Striker is rediculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codeak, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Codeak

    after playing around on different factions the striker is quite OP, extremely silly(impossible) to go into a lib anymore and go give ground support

    Anyone who isn't TR will agree.
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    All ESRL's are OP. Personally feel that was an incredibly stupid idea bringing them into the game.
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  3. Cowabunga

    go give around support you do!
  4. Fenrisk

    A lib can kill a heavy using a striker in 0.3 seconds.

    A striker takes over 15 rockets to kill a lib. That is 3 reloads + lock on time + time to fire the rockets.

    Learn to play.
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  5. MilitiaMan

    Just mad because I sniped you out of the air with the Phoenix =P

    Was a good fight though ;D
  6. Soundmonitor

    Are you really a girl :eek:

    Oh you know it, them invisible photon torpedoes of doom ;)
  8. Codeak

    Lol, no.

    Problem is that HA doesn't render to said LIB. And only after multiple hits will he be able to triangulate his location. Then the Lib has to decide whether he can survive flying close enough to the supposed HA and kill him. And that is only one HA as most of us know there are usually lots more things shooting at the flying pinatas these days.
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  10. Kosetzu

    Striker is terrible against Magriders now at least... They can just strafe left and right and the rockets ignore the tank... Very handy for a lock on launcher with rockets that doesn't follow the target that is locked ehh?
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  11. NinjaTurtle

    He's right though, you have enough armor and firepower to overwhelm any striker user.

    Either your pilot needs to fly a bit better or your gunner needs to prioritize his targets
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  12. Codeak

    Do you fly liberators? if not then you cannot have a say if liberators can overpower a striker.
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  13. NinjaTurtle

    I have been in liberators from time to time when playing with my outfit and I don't see the problem
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  14. Codeak

    That is a no. You have no say.
  15. NoctD

    Nope - I fly my Reaver and Scythe just fine. Flares, flares, flares. That's all there is to it. And when playing the Striker, if there's enough Bursters around, I get 0 XP pretty much.

    Bursters OTOH, totally OP trash that all factions have and pull. Makes flying about impossible for anyone.

    Bursters are totally overpowered and need a huge balance change!
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  16. DashRendar

    When half an air squad of regular pilots are at the WG staring at their CD timers during an alert and the other half is fleeing from the combat zone, "Striker" is the only thing that needs to be said.

    They're trying to buff the thing you know... it's apparently bugged right now and only doing about half the damage it "SHOULD" in theory be doing.

    The Striker is just by far the most widely useful ESRL. The Striker commands regions of ground and air vehicles, and with engi support, they can shut out areas for an entire alert. Phoenix killed infantry for about a week and it doesn't do that any more and it doesn't even shoot out of spawn shields, now Phoenix users are sniper food. Lancer is about laughable and I generally chuckle when hit by it. They're buffing the Striker.
  17. Codeak

    You just said you play the TR. You have no say.
  18. NinjaTurtle

    Someone disagrees with you and their opinion is unimportant. Not a great attitude really.

    I have been in liberators, they are only overpowered by Strikers when not used effectively or the gunner is farming the wrong target. Now you can either except that or not, but the fact still stands that imo there is no issue.

    Now if I had never been in a Lib to know first hand then I would agree that I wouldn't really have anything to base an opinion on, however that isn't true is it like I have already stated?
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  19. NoctD

    I play all 3. Wait you play TR too. So you have no say according to your own rules. :p
  20. RobotNixon

    I think libs need to be able to deploy a waprgate bubble around them so we can be safe and not get killed by mean strikers.
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