent is inferior, your only point is "but it has lower TTK" and the difference in TTK on a 800 vs 845 ROF is so marginal its almost not even worth taking into account.
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  15. sindz

    Seeing its a 845 rof vs 800 rof, id argue i can do better any situation except in some ludacris event that you start firing at the exact same time at 1vs1 and have identical aim.

    And 2.5x vs 3x is again not noticable and doesnt matter jack for a CQC weapon.
  16. Xind

    *chuckle* 1v1 encounter's happen all the time, even in group fights. Most people aren't coordinated enough to focus fire down one target at a time and everyone ends up blasting whoever the hell they want. But i'll give you a better example of where they come up CONSTANTLY. Light Assaults on the tops of structures of Bio labs engage in repeated small and single man combats trying to clear or capture said territory so they can camp the people beneath.

    You can use a weapon that kills slower if you feel more comfortable with its recoil statistics. I will continue to use the weapon that kills the opponent faster, so that I can live to reload and kill another man. You should be able to down an enemy in 15 bullets with the Serpent. That's enough to miss every other shot, so I don't see how you couldn't justify taking down 2 men a clip with pretty piss poor aim.
  17. ladiesop

    If they're staring straight down and not moving. Bear in mind the VX6-7 also has better hip and move cone of fire than the Serpent.
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  18. HazyW

    Look at all this arguing! Maybe this means that they are balanced?
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  19. sindz

    You can stop the smart *** "chuckle" remarks please, they dont emphazie your post in any way but negative. But since you started down this path, let me join you.

    Yes, 1vs1 happens all the time, but your argument is, you start shooting at the exact same time and have identical aim, how often do you think this happens? All the time aswell?

    And before you start talking about TTK, do some actual research. TTK 0m (the CQC you are such a big fan off) I don't have the TTK for the serpent, but i got the GD7F which is 426 MS.

    Now guess, how long a 800 ROF TTK is? Ill give you a hint, its 450 MS. So you think your skill is up to competing with 24 MS?

    By all means, keep playing with your 24 MS faster gun, which is worse at every other thing in the game. But don't state random crap on the forums in a desperat attempt to call VS weapons OP.

    EDIT: oh and my numbers come from Thorbinator who did the actual math, unlike your bold statements.
  20. MrIDoK

    Carbines are actually balanced... TR ones are a bit dull because they lack damage variety (i'd love a 125 dmg with very high rof, but that's the Armistice basically), in fact i never see people complaining about those, except the random VS or NC that values 40 rounds >>>>>>>> every other stat, but that's just a small minority.
    The only thing i'd change about TR carbines is their sound (that taktaktaktak is a bit meh, honestly) and the T5 AMC first shot multiplier, which is too damn high for a sustained fire carbine (just like the T16, honestly).
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