So the jackhammer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Bape

    did it get nerfed as well?o_O
  2. Clonecenter-resident

    Not according to the patch notes
  3. Jaes

    Didn't see anything in the patch notes about it. Maybe it'll actually be a little more competitive with the other shotties now.
  4. Morpholine

    Unless it falls under one of the blanket "all shotguns" changes.

    I'm not sure enough of the Jackhammer's stats to say for sure which may apply.
  5. Bape

    was it 143 damage per pellet or it was 136 already o_O
  6. OddChelsea

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  7. Dark_Horst

    the jackhammer is already a heap of trash. butt of the joke in all things shotgun. useless. there's a reason why nobody uses it.
    have you ever seen someone using a jackhammer? i played NC since last beta month and i sure haven't. tried it myself once. forgot about it 20 minutes later
  8. Bape

    It is trash even after all shotgun nerf it still trash lol
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  9. Jaes

    Munroe on the Connery server uses it quite extensively and I heard he has over 8000 kills with the thing.
  10. Sempars

    Pump shot guns are still OHK close up, Jackhammer is not. All Heavy weapons are trash in this game and I was really looking forward to them to. SOE was just doing a Money grab on Classic guns all it was.
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  11. Dark_Horst

    i don't know who munroe is, but appearantly he discovered his masochistic vein in planetside. the jackhammer has always been worse than literally any other shotgun in the game. and it probably still is. we got royally screwed over with it as our faction specific.
  12. GSZenith

  13. Jaes

    He's either the leader or a top officer of Praetorian Gaurd on Connery, small organized and highly effective outfit.
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  14. Dark_Horst

    i tried the chaingun once. seemed actually quite useful to me. it's a situational weapon and works as second line support and area controll. the lasher fills basically the same role. but the jackhamme? it can't do any of that. which woudl be fine, if it would actually outperform the other shotguns. but it doesn't
  15. Jezs

    I've seen quite a few good players using it actually, but it's still a pretty terrible weapon. They probably use it mostly for the challenge
  16. TheUprising

    still sux, b/c no weapon balance devs are NC.
  17. Jaes

    NC weapons are fine, I continually rack up large killstreaks with them.
  18. Sempars

    WOW that Munroe Guy has 17k with the jackhammer and like no other guns. So he must be always in towers or Bio-domes. Because the Jackhammer has no range that i seen on it. Id like to know his trick.

    MCG is ok, just that spin up time is to long. Wish you could like hold one mouse button down to keep it spinning and the other to fire. Idk.
  19. USD

    Lasher needs a slight ROF and big velocity buff.

    Jackhammer needs a damage buff, and maybe a pellet spread buff.

    MCG needs no windup and tighter COF.

    Give us those and people will go back to using those heavy weapons.
  20. r1stormrider

    He's about double that now. Any building he's inside is a roach motel. People check in, but never check out.
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