New explosion noise when JJ with light assault!

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by SharpeShooter, Apr 18, 2013.

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  1. Stargazer86

    *Gets killed by camping LA*

    Hey. There was an LA up the roof that killed me.

    *Respawns. Knows exactly where he is. Kills him*

    Solves that.

    Seriously, if you're able to get 37 kills without repercussion or death, then they are oblivious dolts who deserve to die. You know all those infiltrator videos that show them going on ridiculous killing sprees right next to enemy Sunderers? Same deal.
  2. Syphers

    Perhaps you should read better he said that it's alright to raise up the sound, jetpacks shouldnt be near silent BUT the sound they made is pretty crappy and annoying
  3. Goretzu

    Yeah it's nothing like as loud as gunfire, the functional audiable range is about ~30m, less if there much else going on.
  4. Stormlight666

    Whine Whine. Jetpacks make NOISE. Infiltrator suits also make noise and they're INVISIBLE, so it's only fair we hear you moving above us.

    Now I could see Drifter packs be quieter and maybe offer a lesser powered jetpack in the future - The Whisper, that can't go as high but can move quietly. But it's not a nerf in my books.
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  5. robotron2000

    As someone who mainly plays LA, I have mixed feelings about the new jumpjet sounds. The noise during flight doesn't bother me and I am fine with there being some sort of sound effect when you activate the jets from the ground. Something that sounds a little less like I am going to explode would have been a better choice.

    However, as anyone who has played LA knows, holding down the spacebar gets you nowhere fast (or nowhere slow, jumpjets aren't that speedy). If you want to travel in any direction other than straight up in the air it's better to tap spacebar or feather the thrust. Doing this now can make you sound like a misfiring old jalopy if you want to move through the air horizontally or slow your descent. Perhaps an increase in volume when you actually use the jets would be a better solution. You don't hear ESF's exploding everytime they accelerate.

    I don't consider it to be a massive nerf and it's not going to make me switch to an different class because I really like the freedom of movement that jumpjets give you. Was it a necessary change? Not if you look around every once in a while. Spatial awareness is OP.
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  6. Shinniok

    LOL, made my day. You havent played it yet, but you ALREADY know it is too loud?
  7. Mythicrose12

    ...or perhaps Jac70 viewed one of the many videos that can be found.
  8. Shinniok

    made my day anyways, you cant take away the happiness from me.-
  9. NucNuc

    Hmm... 224 hours played on LA.
    This sound killed my desire to play him anymore... Can´t stand the sound. Wasn´t even in a real fight, but you hear other really good whe people are shooting (warpgatescenario i admit)
    So, HA is the way to go then... no frikking soundissues anymore.

    Goretzu, can you give me your charaktername please? My suspicion is that you don´t play LA.
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  10. r1stormrider

    10/10 I applaud and support this change. Thanks SoE for using common sense this time, and fixing a design flaw that allowed a class to perform outside of its scope.
  11. Nasher

    The sound needed to be louder, but it's a bit over the top now. The whole point in LA is to flank and sneak up on people, if you can't do that it's just pointless and you might as well play HA instead...
  12. Bipolo

    If only it sounded like the Merr-Sonn JT-12... This new sound is already making my ears bleed after my first hour playing today /sadface

    I dont mind increasing the sound, but this new Jetpack audio is simply just annoying as hell...

    The jetpack proved to be the end of Jango Fett as well :( ...but at least ours doesn't malfunction *cough*

  13. TheBillOf3D

    It is kinda fun (now that I'm certed for it) to run through a bunch of bullets or explosions to deliver a pizza (ammo). And it seems to irk the ESFs that I'm dancing through their lolpods. Yet granted it's not as fun as making the direct kill.
  14. FlayvorOfEvil

    But you can easily take out a base with only medics and engineers. You can't take out a base with only Infiltrators, Heavies and Light Assault. (A defended base I mean)

    In my outfit, the only reason for someone to be a light assault is if they are squad leader.
  15. SolLeks

  16. NucNuc

    Rejoice for all vanu infiltrators.... the new NS pistol is great... saying infis can´t infiltrate is rly bad.
    Infi was always the sneaky class, no way was LA better at sneaking.... but well.
  17. Wolfwood82

    Someone needs to learn how to read.
  18. TintaBux

    You can if organized and good players, but as allways ideally need a mixture of them all, though Infiltrators, Heavies and Light Assault play a key roll.
  19. quicKsanD

    Seriously SOE thanks for nerfing an entire class with the most irritating sound on the planet.
  20. FlayvorOfEvil

    But when all averaged out, a team composed of purely medics and engineers will pretty much always dominate an equal or slightly higher number team of the other classes.
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