I dont play LA anymore due to VS sucky weapons

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Mazdam, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. voody

    As you already noticed there is nothing that compares to the Jaguar really. It's very well rounded indeed. That doesn't mean the VS carbines suck, though. They are simply a little more extreme (mainly the Pulsar C and the Serpent). My advice would be to stop thinking about it, make the best out of what you have and whenever the lack of a Jaguar makes you hate life rejoice in knowing that a good few players of other factions probably feel the same about our LMGs.
  2. Prodigal

    Get a Serpent, put Adv. Laser and Softpoint Ammo on it, win.
  3. Kogmaw

    im used to Pulsar C, so it was an upgrade for me
  4. Mazdam

    So u are telling us that jaguar is an iwin gun :), if TR has it, why cant we have something close to it?
  5. Mazdam

    Serpent sucks...
  6. Prodigal

    I used to think that too, until someone on forums told me to put Adv. Laser on it - it's actually like an SMG, you can kill heavies in no time with it.
  7. WookLordz

    VX6..... why even are you looking down the sight?
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  8. Flashback

    I like my Pulsar C. I can hold my own somewhat in CQC, but then again, I'm pretty quick with a knife. I'm still a noob though so I can't say much. Slap a compensator on it, it makes it a lot better and good for long range.
  9. Crewell

    One might ask if you are so set on using a Jaguar, why don't you roll a TR character?
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  10. cKerensky

    Solstice SF, my go-to weapon. Grenade launcher + Jump jets = death from above.
  11. Mazdam

    To kill people at medium+ range? for example
  12. Mazdam

    That is only cool for enginers
  13. XRIST0

    Love my Jaguar .. if it ever gets nerfed i will be one sad panda

    Although , i have Auraxium medal for my Pulsar C .. that gun is equally as good if you ask me
  14. Prodigal

    Just get a Serpent for CQC, its a hipfiring beast - same accuracy as a smg and afaik more dps.
  15. loleator

    Jaguar is actually a bad weapon. When you are new and shoot at a wall you think "omg this gun has no recoil OP buy buy buy OP OP OP".
    When you get experience you see it's just a default Trac 5 (exactly the same damage) which can have more attachements. Lynx has better dps and like all the weapons that has recoil to a side, it can be controlled on far targets, unlike the jaguar, which is the "centered recoil" type which means it has a wild uncontrollable spread. However for new players it might look like a good gun. The ADS 0,25% movement speed bonus is useless since you should be hip firing these with an advanced laser anyways.

    Also VS got serpent and other nice guns. I love how they can cry so much when they have such awesome weaOPns.
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  16. VanuSovereignty

    Go reload the serpent before you call it OP.
  17. Wolfwood82

    If your going to deny yourself an entire class because of a pathetic issue like this then go ahead stop playing the game entirely. It's obvious from your responses that you are going to sit there and insist that life sucks and you have nothing better as an alternative. Why should the rest of us bother fueling your look-at-me thread?
  18. Joe_da_cro

    that would be the same as me saying why do the majority of NC guns have >100 dps less than TR and VS weapons.

    if you want to complain about any TR gun it would be the TMG-50 and if you want to complain about VS guns it would be the Orion. and im sure people complain about the NC weapons also. grass is always greener VS arguably have it the easiest when it comes to infantry in this game. have a chat with your outfit/friends and see how you can min/max your weaponry :)
  19. asdfPanda

    Idk what you're talking about, but the Serpent is a 845 rpm ads monster, mows down enemies in no time. VX6-7 is a hipfiring beast, slap dat adv laser sight on that mofo and go to town. Pulsar C is awe inspiring at med-long range, bc damage dropoff for VS has been removed. Even default solstice is a very versatile weapon. Solstice can do everything and even has a keyring to hold your sunderer keys.
  20. MNO

    You just said the VX6-7 sucks? Kidding me? It's my favourite weapon for my LA and Engi, and I completely mow people down with it, if you're not able to do that then blame yourself not the tools.