TR Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nurf3d, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Eclipson

    All you got to do, is locate them, sit behind the warpgate, shoot out your pheonixs and insta kill them.
  2. Roobarb

    Hehe, if this was on Miller, then that was us (BMC).

    Kept you on your toes for a while didn't we? :)
  3. Nurf3d

    Derp, 300m range
  4. Roland0077

    Its a group based weapon just like the anhilator. decent to garbage solo, but domination in groups against enemies that have no idea how to fight it. Get into an outfit group that organizes squads of strikers
  5. Roland0077

    You cant safely get within 300m of them outside of your WG, please tell me the continent and faction so I can atleast tell you where to go lol
  6. LonelyTerran

    Hundreds of striker rockets in the air at once.
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    Not anymore :eek:
  8. Nurf3d

    Yup bring in the nerf... and then the rivers will be full of TR tears.
  9. Roland0077

    Try to help the VS/NC kill my fellow TR comrads, get trolled by said player :(
  10. Nurf3d

    The mount they were on is approx 200m high , so I have to within 100m to make the shot...I HAVE NO CONTROL OF A PHOENIX ON THE FIRST 100M!!!
  11. Roland0077

    Can You Please Tell Me Which Warp Gate And Which Faction. iv asked several times
  12. SharpeShooter

    the striker is crap you can have it! *hands over a pile of steaming poo" enjoy
  13. Joe-H2O

    You realise, of course, that the Phoenix doesn't have the range to do what you are suggesting.

    The missile has a 300 m range *total* and then it simply despawns (it doesn't carry on flying dumbfire), it literally despawns. There's no way to effectively hit a group of enemies on top of that outcropping with it. It has worse handling than a hot air balloon and lower range than a rock thrown by hand.
  14. Joe-H2O

    Depends. On the top of that outcropping? No way. The range of the missile (300 m) is too short before it will simply despawn, and the turning radius is so poor you won't get a hit in with it unless you're practically already aiming right at them, or close to it. If you can do that the dumbfire rocket launcher is better, or just use the Gauss Saw.
  15. Nurf3d

    Indar - Woodman - NC Warpgate
  16. Roland0077

    Ok if its the mountain North of Ceres Farms you can either use the its twin mountain or possibly the spawn area at ayani labs. Just use a flare reaver and bring an engy buddie with the same setup to get there and then proceed to farm the infantry. If its the mountain at next to ceres farm (not sure if thats even considered one lol) then use a sniper rifle from your tower connected to your warpgate. If its the mountain anywhere near Indar Bay, then just skip em and head east attacking the area around Reagent Rock

    EDIT: if they are overpowering you entirely via air and ground, think about a continent switch lol. But looking at the map it seems like the VS are advancing south and will break the TR stranglehold on you (using web browser map)
  17. LonelyTerran

  18. Nurf3d

    Mountains south of Highlands solar station, so because of a squad of strikers people should move to another continent?
  19. NinjaTurtle

    Yes I agree
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  20. Shockwave44

    First of all, the phoenix was never supposed to be a long range weapon so just forget about it. Also, stop using it against infantry dummy. It's a rocket, so shoot it at vehicles but don't come in here and complain it doesn't do well against infantry when ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO.