Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Bl4ckVoid

    Nothing is more frustrating then dying randomly due to sniper fire.

    Do you job, help your team and hit AV turret engis, and other infiltrators. Not only do they stay in one place, you will OHK them (engi likely wears flak for AV work).
  2. Sulsa

    One thing sniper fire is not, is 'random'.
    It's the ultimate display of murderous intimacy: you, me and one bullet.
  3. FlayvorOfEvil

    People use parallax because it has far less bullet drop and faster bullet speed. And it 1 shot body shot a slightly injured enemy.
  4. PhilDun

  5. Teegeeack

    In that case, it is completely unfair. Bolt action sniper rifles are one-trick ponies. If you don't get the headshot, the guy runs and hides (usually) before you can reload. 61 certs should not counter that.
  6. LonelyTerran

    So a massive investment in nanoweave should not be able to save me from 1 sniper?
  7. Teegeeack

    61 certs is a massive investment now?
  8. LonelyTerran

  9. Teegeeack

    *Nanoweave 3
  10. LonelyTerran

    I barely survive with nanoweave 4.

    I can't imagine nano 3 saving anyone.
  11. Teegeeack

    A video a few posts up shows that outside of 100 metres, nanoweave 3 can counter the high end bolt action sniper rifles.
  12. Nyerk

    Honestly, I'm ok with MAX NanoW resisting an bullet to the skull.

    But NW3 (61 certs?) forcing an Parallax/LS/.50 user to get into 100m? That's stupid. And of course let's not forget this.

    Let's begin by listing our shiny new rifles: The TR RAMS .50M, NC Longshot, and VS Parallax. Their high damage but slow reload begs for headshots, and only a Heavy with his shields turned on has a chance to survive a hit to the face from one of these bad boys
  13. Vaphell

    phoenix is yet another slap to the face. I start to wonder why i am bothering with this game.

    You see that engie spamming AV turret 200m away, probably wearing NW?
    Send infiltrator who will spend 1minute on flanking AND getting into non-sniping range because OHK-on-headshot from 1000c rifle at 100m+ is obviously OP...
    ... or let any of the countless HAs pull out the newest tube and pwnzor the engie without making even 2 steps with a single rocket.
  14. PhilDun

  15. PhilDun

  16. MGP

    What the hell are you talking about? I got nanoweave 4 and got 1-shotted by VS and NC bolters quite a few times.
  17. Vaphell

    That was not long range. There is no way it would happen if it was even 100m.

    Cheesus, few months ago snipers complained that their effectiveness is reduced by rendering distance, now they are made into medium range railgunners with supposedly very-long-range weapons.
  18. Comenius

    This happened to me too, but I think it was the extreme range that lowered the bullet damage rather than extreme armor.
  19. PhilDun

    Not at any decent distance you didn't.
  20. PhilDun