Some notes on today's cert grants

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. coupon

    Yeah I love that I received 8,000 certs for no reason.
  2. Yenaru

    Certifications have monetary value because with it you can buy weapons you might otherwise buy with Station Cash, which is exactly what people are doing.

    Basically they are losing out on massive amounts of Station Cash purchases.
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  3. Maarvy

    This cert grant was a Full ****** idea for sure .

    not pay to win ... my ****
  4. ItZMuRdA

    I'm thoroughly surprised by the amount of certs that have gone out, perhaps in error in some cases I guess, but still. I would have preferred a simple 1:1 station cash grant if anything, but nonetheless what's done is done and I thank you for stopping by to throw out some clarifications, Matt. I'm certainly not complaining by any means, just a bit in shock and maybe some confusion more than anything.
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  5. Molotov

    Can someone from SOE please contact me, a paying customer who has spent money on the alpha pack, monthly sub and various station cash to let me know how I can go about returning all the weapons you have nerfed on me that are no longer useful. In return I am asking for a refund in the amount of certifications like you handed out today to many players who I assure you many have paid far less money then I have on this game.
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  6. St0mpy

    As a BR52 how are low level soldiers receiving cert grants greater than my whole career total since launch?

    How are leaderboards showing sub BR 20s as having more certs than BR100s?

    This is totally and unbelievably an effed up situation, reddit is exploding with threads on this, please get the rollback going before more damage is done?
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  7. Yenaru

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  8. GroundPounder

    here too please,... recurring subscription, $100+ on SC, Alpha squad.
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  9. Maarvy

    Could I please be informed of how to be part of any future smed buck power grants via my Email ? .
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  10. Zaik

    here's me crying about a one time thing as if it was an everyday occurrence omg whine mode engage!

    also i think this might have been a bit of a mistake in the OP, he's implying that if you bought two of one thing you get cert compensation for both, that's probably not the case.
  11. Yenaru

    Here's you pretending people getting up to 200.000 free certs does not have a lasting effect of more than a day.
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  12. Stellus

    The reason is that you spent money on something the company gave others for free. You were compensated for the money you theoretically wasted and SOE actively recognized that and did something about it. Jesus, the people being compensated for their wasted money don't even realize why.
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  13. Malsvir Vishe

    I think I now know why Respecs were moved to unscheduled. They'd need to find contingencies to not bring weapons bought with SC into the mix... because I'd be sorta shocked if I respecced and got 1000 certs for ALL of my 700SC weapons. That'd be like... 46000 certs.
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  14. YenracZedd

    It is nice that they are looking out for their paying customers anyone who did buy multiple items affected by account wide unlock should get something back, on the other hand there are plenty of paying customers who did not receive any cert's out of this. I don't think there are many that take exception to players getting something back but the magnitude of this cert grant is mind boggling, a blanket 2 certs per station cash is ridiculous.

    At most you would have thought that for the weapon that was unlocked with SC they would have gotten the same number of certs the weapons was worth, i.e. for a 1000 Cert/700 SC weapon the would get 1000 certs not 1400. For cosmetic items and bundles that do not have a Cert options the same ratio could be applied 10 certs per 7 SC and that's pretty generous if you look at the other ratio's.
    • 100 Certs/250 SC, 10 certs per 25 sc
    • 250 Certs/500 CS, 1 certs per 2 sc
    • 500 Certs, 700 SC, 5 certs per 7 SC
    With cosmetic items it seems odd that these items which had little or no impact on game balance, as in they don't really make you character stronger (camo may be the exception here), are now converted to Certs which have a very real impact on character progression and strength. Some sort of Cosmetic item credit would have been more appropriate.

    For a game that is big on community feedback you would have though that they would have vetted this with the community somewhat before implementing it. A rollback and Rework of the cert grant reward system is most defiantly required, especially if they intend on doing this again at some point if the fabled cross faction equivalent unlocks ever happen.
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  15. Out 4 Blood

    This is my 1st time posting on this forum, no one from Sony online entertainment may read this but I'm voicing my opinion anyway.

    Certification points are something that are supposed to be earned in game only, they are what truly progresses a character, as all weapons are more or less side grades to the defaults. Their is no option to "buy" certification points in the station cash shop. You have to go out & earn them. What this means to me the player is if I spend station cash on a weapon it dose not automatically make me better than the player that did not. Once again we both need certification points to make our weapons stronger.

    As a player I like this. This tells me the game will be as fair as possible to all, & not become a contest of who is willing to spend the most money. Todays cert grants have destroyed this. It showed players that just because someone has a different play style than you (wanting to play all 3 empires, instead of just 1) they get rewarded with free unearned certification points. Add to that, some random people were given obscene amounts of certification points, and... well I hope you can understand why this would be upsetting to a player. I spent station cash on weapons as well, & I want fair treatment.


    1.) Shut down the servers for an emergency hotfix.

    2.) Rest all player certifications.

    3.) Remove any & all certification points given by this cert grant today.

    4.) Announce that all the players effected by the identical item issue will be given an exclusive camo they can use on their characters, weapons & vehicles, along with a unique helmet and armor set.

    5.) Apologize to the player base & ask everyone to keep enjoying this great game you made. We all make mistakes, but when SoE makes a mistake they are willing to own up to it, & fix it.

    - please make this right.

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  16. Malsvir Vishe

    The problem with this is that some people may have already bought some things with their certs. If you went and rolled back the individuals one by one, it would be tedious. If you went and did a server-wide rollback, you'd affect thousands of people by them losing quite a bit of play time. Giving exclusive items to those people that did this would go against the idea of anyone being able to get anything in the game, paid or not. They already have apologized to the player base for their mistake. They're human. Accept that. Them fixing the mistake in your proposed way would do more harm than good now.
  17. Gustavo M

    Seriously, Higby?
    Refund everyone's certs and half of your problems will fade away.
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  18. Seadogs

    Done with this game. You win again SOE
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  19. kamrat7

    SOE, please revisit the idea of doing the ROLL BACK.
    My main worry is that SOE will lose many of its core players now.
    All those BR10 with 100 000 certs won't decide to start paying you.
    But you will lose lots of supporting players who often spent money on weapons and are (update: were until today) members.
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  20. ExaltedVoid

    This is the first time I've ever posted on this forum, but I'm seriously upset with this decision. I've played this game for over 400 hours during release, and just recently hit BR 50. Now people who did nothing to deserve it are passing me by leaps and bounds? I've never been this discouraged to play PS2. This whole situation is completed screwed up, I'm really disappointed in SOE.
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