Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. HadesR

    Let's be honest though ..

    Most of us know it's more efficient to kill people in other ways .. Tanks', sniper rifles, AV turret's, UBGL, Shotguns etc etc etc and we are only using it because of the amount of fun it is and the QQ it causes :p

    And hey was only 1000 cert's not like it cost $
  2. Phrygen

    this. called it
  3. Shockwave44

    PS1 Wiki:

    The Phoenix is the Anti-Vehicular weapon for the New Conglomerate. In its primary mode, a camera in the nose of the rocket allows the operator to guide it to a precise target without the operator needing to see the target from his position. The warhead can be manually detonated at any time in the flight path by pressing the fire key a second time. The rocket is cumbersome to steer and has a limited range, usually requiring the operator to fire in the general direction of his target in order to ascertain he will be able to adjust the rocket's flightpath in time for impact. Also, the weapon cannot be reloaded while a rocket is being camera guided. The operator is unaware of his surroundings while piloting the Phoenix, making him susceptible to nearby enemy troops.

    You were saying?
  4. crazyoldfart

    After using it more and 2 ranks of extra munitions pouch.

    I think better optics and pinpoint accuracy for the long range weapon it is would help a lot. At least 3x. Or add an option to upgrade optics. I have to spot with my rifle scope to pick out a tank unless in the open at the range this weapon is useful. Makes a nice semi-auto AV sniper weapon. Might even be more useful to charge fully after changes. Reload time seems to take forever also.
  5. Xilverback

    No need for me to create those threads. They've been around and ignored for some time now.

    The points are here for a reason. The Whining seems to be about an"inadvertent?" faction advantage. I pose other examples here that have gone unaddressed. It's part of a diabolical scheme of mine to get fair consideration of all issues.
  6. ColdCheezePizza

    yeah good luck returning fire with my .50 cal Longshot 12x scope as I pop your head off from the next hex while cloakng after every shot lol twice the range of the Phoenix, 1/4 the reload time, you can't shoot a sniper bullet down mid air and the ability to turn invisible and not show on the minimap with a silencer, you dont hear or see the shot coming until your already dead. I can get 10x more OHK kills faster with a sniper rifle, everyones ego just wants a pat on the back after they get hit by a Phoenix, just laugh it off after getting face planted by a missle, then it'll be balanced right? nerf the skill weapon Higby, I'll just keep feeding max's my Deci missles like before, it's all good. Just buff the AV please, it cant hit air, at least make it do damage against armor.
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  7. Frigidus

    Well you should be thrilled in that case, because nobody gives a **** about the capabilities of the longshot and they never will. I guess you'll be able to keep decimating people after the Phoenix gets justifiably nerfed.
  8. Rabbitz

  9. ColdCheezePizza

    because every faction has a OHK sniper rifle or else there'd be a million nerf them threads, stay jelly my friends
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  10. Scorponok

    well the pheonix is getting nerfed so people should just relax theres already threads with links to the announcement from higby...belive it was on twitter.
  11. Frigidus

    That's funny, I could have sworn we've seen plenty of forum ******** about common pool weapons before. Nah, my memory must be playing tricks on me. I'm sure that the high skill cap of sniper rifles and their heavy limitations have nothing to do with the lack of complaints. I guess that I'm just super jealous of the conceptually ugly Phoenix.

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  12. FieldMarshall

    I dont know why, but they must have known it would be used like this. Hell, it was used for infantry harrasment in PS1, even though it took ages to whittle down enemies with its low AI damage.
    I was hoping it wouldnt be as annoying in PS2 but i was wrong, its somehow even worse.
  13. St0mpy

    haha still trolling? why would the reload speed be any different in the middle of Indar, in VR, on a video or watching in on a flick book, also learn to read, its my own video I recorded and put on youtube ... yoooo chewbbb, not google rofl

    wake the hell up before you post lol, you might save yourself from looking stupid :)
  14. ColdCheezePizza

    hold that pose, Phoenix missile incoming :p
  15. Kon

    i had a sniper shoot down the phoenix today, **** yeah cant wait till everyone learns how to fight phoenix and its ******* useless as , its only redeeming factor is when im in trouble mid range i can use it to kill my enemy, better have hipfire capability i mean i cant shiit infantry now, and since its not the best why shouldn't if get a buff

    no good esf pilots hover they move around and sway making phoenix a chore to land a hit and if i do even witht he buff i probably could have done with with the shrike... if we going to nerf OHK

    Dumbfire Rockets
    Tank Turrets
    AV Turrets
    Bolt Snipers

    Remove all OHK problem solved right?
  16. pucwyczes

    Nobody can take away fun I already had with phoenix, it's like running over enemies each shot. Funny thing, people seem to learn from their mistakes (standing still), I would achieve same score with sniper rifle, if not more. Time to get auraxium before nerf...
  17. Kon

    exactly eventually people will realize if they moving around they wont die, unless their are snipers at which point your bullet travels faster than my rocket so shoot me in the head no way i can hit a good sniper without partial LOS
  18. St0mpy

    Biassed troll pastes biased picture.

    1) Aim in the air 65 degrees, let it fly up 100m, then arc it down, will hit your little tank in picture 3. Also when are hills ever a rigid wall all around? Might take a couple of practice shots but at least its seen it and if he cant hit it he can take his Engineer or LA out to dispatch it. (dang i get bored of repeating myself to people who pretend not to listen)

    2) Try spending more than 1 second reading what someone means before calling them a liar, helps you not look so dumb.

    For the record, the missile extends your view distance by 300M. I can see at LEAST 150m before firing and still see that far ahead when it dies. Werent we going on about your bad math in another post? Must be bad if you didnt recognise 300+150 is the distance easily seen ahead from the camera. You can see over 500m in practice but unlike you, I dont need to exaggerate when I state data.

    Since its unable to be aimed under 100, takes about 50 to steer at least 50 to aim thats potentially a UAV scouting area of 200-450m around all NC bases. Its the SEEING which is important, not actually being able to hit it. My whole topic was using it as a UAV to find sunderers and you chose to miss the point completely. Your problem not mine.

    Lastly, I probably wont reply because every other reply has been met with you being insulting, playing dumb, trolling and exaggerating so I doubt ill see an adult reply to this either. Go on, surprise me.
  19. Poka

    That's really all that the NC has though, we have the trolly missile (that honestly isn't as globally effective as TR's upgraded anniliator) and the max. The missile is fun, but it isn't the warpgate camping, armor push stopping legion of death the TR has, it's good at one thing, and one thing only, killing stationary infantry at a range of 200-300 meters. It is almost useless versus air and mediocre versus an armor column.

    Max's are overshadowed by common-pool LA with C4 and shotguns being much more mobile, decimating infantry 1 on 1 (or c4'ing groups), exploding Max's and dropping vehicles (without a cooldown timer).

    Vanu has their "you're hitting my front armor, don't bother with that C4" tank and lack of bullet drop, TR has the undisputed king of the skies, lock on, and double dose of farm tank, we have our maxes and missiles.

    Nerf the missile and NC is back at the bottom of the barrel looking up at the two gods and thinking, "Well maybe if we got enough reavers we could go kamikaze their air and bring in some maxes".
  20. ColdCheezePizza

    and guess why pumps still haven't been nerfed, because every faction has access to them and they work as intended. Phoenix can't hit air, is meh vs armor and takes alot of skill to hit moving target in its current incarnation. They aren't effective against AV, right now all they can do is take out sitting ducks. Any serious NC would take a reduction vs infantry for a buff in AV, so we can actually use it as intended.