Carbine Balancing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anchor IV, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. ladiesop

    Faster than the Merc too (0.48 vs 0.50 close range).
  2. BraSS

    Lately all I seem to read on the forums is TR asking for nerfs to VS and NC or asking for Buffs to their own weapons. Personally I like the TR weapons best of all the factions but for some reason people just seem to be crying for the sake of crying.
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  3. Cinnamon

    Trac-5 is a good weapon with ads at a very particular range before it's accuracy makes it a stinker and after you get out manoeuvred and insta killed by various other guns. It's like all the stock TR guns in this way. But you can say with carbines that you shouldn't really need them for long range anyway. T5 AMC is just bad, bad recoil and accuracy at range, poor fire rate. If you really need a carbine for long range then a lot of people recommend the jaguar. I like to use ns11c more but it doesn't have a huge amount of power behind it.
  4. Zaik

    the only one that's really worse is the AMC, it's got the awful tier 143 damage/652 rate of fire.
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    ^Well said. I personally don't notice any difference in using Solstice or Trac-5, except that reload speed.
  6. Ranik

    And the accuracy isn't very good for an "accurate" TR gun.

    It used to be one of my favorites.
  7. USD

    I dont remember what they did to the TR carbines but they used to be pretty accurate. I may buy the NS one.
  8. xGreedFuSioN

    The only issue I have with the TR carbines is that we don't have a decent accurate one.
    VS get the Pulsar C I believe, and I (THINK, not sure this is the right one) believe the NC get the ACX-11.
    all we get is the T5 AMC, which is utter garbage.
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  9. xGreedFuSioN

    To add to that I think the T5 AMC would be pretty good/well balanced if they reduced the RoF to 625 instead of 650 and made it 167dmg instead of 143. its pretty bad atm.
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  10. ladiesop

    625 RPM at 167 damage is unprecedented and very high, like a CQB weapon; it would be over the top for something designed as a 'marksman' Carbine. I would expect it on the Anchor before any other weapon, because it would put the TTK of this CQB LMG the same as the others (MSW-R, Orion) within 10m.

    One problem with the T5 AMC is that it doesn't really offer much variety, since all the carbines are 143 damage weapons. I think they didn't want to put a 40 round magazine 167 damage Carbine or fully automatic AR in the game though, for some reason.

    The problem with 'long range' carbines is they're inherently garbage due to double damage drop-off and mediocre accuracy specifications (like recoil and bullet velocity). The Pulsar C probably sucks the least out of them, ironically because it's less bad at closer ranges with it's reasonable damage and ROF. The T5 AMC's saving grace is that it's bullet velocity is actually really decent for a carbine (same as the EM6 LMG), meaning you can hit a moving target at range a lot better like the Razor GD-23, which is a really low DPS weapon.
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  11. xGreedFuSioN

    ACX-11 Is friggin fantastic, so is the Pulsar C, dunno what you're talkin about.
    the TMG-50 has 577 rof I believe, so putting the T5 AMC at 625 rpm and 167 damage, would basically be a higher rof TMG that's less accurate and less bullets in a mag.
    seems fair to me.
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  12. xGreedFuSioN

    also keep in mind a 40 or so RoF difference is barely noticeable.
  13. Xind

    I still don't understand NC/VS players who want to trade an 840(or is it 45) RoF weapon for a 750 RoF weapon. (Serpent/GD-7F for Jaguar) I hear this all the time. Do they not realize that they will simply kill slower with the jaguar? That it is straight up inferior when you need to deal with a Shotgun, SMG, or overshield user? That it's simply inferior when you go head to head with someone using one of those two VS/NC weapons mentioned above?
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  14. ladiesop

    625 is the RoF of the NS-15 LMG, which is a 143 damage weapon. 625 at 167 damage is really too much, as it's getting into SMG 1st wave territory, which have really small mags and really bad damage drop-off to compensate.

    167 T5 AMC at 577 would be fine, but the bullet bullet velocity needs to go down and it might lose the faction trait (+10 rounds) if it does (otherwise it would be better in every way to the Pulsar C if it does). It's meant as a long range weapon, and 625 is bullet hose territory for 167 damage weapons, considering that a 'CQB' LMG that does 167 damage only fires at 600 RPM.
    VS players seem to prefer the VX6-7 to the Serpent. The GD-7F basically sacrifices everything (including the 143 damage tier CoF bloom) for a slightly better TTK at close range.

    Ask the TR players who prefer the Jaguar to the Lynx why they prefer it; now consider the Lynx's problems are made even bigger for the Serpent and GD-7F, which have 10 rounds less in the magazine, and in the case of the GD-7F, basically the same reload speed as the Lynx.
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  15. crazyoldfart

    I'm sorry, but your claims don't hold water no matter how much you believe it to be so. The solstice is a ho-hum weapon. Replaced it ASAP. I tried to find a niche for it but it sucks in CQC where carbines should shine.

    Second, your wanting a starter weapon changed because it does not perform like another factions starter weapon and that makes no sense what so ever. Some carbines are better at longer ranges and only ok at CQC where others are the opposite. Generally SOE gives you the choice to purchase the other weapon at a discount to even this out. That's why some of the best weapons only cost 100-250 certs.
  16. Phazaar

    Man. Can we get this thread closed now? Bile is making me choke.
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  17. Ranik

    Dude they are talking about fixing my AMC. Leave the thread alone...
  18. Singed

    No balancing needed, although if they could up the Lynx's ROF I'd be down. The Trac is a very capable default, especially with a grip.
  19. crazyoldfart

    No doubt the Serpent is a shining star for the VS. I like the Lynx way better than the Jaguar for CQC though.
  20. sindz

    Here is some fun facts. Try to look at the spreadsheets before claiming random forum dribble. the serpent is _GARBAGE_ plain and simple. And if I hear one more TR guy complain/wish they would have the serpent, I'll go postal.

    Serpent is 845 ROF gun with 30 bullets. I know you TR guys are pampered like little babies, so you don't realize this, but having that high ROF and only 30 bullets means you can only engage 1-1½ person at at time, unless you hack. Furthermore, 30 bullets means you hit the long reload speed every fight, unless you only kill afk targets. Or if you manage to reload before emptying the serpent, you are _STILL_ reloading midfight = dead you.

    Here is the kicker, the serpent has 2,65 short reload and 3.8 sec for long reload, meaning you are dead in a fight with more than 1 guy every single time.(jag reload times are 2.8s3.85s, so almost the same reload times as a 40 bullet gun) The gun still sounds good to you? No? Don't worry im not done. It has 0,5 ADS Move Speed Multiplier compared to jag 0.75x.

    Think this would be enough? nope, lets look at Recoil Angle Min/Max -30/-20, compared to jag's 0/0. 2.5x first shot recoil, jag: 2x. I could go on for a bit, but ill leave the last info here, bullet velocity is also lower than the jags.

    All of this put together is why the serpent is considered probably the worst gun in the VS arsenal AND why every VS player with a brain will go VX6-7 over serpent any day of the week.
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