Striker is rediculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codeak, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Fenrisk

    Lib weapons still have more score per hour then the striker. Sorry if SQUADS of strikers can keep a lib away. Last time i checked that's the strikers role.
  2. DashRendar

    Can I like something 47x?
  3. bobzebrick

    Once again look at the stats. More powerful option? It's the worst performer.
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  4. Codeak

  5. Codeak

  6. Fenrisk

    Grounders can do what a striker does to air. AA maxes perform better then the striker against air. Every faction has viable anti-air options.

    The lancer and the phoenix can be used against maxes and turrets while the striker can't be used in that way.

    I don't see this more powerful option you speak of as grounders in squads would do exactly the same thing but better and a AA max is better at it then either of them.
  7. Codeak

    Lol there are a bunch of people who think they have correct opinions without knowing much about what they want to say in the first place.
  8. Codeak

    Lib's are not ground support anymore if they cannot combat against anything.

    I guess ill just go ram peoples ESF's in the warpgate.
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  9. SebDollar

  10. NC_agent00kevin

    They defend the Striker because they are on the dealing end of it. Every single one of them would be asking for some sort of nerf if they were on the receiving end.
  11. SNAFUS

    And I'm tired of one individual infantryman be able to deny air the ability to be in an area. And to boot you are invisible making it incredibly difficult to find you or even know which way to go to LOS you.
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  12. bobzebrick

    Just because you've played for 94 days doesn't make you good. It just means you probably don't have a life outside PlanetSide. It definitely doesn't make your opinion matter more either. I'd think after flying a lib for that long maybe you wouldn't have trouble avoiding damage from the strikers stupid leading rockets, guess I'm wrong.
  13. Codeak

    Yup I knoow.
  14. Codeak

    Yeah pretty much everything you say is completely wrong.
  15. SNAFUS

    So your saying an electrician who has done a job for 20 years has the same valued opinion of a new guy on his first day?
  16. bobzebrick

    So you don't see the lowest kills per hour, lowest vehicle kills per hour and lowest damage per hour? The other ESRL's are much better at killing vehicles and people.
  17. UrMom306

    i've taken on air 1v1 and 90% of the time i land a couple rockets, they see me, then kill me. It's not hard to fly low.
  18. Fenrisk

    You think 1 heavy with a striker can deny air space? Really? I guess all them pilots who do take out heavys using strikers must be uber leet haxers.

    Pro-tip. Follow the bright red rockets.
  19. bobzebrick

    It gives you more knowledge. It doesn't give you the right to parade your opinion as fact when statistics state otherwise. Neither does the play time make your request for a nerf so you can Dalton it up more any more credible.
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  20. SNAFUS

    Oh how ignorance is bless. Please play all factions and aspects of the game before you defend one so greatly. You may be surprised to see your opinion may change once you receive enough G2A love.